Good Friday! Great Sunday!

I Peter 2:24 “Who his own self [bare] our sins in his own [body] on the tree, that we [being dead] to sins, should [live] unto [righteousness] : by whose stripes we are [healed].” Commentary: Interesting Greek words bracketed above used in the light of Good Friday! The word ‘bare’ Strong’s 399 means to take up or offer up. However it is much richer in meaning when you go to the root Greek word taken from the Greek word used here! It is Strong’s number 303. It means to reverse! Did you ever drive a car without a reverse? I have! No fun! You cannot park it with anything in front of you! One mistake and you are stuck! Did you know God reversed your sin for you! By yourself you could not back up out of your sin! You were headed for hell with no reverse! You could not move towards heaven! It was beyond your own power! He reversed your sin in his own ‘body’. The word ‘body’ Strong’s #4983 means both the spiritual and the physical body! He reversed your condition of death! When Jesus was placed on the tree, the Cross for you he reversed your destiny of death and destruction to life with joy! Forgiveness! Dying to your sins and living for Christ! No longer living for sin but living for him! We stopped taking the poison! Now we can ‘live’ for him. Strong’s # 2198 ‘live’ means an all inclusive life naturally, spiritually and eternally! To live unto ‘righteousness’! Strong’s # 1343 means to be right with God conforming to the claims of a higher authority! You adopt God’s standard as opposed to lawlessness! Satan wants to claim your body and spirit for himself yet Christ has redeemed you at a great cost to himself! Satan sacrifices you for himself and God has sacrificed himself for you! Then by his ‘stripes’ you were healed! Meaning you have been restored both spiritually and physically as if you have never sinned! Your condition was reversed back to the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve sinned against God! Jesus was raised from the dead and raised others from the dead to show us he has power over death and has promised to one day raise us from the dead! Have a great Sunday! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Take Holiday Every Week! Hebrews 10:25

A Holiday is a Holy Day! The Sabbath Day is a special day set aside every week to rest in Christ! The 4th Commandment says, “Remember the Sabbath and Keep it Holy.” The Sabbath was made for man! For man’s benefit! A Jew could be put to death for violating the Sabbath! Jesus healed people on the Sabbath! Jesus said He is Lord of the Sabbath! The Jews could not gather manna on the Sabbath. God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th day! If God needs rest who are we? Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments! The Sabbath begins on Friday at sunset and ends on Saturday at sunset. There was to be no light or fire on the Sabbath. Jesus was buried late Friday just before the Sabbath. So he was crucified on Friday. The Jews did not want his body on the Cross during the Sabbath!  So Jesus had a Sabbath day of rest in the grave! He arose from the dead on Sunday the first day of the week. For a Christian Monday is not the first day of the week it is Sunday! We begin each new week Sunday with God in worship in our local Church giving tithes and offerings of our income! Without God’s Blessing we would have no income! He blesses the rest of the week in a way we could not do by our own efforts! The seventh day is interesting but also the seventh year! The Jews were to release all slaves to go free on the 7th year. The Jews were not to work the land for crops on the seventh year! The land was to rest! The Jews were taken into captivity by Babylon for 70 years! If you divide 70 by 7 you get 10. Why ten? The Ten Commandments! For breaking God’s Laws they got 70 years! Jesus came to fulfill the Law! Since He was God He kept the Law and the sacrifice for our sin because he never sinned! A sinner can die for another sinner but that death cannot pay the price for sin because they are both sinners! James and Hamsa Sasse.


What you worship owns you! So what do we worship? What do you spend your time thinking about? Do we have any idol’s? Some could be sex, money, fame, fortune, sports, offspring, houses, land, religion, gambling, work, school, health, success, cars, boats, airplanes or do we worship ourselves? These things have power to enslave you but not save you! All of these will one day leave you and forsake you! Pride will cause people to surround themselves with these idol’s! There is only one who ransomed His life to save you from yourself! Is it time for new management? Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you and has proven that to you by sacrificing His life for you on a Cross! Good Friday Message, Grace Community Church, Fulton, Maryland.

American Indians Confirm Biblical Event!

Joshua 10:13 “So the sun stood still in the midst of Heaven, and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.” Comment: American Indians, who would have been on the other side of the earth, have recorded in their culture about a “Long night”, that occurred at the same time in history! Research concludes we had a 48 hour Friday with one sunrise and one sunset. This Friday covers two days of time on the Gregorian-Hebrew calendar. In relation to the earth’s calendar this is one of eight days needed to line up 4096 Gregorian solar years and the 364 day calendar (4110 years) from the seven day creation week to the birth of Christ in 5 B.C. Can you imagine a North American screech owl hunting for a second night? Here are his thoughts, “Wow! Long night! I sure hope the sun comes up? I need some sleep! Really a drag out here tonight! I have eaten so many rabbits I can skip meals for a night! Thank God it is Friday! Is it?” Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Good Friday Preparations! Genesis 22:2

The word offering in the Hebrew (Alah), means to ascend, rise up, lift oneself up, ascension to a higher place, to cause to burn (smoke ascends). It involves preferring one thing above another. This verb is used in relationship to a person’s appearance before God! Abraham was tested and asked to sacrifice his only son too God. When Isaac his son asked Abraham where was the sacrifice Abraham told Isaac God would provide one. Abraham built an altar and bound Isaac on the wood for the sacrifice! Abraham raised his knife to sacrifice Isaac! This reminds me of Peter raising his fisherman’s knife to take off the servant’s ear! Peter was protecting the sacrifice! An angel appeared and stopped Abraham and commended him for his Faith! God provided a Ram for the sacrifice. Remember by definition an offering is preferring one thing above another. What is it that you prefer above another? Is it God or something else? As we approach Good Friday it is only good because God preferred you above another! Yes, above His only Son! A sacrifice that was consumed that would only please God for you! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Good Friday! Mark 8: 27-38

As we reflect on our life we can conclude that many responsible people have paved the way for our success and Blessings! Think of the millions of American’s who have laid down their lives in war to defend our freedom and way of life we benefit from here in America today! The foundations we enjoy have come at a very great price! Think of the church congregation members that took up arms against the British Army at Concord in the Revolutionary War! Think of the 600000 men who died in our civil war to free the slaves! Think of the thousands of men and women in our VA hospitals across America from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Also our Vietnam, Korean and World War II veterans! How about our great science inventors and business people who have made our lives more comfortable here in America. How about our great spiritual leaders that have set an important foundation for our understanding of God over the generations! As important as all these American’s are we have to go back to a greater foundation that has established the true meaning and purpose of life! A price paid by God Himself that would give us a hope in this life and beyond! No one represents humanity better than a disciple of Jesus named Peter. Jesus asked Peter who do men say that I am? Peter replied some say Elias and some say a prophet. Then Jesus asked them who do you say that I am? Peter got it right and seemed to be the smart one when he said you are the Christ! Then Jesus went on and said that he would be rejected, persecuted and would be killed but would rise on the 3rd day! Peter immediately took Jesus off to the side and rebuked him? At this time Peter was in remedial training and Jesus rebuked Peter and called him Satan! Peter at this time could not see from an eternal perspective but from a flesh viewpoint. Jesus went on to explain to them that they must deny themselves take up His Cross and follow Him! Peter eventually got it and became the leader of the Jerusalem Church and later martyred in Rome hung upside down on a cross. Good Friday is not good without the Resurrection on Sunday! We have no future unless we understand God has made a way for us and then accept the eternal foundation that all history has shown us is hopeless without the Cross! Happy Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse.