If You Like Your God You Can Keep Your God!

Really! Another lie! The same Spirit that has removed Bibles from our schools and prayer from our schools in America is the same Spirit in Islam! The same Spirit that promotes abortion and removal of Crosses in America is from the same source! The same Spirit that sent Jesus to the grave is alive and well! The good news is the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you! Muslims that do terrible things to people are just following the Quran! This is their Holy Bible! Anything but Holy but simply practicing their Faith! Only 20 percent of the 1.4 billion Muslims have ever read the Quran! Hey! It is your lucky day! How many Christians read their Bibles? Even when the political right uses the term radical Islam they do not understand this is what normal Muslims do! They are not radical they are obeying the Quran! When I hear our political leaders say Islam is a religion of peace they are either ignoring history, ignorant or in denial? I am going to give you some sampler verses out of the Quran that will help you understand Islam! Chapters in the Quran are called Surah. So Surah 5:72 would be Chapter 5, verse 72. Here we go: Surah 5:72 Christians will be burned in the fire! Surah 5:73 Christians are wrong about the Trinity, they will have a painful doom! Surah 8:67 A prophet may not take captives until he has made a slaughter in the land! Surah 9:34 Give tidings and a painful death to Christians and Jews! Surah 24:5 It is okay for Muslims to have slaves! Surah 28:62-64 Allah will taunt Christians on the day of their doom, saying; Where are my partners you imagine? Surah 28:86 Never help unbelievers! Can Muslims in countries ruled by non Muslims be loyal to their country? Surah 30:13-14 Allah will tear Christians apart for ascribing partners to Him! Surah 47:4 Smite the necks of unbelievers wherever you fight against them! Those who die fighting for Allah will be rewarded! Surah 58:22 On the last Day good Muslims will not love their Muslim friends and family members, not even their fathers, sons or brothers (or their mothers, daughters or sisters). Surah 59:2-3 Allah will cut fear into the hearts of the disbelieving people of Scripture! Their home hereafter will be in fire! Surah 59:11 The disbelieving people of the Scriptures are liars! Surah 60:1 Do not be friends with unbelievers, they are your and Allah’s enemy! Surah 61:4 Allah loves those who fight for Him! Surah 62:5 A hypocritical Jew looks like an ass carrying books! Those who deny the revelation of Allah are ugly! I hope this sampling of the Quran will help you better understand Islam! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

A Story Everyone Needs To Hear Again! Luke 2

This is an old story but is vogue today and has application above all the bad news we hear today! It is more than a warm feeling on a cold night! This is a radical, revolutionary story that has changed you, me and the whole world! This is the greatest story ever told to the world! How does a pregnant teenager tell her story? You could imagine social media buzz today if she tried to explain how God got her pregnant? What would Joseph tell the media? The shepherds were gathered around a small fire trying to keep warm and guard their sheep! An angel appears before them and tells them not to be terrified! Some of the shepherds were thinking my mommy told me not to be a shepherd! First one angel and then a host of them! God wants all people to hear the Good News! Notice Jesus birth was announced to people living on the margins! The church is to serve people living on the margins! The dignity Herod also heard the news but tried to kill Jesus! The angels through the shepherds spread the news! Shepherds were looked down on in their culture! They hung around dirty, smelly sheep! They were considered scavengers and thieves! David got his rough and tough training as a shepherd boy! If you want to take down a giant call a shepherd! They were the most unlikely people to hear the news first! Remember the lambs were raised to be sold to be sacrificed at Jewish feasts! The lambs were sold to be slaughtered! The lambs were destined to die for sin! The Good News for us and the lambs is that a greater sacrifice was born in Bethlehem. God said I give my life for you! Jesus came for the willing! Are your motives and plans for your life set in concrete? Do you have premeditated plans that leave God out of your life? This is a question we need to answer as we lead into 2015? Herod although a governor had no room for Christ and died a miserable death! Have you predetermined what you are going to do with your life? You have to be more than curious you have to be committed! Would you do anything God called you to do? Would you carry a baby for a Holy God? Why are we chosen? We get excited about the Royal couple and their baby and a baby coming out of Rome or Jerusalem! We must say yes to God even when we do not know the outcome! Are you ready to sign up? Mary was a virgin and told the people she was impregnated by the Holy Spirit! This never happened before and never after in history! Then they had to spend Christmas in Egypt to escape from Herod! Joseph and Mary were imperfect parents raising a perfect God! Do not divorce her! Joseph had to change all his plans! Love her, surround her and protect her. Joseph had a good job and business as a carpenter. I have to build my business! The Roman government requires a lot of Crosses! God has a plan for you and it usually is not your plan! You have to choose! It did not work out the way I thought but God’s plan is a perfect plan! For His plan for your life carries on into eternity! God takes the willing and builds character! Yes God I will go! How willingly Joseph and Mary obeyed! Faith is hard to explain? The natural mind thinks linear and logic does not fit! Sometimes Faith does not make sense? By Faith we let God fill in the blanks! Faith is not normal! The only thing normal in life is the setting on your clothes dryer! Could you raise God as a baby? Verse 17 goes on to say they worshipped Jesus then they went out and told everyone! The story of Jesus is now ours to tell! The angels appeared and then they diminished! Why fear the angels who are messengers? You are now the messengers! Popular culture has a fear about hearing the Good News? We have a story to tell to the nations! We all have a story to tell! With all the troubling news in the world we should be encouraged to tell the Good News! We will either tell or we will retreat? God is not looking for a perfect people to tell the perfect story! Today we are the messengers! Tell God’s story this week! How do we invite people to our Christmas Eve services? We have an amazing story to share with you and we invite you to come with us! We are caretakers of this story! The story is ours! We are the beneficiaries! We are now story tellers! Luke 24:46-49 You are witnesses of these things! You and me together go and tell! What do you want to happen this Christmas Eve? Isaiah 9:2, 6. People in darkness see a great light! A child is born and a Son is given! A wonderful councilor, Prince of Peace! Help people see the great Light! Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. December 21, 2014

God’s Love!

It is not what you gather but what you scatter that reveals who you are! Live without pretending. Love without depending. Listen without defending. Speak without offending. Source; Helen Walton.

It’s Only Make Believe! John 3:16

Conway Twitty co-composed a song back in 1958 that went to the top of the charts as the number one song and held this rank for two years! The theme of the song was that he wished and prayed that this girl would love him as he loved her but finally realized that her love for him was only make believe! No matter how much he loved her she did not care about him. If you are human or even divine you have experienced this in your life. You wanted to believe in someone or something only to find a betrayal by that person or system. After all your love and affection was extracted from you an emptiness entered your soul. Human relationships are fragile at best! However there is a love greater than any human love! God’s motive for loving you is that He is simply love! Yes and He loved you so much that He became flesh! If you accept His love then you will find His love deeper than any ocean! In our spiritual relationship you can love the one that hates you through default! If you stay in the default mode you express your affection to the one who wants to destroy you! You can make believe about any man made system of religion but only to find in the end you are deceived and forsaken! Believe in the one true God Christ who gave His life for you and loved you before you ever loved Him and even before your love for Him was only make believe! In Christ’s Love! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Love Always!

People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway. What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway. Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway. In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway. Source; Mother Teresa, Calcutta, India.

Happy Easter! 2014

God raised His Son Jesus Christ from the dead and gave us a spouse for the wedding of His Bride, “The Church!” If you are a Bride of the Church of Jesus Christ you have a spouse that will never leave you or forsake you from yesterday, today and forever! In Christ’s Love. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Can God Forgive Every Sin? Mark 3:28-29

God can do about everything except sin! God can forgive every sin except one! God can forgive murder, adultery, genocide, stealing and some blasphemies. But God cannot forgive blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Blasphemy means the evil speaking of God Himself! It is slandering and reviling God. It is insulting and reproaching God. When I hear people use the G.D. word I flee from them as quick as possible! I use the God Bless word! Most people do not understand the meaning of blasphemy and the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit is not dwelling in them they have no witness! An important Person of the Trinity he goes back all the way to the First Chapter of Genesis and was active in creation. The Holy Spirit pre-existed creation along with Christ and the Father. Remember Jesus told his disciples just before his ascension to wait for the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit came upon Mary and birthed Jesus the Son of God into the earth as man and God! The Jewish scribes teachers of the Law accused Jesus success in casting out demons was due to Jesus being Beelzebub the chief of the devils! So the scribes were attributing the work of God to the work of Satan! I may not agree with every ministry  and of every interpretation of scripture but I will never attribute any ministries work to the work of Satan! As my Pastor Brady Boyd says,”I am not here to win an argument but to show people the love of God!” Just be aware of the one sin that God will not forgive! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Sharing Your Faith With Others! Matthew 7:6

I love the balance the scriptures provide to us! We are commanded by Christ to go our into all the world to preach the Gospel or good news! However Jesus did not send us out to get blind sided by Satan! Jesus said in Matthew 7:6, “Give not that which is Holy to the dogs, neither cast your pearls before the swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn again and rend you!” The word Holy here means someone physically pure or a moral person. The word rend means to tear in pieces. Jesus is reminding us to be wise with the beauty He has given us. We know that the world is one third Christian. If the entire world has heard about Christ and made a decision for Him or have rejected Him then one out of three has accepted Him and two out of three have rejected Him. I wish our evangelism programs were this good! Bottom line is we need the whole council of God and the entire Bible both Old and New Testament gives us an important balance to our Faith as we live for Him! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Sex In The Church! 1 Corinthians 5:1

Ephesus and Corinth both suffered from sexual brokenness! God wants us to live in a new community of sexual purity! In Corinth just like the world today there are no sexual boundaries. The shock value of sin is very low in America. Corinth was a shocking culture! The Corinth culture gradually influenced the Church just like in America today! God wants us to be a peculiar people with a pure image in marriage and in our Church family. Paul confronted a man who had his father’s wife in the Church at Corinth. Even under Roman law a man could not marry his step-mother! Paul goes on to say you are even proud of it and does not seem to bother you? Paul says you should be filled with grief! Perverted un-repented sin among believers should grieve us! Paul was not condemning or judging people struggling with sexual sin but encouraging them to repent. Paul is saying there is an elephant in the room and we cannot ignore him. We cannot pretend to be blind but have to confront this behavior in the Church. Paul said in verse 5 that this man needs to be turned over to Satan so his flesh nature is destroyed and his spirit could be saved on the Day of The Lord! We want to help everyone but everyone does not want help! Willful and public sin needs to be challenged! This sinner may have been a wealthy member of the Church. Sometimes in a small congregation the Church will overlook sin because of money. The pagan’s did not even like what was going on. Sexual sin in America is often celebrated? All of us are tempted in this perverted American culture we live in. Sin must not be tolerated and ignored by the Church. Paul is not cursing this man. Paul is saying if you follow your flesh we cannot help you! This man was personally known to the congregation. Paul was trying to help but this man was premeditated to do wrong. He did not want help. He was in love with his flesh! Paul could not help him until he was ready for help. Until he got sick of himself Paul could not help him. A little sin grows like a cancer and consumes the whole body. Death is the final outcome. First spiritual death and then physical death. Paul says in verse 6 that a little yeast or spoilage spoils the whole lump. The yeast and the swelling up represents pride! Do not allow a little of the world to enter your soul. It will take over you! Let the Holy Spirit clean your house. Guard your home. Dad’s are to pray and give leadership in the home. Guard the innocence of your children! Your children are not your buddies. Lead them in paths of righteousness. Parenting should not be a popularity contest. My children do not stay overnight with parents I do not know. Know your kid’s friends! Do not associate with sexually immoral people. There are different standards for the world and the Church. Dogs bark and cats purr and sinners sin. Laws of nature. The world acts like the world. Be ambassador’s of salt and light. Paul goes on in verse 11 we are not to associate with sinners. Not to be mean or nasty to them but not to let them influence you. Judgment starts at the House of God! Use discernment and grieve the sin not celebrate it. Galatians 6:1-3. Come face to face with ugliness and seek to restore if possible. All of us were broken at one time. We were addicted in bondage. Mercy found us and made us the called out ones in the community. Most of us have a story of how God came in and restored us. God holds us to a higher standard. Sin is a terrible burden but to be Holy is Joy! Jesus has already taken our Judgment. Jesus paid for us on the Cross. Remember no Judgment from people is final! Like the thief on the Cross Jesus gets the final word! What pronouncement have people made over you? Ephesians 2:4-7. God has a great love for you! His Grace has saved us! The kindness of Jesus has moved us. Yes, while we were yet sinners! In spite of our flaws His ocean’s of Grace cover us! Have people written you off? Jesus has written your salvation in His own blood! Is your resume full of sin? Fire the Devil and go to work for Jesus. Jesus has purchased you with a price! His life! God gives Grace! Believe it! I did in August of 1988 and He changed my life forever! He can and will for you! Let us close in prayer———-. Source; Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Message given on Sunday, February 2, 2014.