Let There Be Light! Genesis 1:3

The phrase “Let there be”, is not the same Hebrew word used for “Created”, in Genesis 1:1. Actually the Hebrew word for our English phrase “Let there be”, means to exist. The word “created”, means to bring into existence. So in Genesis 1:1, God created the heavens and the earth. My question is when God finished creating the heavens and the earth did light exist? Were the lights out until verse three? I know the global carbon tax supporters wish the sun would go away! Some Christian’s do not let their light shine! Some theologians have come up with the gap theory? That is there were millions of years that transpired between verse one and verse three? I believe they were trying to reconcile the difference between the age of the earth as claimed by some scientists! Science does show us that the earth and all the planets are the same age! We cannot measure time without light! I believe light existed at the end of Genesis 1:1. In verse two we see the earth was surrounded by darkness and formless! It was covered by water and surrounded in darkness! Were all the other planets in the same condition? Why earth? Remember Lucifer got cast out of heaven with one third of the Angels for rebellion! We know where Lucifer or Satan hangs out is darkness and destruction! Lucifer though he owned the earth as he does today but God intervened as He does today! With no light being able to penetrate the cloud surrounding the earth Satan thought he had his hell on earth! Then in verse two God moves upon the earth and light breaks forth into the earth! Before I got saved God’s light was always here in the earth! He just let a little of His light into my soul and I got transformed! A new day! Let me put a disclaimer here! Benjamin Franklin said that if you are to live by Faith you have to throw reason out the window! Why? Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden used reason and made a bad choice! They did not have all the facts! Only God knows all the facts because he created all the facts! Our knowledge is limited! Even if we have a million facts about anything or anyone and lack one fact we will make a wrong choice! This is “reason” enough to trust God! This is why all Judgment is left to God! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Subterranean Retreat!

It sounds like a termite colony? The word is describing a time share property that has a lot of rooms, accommodations and permanent guests! It is a place where people are in agreement with each other! No debates about good and evil! However there is a lot of buyers remorse there! It is also described as the place of the dead! It is the Hebrew word “Shehole” (hole) from where we get our English word ‘Hell.” There are 31 verses in the Old Testament and 22 verses in the New Testament on this word. Funny of the Hebrew description is a subterranean retreat! It is interesting in the Greek of the New Testament there are four different words used! Will discuss later. So why bring this up? Every Pastor that prepares any sermon must consider two things! What are we saved from and what are we saved for? Most of the early fire and brimstone sermons of early America are gone? Heaven is not talked about much so what is left? The here and now! However the here and now is temporal! Heaven does begin here on earth after we receive Jesus Christ as Savior! Jesus talked more about the Kingdom of God than any other topic! If the reality of Heaven and Hell are not taught from the pulpit then  people have a hard time understanding why they need to be saved? Saved from what and for what? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Are You a Remnant? Romans 9:29

Paul was quoting the Old Testament here in Isaiah 1:9. Jesus quoted the Old Testament a lot! In Romans here Paul uses the word Sabaoth! This word means the armies of Heaven! Remember the war angel Michael? They are still employed by God! Isaiah uses the word remnant while Paul uses the word seed. The Hebrew word for our English word remnant means a people who survived an onslaught of an enemy! They are simply survivors! A seed is also a survivor in the sense that it was not consumed but lived to produce more fruit! So what in the world are we surviving from? I am glad you asked! God’s Judgment due to our sin! Love cannot exist without judgment! If God winked at sin and looked the other way there would be no need for Salvation! The earth would just be consumed in wickedness! We are all who are in Christ Jesus survivors from judgment! Whether it be Noah and his family or Joseph in Egypt or Lot and his family! There are only survivors in Heaven! It is interesting that the word Lord used in Romans refers to God using His authority for good! Lucifer the fallen angel had authority in Heaven but he used it for evil and was cast out of Heaven! How do you use the authority you have? For good or evil? Israel is a survivor today as it exists as a State under threats from all around her! In the last battle on earth Armageddon Israel will be surrounded by Gentile armies as they try to destroy her! God will dispatch His armies and consume them! No survivors! Do you want to be a survivor or remnant? Then you need a Savior! He is a Jew and His name is Jesus Christ! Remember according to the Covenant if God cannot be faithful to Israel He cannot be faithful to you! The Covenant promises include the Jews and the Gentiles! What you do with Jesus Christ determines whether you become a survivor or a Sodom and Gomorrah! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

God Created! Genesis 1:1

“Bara” (Created / Creating) The second word is the Hebrew word verb (Bara), it is in the masculine form, so the “he” is implied. English verbs do not distinguish between he, she and it. A peculiarity of this verb is that it always is used with God as its subject, meaning that only God can “bara”. It is the characteristic verb for God’s creative activity in Genesis 1. “Bara” is also used in Genesis 2:3-4. The meaning of “bara” is not create in the modern sense, but to differentiate / separate and to allow roles, e.g. in the creation of Adam and Eve, God allocated gender roles to “male and female.” Source: Wikipedia Encyclopedia. Comment: Important point here! God separates and differentiates in creation! Light from darkness, good from evil, heaven from hell, male from female and the list goes on! Notice when male and female are joined together in marriage they take on a new role! So when we are born again as Jesus said we take on a new role! Not to lose our identity but to expand our purpose! Your role on earth is given to you by God! Your purpose is established by God separated for righteousness! This is why the gay and lesbian movement is such an affront to God! It tries to reverse allocated roles established by God! It is a slap on God’s face! Do you remember Sodom and Gomorrah? We were created to worship God! When we refuse we are reversing allotted roles which is sin! Jesus never departed from His allotted role! He came as a lamb the first time but will return as a lion! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

First & Last? Isaiah 44:6

What did God mean here? We probably have a general idea! Elementary Watson! Let us break the Hebrew words down for a deeper understanding! The word “First”, used here means to be foremost in order of rank! It is like a new year! Remember God instructed Moses to set up the Tabernacle in the first month! Remember Satan’s Kingdom also has an order of rank! Remember in the Book of Genesis (First Book), that the seed of the woman would crush the head of the Serpent! That is the birth of Christ would accomplish this! Satan is the head or first in rank in the Kingdom of Serpents! What about the word last? No one likes to be last! This is an interesting word in Hebrew! It means to follow as facing the east! God is going to see tomorrow! He watches the sunset and will see the sunrise! His days are not numbered! Do you remember something about Jesus saying he is the first and the last? (Revelation 22:13) He said i am the Alpha and the Omega! Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet but interestingly has a Hebrew origin! Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet! What did Jesus mean by saying he was the first? From the Greek we learn that he is first in importance! Is he first in your life? What did Jesus mean by saying i am last? According to the Greek it means he is the finalist in rank and time! He is the only guy left standing! He is on the gold metal stand and no rivals! Jesus goes on to say in this verse that he is the beginning and the end! The word beginning used here means he is the first in order of time, place and rank! Remember those hard headed Jews did not get it when he said before Abraham i was! The word end means that he is the goal. Is he your goal? A running back in the NFL has only one objective! He needs to cross the goal line! The Cross of Jesus will get you across the goal line! The word end used here means to a conclusion! What one word would represent the conclusion of your life? Debt? Pain? Sickness? Death? Fear? Guilt? If you prioritize your life where Jesus is first and last in your life these evil spirits will die at the Cross! Remember the scripture that says the first will be last and the last first? They are the same thing! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Idols! 1 Chronicles 16:26

Hebrew translation: “For all the gods of the people are as shepherds over worthless things! They are as physicians attending corpses! Good for nothing! Vanity! No purpose! But the Lord built the heavens with purpose!” Comment: So what are you a shepherd over in your life? Is in something of eternal value? Will it continue on after you leave the earth? If you cannot take it with you it is an idol. Will the family you leave on earth shepherd over things of value? Anything of eternal value will outlast you! God built the heavens with you as the purpose in mind! Are you supporting His purpose? Your purpose is to mirror His Image! We were not created in our own image but the image of God! God’s purpose from before the beginning was to deliver us from evil. That is why Christ pre-existed creation! Sin will always lead us to worship idols! Why? We would rather trust in ourselves than the work of God! When i came to Christ back in 1973 everything changed! It was no longer about me but about Christ and others! He did for me what i could not do for myself! Deliver me from evil! That is Grace! Men try to build empires, organizations and name them after themselves! Until we find the name and Savior that is above every name we will serve idols! Jesus has promised to raise you from the dead one day! After you are gone from the earth you cannot raise your idols! You have only two options! Believe Jesus or trust in yourself! Serve God or an idol. The worst idol you could ever invent is yourself! Serve God and others! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

God Renders Legal Decision! 1 Chronicles 15:13

“For because you did it not at the first, the Lord our God made a breach upon us, for we sought Him not after the due order.” Two Hebrew words stand out in this scripture written thousands of years ago! The word “first”, head or first in rank. The words “due order”, means a legal decision given by God to be followed by the people! What is really interesting is the Hebrew  word is another Hebrew root word for the word “due order.” The Strong’s Number is 8199. Here is the Hebrew definition of the word; “this word encompasses all the facets of government including executive, legislative and judicial branches of government.” This sounds like our United States Constitution! Most Americans do not get the connection between our Bible and the Constitution! Our Constitution is a Biblical document! Remember the Jewish Temple and the Mount was the seat of all religious and government rule to the Jewish culture! Law cases were tried there! Laws were written there! Executive actions to enforce the law were done from there! Just as our God is a Trinity so is our government with three branches! The pattern for our Constitution was implemented after the Bible to give people liberty and Justice for all. The question that begs to be asked is why did God have to render a legal decision? We have broken His laws through sin! God’s legal decision to punish sin was accomplished by His Son on Calvary! God has given His Son Jesus Christ the responsibility to judge the living and the dead! Your judge could become your Savior if you choose Him? Otherwise Christ will be your judge forever! Which is it? Do not play the lottery with God! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Covetousness? Jeremiah 6:13

So what does covetousness mean? It is a word in the Bible and it is something i do not want to do! I always thought it is just wanting someone else’s stuff? However according to the Hebrew definition it is much more than that! It is to gain through violence! It is dishonest gain or plunder! Like aborting babies and selling their body parts! Just before Israel went into captivity to Babylon this was the state of the people! This cancer affected the least to the greatest of people! Jeremiah went on to say it affected the Priests and Prophets also! They dealt falsely! Falsely means anything done with deceitfulness! To even do a right thing in appearance but with evil intentions! It simply means to lie with wicked intentions! So the whole Jewish culture was absorbed with covetousness! Were the Babylonian saints? They were even worse! God has a way to punish the wicked by sending someone to rule you that is even worse! History is full of Nations who have gone down this path! God will always have His voice through His Prophets to warn the people! I would remind America to listen to her Prophets as judgment will otherwise come! Donald Trump will help direct America back towards God and the Clergy must respond to take the mute button off their messages of repentance and proclaim God’s Word across America so that Liberty will once again Rule America! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Psalm 23:4 Hebrew Translation

Even though i walk through spiritual darkness i will not be frightened of the wickedness around me for though art with me! Thou Rulership, support and sustenance, they avenge me! Comment: Notice David left the vengeance to God! That is why he did not go after Saul even though Saul was trying to kill him! Forgiveness does not stop God’s vengeance on the offending party! However your forgiveness allows God time to give the offender time to repent! If you do not forgive you also will not escape God’s vengeance! If the offending party will not repent God’s vengeance will fall like a hammer! However your forgiveness and the offending party forgiveness will bring God’s Mercy! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com