What is the Atonement? 1 Chronicles 6:49

This word is of supreme Theological importance in the Old Testament and is central to identifying the remission of sin! The word means to cover but it does not mean to conceal. It means to impose something to change our appearance or nature! Sinners are reconciled to God by imposing something that would appease the offended party which is God! It is like writing a new contract! It means the writing over of a contract or cancelling the contract. In this case the old contract was the wages of sin was death! The sinner is covered in righteousness! God does not conceal our sin but changes our very nature! If He would just hide our sin we would just keep on sinning! Our attitude about sin is changed! We see our destructive ways are offensive to man and God. We see our selfishness displayed before us! If we view the atonement as just a covering then we are like the hog that gets a bath and then goes back into the swamp! If our nature is changed then we no longer love the swamp! Paul warned us about crucifying Jesus over and over again! That is to use the atonement as a license to sin! Jesus said we must be born again! In fact we cannot enter Heaven unless we are born again! We exchange our old nature for a new nature! When my old nature tries to come back i remind it of the Cross! God changes us without destroying our personality! We retain our soul, mind and body! Our new nature is like a miraculous transformation! Satan if permitted will destroy our mind, soul and body! The blood of Christ has redeemed us! We were redeemed over 2000 years ago and today we have to recognize Him and the atonement! When i got saved back in 1973 i did not understand all this but i knew something miraculous happened when i came to Christ! My sin and the penalty of death was judged on the Cross! Christ paid for my sin! This is the essence of the atonement! When we see the truth and act upon it we become born again! All things become new and old things are passed away! My grandfather Edgar used to say the Sasse family was good while they were sleeping! Now through Christ i am good while awake! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Selfies, Selfish & Selfless! Matthew 16:24-26

Selfies are not wrong or bad! Hey, look at me! They could be called the poster child of selfishness! Selfish seems to dominate American culture! Every group wants attention! They all get up on their soap box! Sin is about selfishness! No sacrifice required! Satan, Adam and Eve thought they could rise above God! Do not be denied God is holding out on you! Jesus said to seek first the Kingdom of God! Would you lose your life for Jesus? Take up your Cross and follow Him! Deny yourself! When you do that you are following Him! Ditch your selfie! His words seem as foreign to our culture as they did back in the 1st Century! To take up your Cross is to live in self-denial and lay your life down and take up His life! You will be exposed to death! For the first time in American history Christians are being executed for their Faith on our home soil. The executed had to carry their own Cross to the execution site after scourging! When you carry your own cross the popular culture will look at you as a criminal. You will undergo suffering, trial, punishment, disapproval and death! The only way to deny self is die to self! Others are more important! No wonder Jesus had so few disciples! Very few sign up and stay on! It is easier to live for you and not for Him because you have to trust your outcome to Him! Faith is taking your destiny out of your control! To follow Jesus means to walk in the same path! It means to be in union on the same road like military soldiers marching down the same path! To lose your life means to destroy it completely with a new identity! Save my life or lose it. The word life used in this scripture means the Spirit or eternal soul. It is more than just the here and now! Self is about the here and now! Gain the whole world and lose your soul? The word soul used here is the same Greek root word used for life! The world will never be able to save your soul. You were purchased with a price! His blood for your soul! Matthew 6:33 To seek first means in time, place and order of importance! Seek His righteousness! That means to seek His innocence and justification! Can we do the math? Then all these things will be added unto you! II Corinthians 5:15 Do you live for yourself? Live for Him! As He was raised He has promised to raise you up from the dead! Live like it! Look for Him and live for Him! Pastor Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.

Science and Faith Genesis 1:1

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” Comment: There are a lot of things in this scripture in your Bible. We are just going to make one observation for now. God must have created the heaven and the earth at the same time! So what does science say? Science is in agreement that the earth, sun, moon and planets and stars are all the same age! Science confirms scripture! Arguments come from science about the age of the earth? They agree whatever age it is all the same age! We also know from science that the earth and solar system is dying! Science and politicians try to blame it on man! So what will God do? My Bible says He will create a new heaven and a new earth! No carbon taxes or EPA! No putting coal miners out of work! No shutting down power plants! God has a simple plan but He can do what we cannot do! We need to just trust Him and live in freedom from the bondage of sin and death! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

What are Sodomites? 1 Kings 15:12

King Asa was one of the few good Kings of Israel. Out of 40 Kings Israel had 7 good Kings! Does that sound like American President’s? King Asa politically removed the sodomites out of land and removed all the idol’s his father had made. So what is a Sodomite? What is an idol? Let us go back to the Hebrew root word. A sodomite is a male Temple prostitute! These were homosexual prostitutes. Like we have in America today! Now this is where it gets interesting! The Hebrew root word for sodomites comes from another Hebrew word. This word means to set apart for Holy service such as the first born male child was set apart and consecrated to the Lord! But the Sodomite males were consecrated to sin and Satan! This is why i believe homosexual behavior is blasphemy against God! What is an idol? When you go back to the Hebrew root word it means a rolling stone! Sounds like a rock band? I witnessed the rolling stones while living in India for 3 years! They put the idol’s on wooden carts with wheels tied to an ox and paraded through the streets! Idol’s are abstract images of who someone would believe God would look like! Man making God! I thought God made man? So King Asa removed the gays and idol worshipers out of the land of Israel. American Pastor’s with very few exceptions do not preach what the Bible says about gays and lesbians? If you added up all the scriptures that the Bible says about gays and lesbians you would think God was homophobic? I had heard some Pastor’s say all sin is the same? Really! What about the unpardonable sin? Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit! If all sin is equal the why not give all felons the same prison sentence? Some Pastor’s say the Old Testament no longer applies? Really! Jesus said that if you love me keep my commandments! Where are these commandments found? The Old Testament! Jesus was constantly quoting Old testament scriptures! Jesus said He came to fulfill the law! Many say the Old Testament points to the New Testament but the New Testament also points back to the Old testament! Why do we have an Old Testament? Shall we rip it out of our Bibles? Why do we not hear any preaching on the unpardonable sin? Should be a hot topic! There is only one book i will ever promote! That is the Holy Bible! Books come and go but this Book will open your eyes to look through the lens of God’s eye and see truth! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Hillary’s America?

New movie out and book directed and written by Dinesh D’Souza! Dinesh is a best selling author that served as adviser to President Ronald Reagan. He has a Bible College and was in several think tanks over his career! He goes into the secret history of the Democratic party! Dinesh is a Naturalized American citizen from Goa India. He is a brilliant minded intellectual that peels the layers of the onion in the Democratic party to expose the corruption! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com


The Chief Modern Rival of Christianity is ‘Liberalism’…at every point, the two movements are in direct opposition! John Gresham Machen (1881-1937) John was a seminary professor at Princeton, founder of Westminster Theological Seminary and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. His text book on New Testament Greek is still used in seminaries today! Comment: Who was the founder of liberalism? John Locke (1634-1704) However let us dig deeper! Let us hear what Satan told the first inhabitants of earth found in the Book of Genesis! “Has God said? Surely He has not said? You will not die if you partake of this fruit! God is a liar” How are we to live our lives as Christians? By every word that proceedeth out of the Mouth of God! Where do we find these words? In your Bible! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Russia Owns U.S. Uranium Mine!

Since 2013, the nuclear arm of the Russian State has controlled 20 percent of America’s uranium capacity! The deal, approved by a committee which included then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, also followed donations from the One’s Canadian chairman to the Clinton Global Foundation which is based in Canada along with the Clinton Foundation. Canadian law does not allow anyone to see who contributes to the Clinton Foundation!  Source; New York Times   Comment: Would Hillary sell out America? She already has! American uranium is being placed in nuclear tipped missiles in Russia aimed at the United States! Some of the American uranium is going to Iran through Russia to help them build their atomic weapons loaded on Russian supplied missiles! These missiles are aimed at Israel, Europe and the United States! The America of yesterday would have tried her for treason! Under Obama crime pays! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

What is a Familiar Spirit? 1 Samuel 28:7

Common sense would say a familiar spirit is a spirit you are familiar with! It is connected with Satan and sin! Before you were born again in Christ this is the spirit that ruled you! Saul sought a woman with a familiar spirit. Why? We will answer this soon! The word familiar spirit translated from the Hebrew means a necromancer. This is the occult practice of consulting the dead! It is one who proclaims to give revelation in uncertain times. Today a fortune teller or a palm reader would be an example. The Jews were strictly forbidden from engaging in this practice of consulting mediums! There is also another meaning for this Hebrew word. It can signify a leather bottle that may burst under pressure! Remember the Jeannie in the bottle! Remember Jesus said not to put new wine in old wine skins! A necromancer will beat skin stretched drums with chants and burn incense to draw spirits. The connection between the two meanings could be that a medium was seen as a container for a conjured spirit. Samuel the Priest had died and Saul had no one to consult about God’s plans and purposes for him. The Lord was angry at Saul for his disobedience! King Saul was facing the Philistine armies in war against Israel. God had already prepared David for the next King of Israel. Saul continued to try to contact God through the Prophet’s and the Urim. The Urim is a noun meaning fire. It refers to the fire of God’s judgment and God’s destruction of the wicked. It is used to speak of a form of idol worship! That is people burning other people in fire! Saul got no answers so his servant’s advised him to contact a woman that had a familiar spirit. So he went to the medium of Endor and Saul asked her to bring up Samuel’s spirit! Samuel was really upset for Saul disturbing him from the Bliss of Heaven! Samuel gave Saul the bad news that the Philistines were going to defeat him soundly! Saul was later killed in battle. The New Testament of our Bible also talks about spirits! There are unclean, dumb, foul, infirmity, divining, evil, bondage and world spirits. John warned us not to believe every spirit! In the case of Saul and the woman with the familiar spirit an evil spirit revealed a good spirit Samuel! It is usually God’s spirit that reveals an evil spirit! We must remember that at one time we were evil in sin apart from God! So our sin revealed the goodness of God sending His son Jesus Christ to atone for our sin! It was our wickedness that revealed the goodness of God! Remember this when you think you are so Holy above everyone else! John told us to try the spirits! He went on to say that every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ came in the flesh is from God! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Most Popular Book Read in Hell?

Title: How Did I Get Here? Paperback and hard cover not available because of elevated temperatures! Titanium steel etched pages are available. Most asked question of people in Hell is, “How do I get out of here?” New book coming soon to answer this question! Sampler answer in conclusion portion of book most read in Hell is, “Trusting in yourself instead of Jesus Christ!” Best selling book on planet earth? The Bible! Read it and believe it and it will save you from a lot of sweat! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com