Tombstone Territory! Genesis 3:15

In honor to the 61 million children aborted here in America since 1973 I have asked President Trump to create a National Monument to them! I have suggested he call it the Tomb to the Unknown Children! These children would have been doctor’s, lawyers, inventors, technicians, soldiers, airmen, sailors, service workers, production workers, evangelists, pastors, presidents, congressmen and women, senators, business creators, care givers and so much more! We have a generation of missing people here in America who would have paid federal, state and local taxes, social security taxes and provided resources to pay off the National debt! We would not have had to rely on illegal immigration for a work force! So many benefits lost and a negative population growth! These children would have had children and grandchildren! So we have also lost future generations! A memorial needs to be built to these sacrificed children! Also we have exported this abortion with over 1 1/2 billion genocides since 1980. James and Hamsa Sasse.