Case Against Halloween!

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 Let us discuss these verses first. What is meant by passing your son or daughter through the fire? This is human sacrifice! This was the practice of the Canaanites sacrificing their children to their gods! Modern day sacrifice would be abortion! Divination is divining a sentence on someone! A charmer casts magical spells on people. A witch is basically the same thing casting spells on people. Another word for this is a whisperer. A wizard conjures up familiar spirits. Remember King Saul asking the witch of Ender about his future? She did not tell him he was going to be beheaded? King Manesseh also inquired to witches and fortune tellers! A necromancer is one who raises spirits from the dead! They do this to make predictions about the future or in their ghostly help to make something happen. Kind of like the rabbits foot? How lucky was the rabbit? This occult practice was also called Black Magic and comes from the ancient Greek word for corpse necro or prophecy mancy. Comment: It is interesting I lived in India for 3 years and I saw these practices done in the Hindu Temples! I have a blog post on my experience inside a Hindu Temple. The Hindu Priests collect money from people to cast spells on other people. Say a husband wants to get rid of his old wife for he has found a young girl. Then he hires the Priest to cast spells on his old wife that she might die! This is a big money business in India! Funny thing is the opposing party will come to the same Priest and pay him money to cast a spell on his adversary! The Priest will ask more money from the second party! The Hindu Priest’s told me these spells do not work on Christian believers! They do work on everyone else! You might say it is Halloween everyday in India! Do I want to spoil some kids fun collecting candy? No! Did I trick or treat when I was a kid? Yes! What I want you to understand is the origin of Halloween! In Leviticus 18:3 God warned the Jews not to participate in the ordinances or statutes, decree’s, feasts and customes of the gentiles! Today here in America the orthodox Jews do not participate in Halloween but the secular Jews do! Now to the origin of Halloween. The druids were the members of the ancient Celtic culture! The words druid and Celtic mean magic! Remember the Boston Celtics? In the ancient Celtic culture they had Priests, magicians, soothsayers and fortune tellers! They were a high ranking professional class of people from Ireland, Briton, Scotland and Wales. When Rome invaded these area’s around 60 B.C., Caesar said the Celtic groups were performing human sacrifices! Not that Caesar was the Gold Standard for morality but this is what the Roman soldiers observed. Have you ever heard of the wicker man? The Celtics built large wooden idol’s in the form of a man. On top of the wooden beams they nailed wooden slats to form the image. So the center was hollow! Halloween! Then they put the human sacrifices inside and set it on fire! The hollow of your pumpkin has a fire or candle inside of it! The druid religious culture had no written communications only oral. It was a secret society! What are the rules? Criteria for sacrifice? The Romans pretty much wiped out the druids but their occult spirit lives on in culture! The immigration of the Irish to America during late 1800’s and early 1900’s brought Halloween and some of these cultural traditions even though most were Christians. In the Medieval age the remnants of druids opposed Christianity! Trick or Treat! I will hurt you unless you treat me? God says I love you even though you hate me! Let us close with Ephesians 6:12 “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the Rulers of darkness in this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” When children come to our door I put a Gospel Tract into their bags along with the candy! This is one way to wrestle against powers and spirits of darkness! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is Caesar our New God?

Government is best when government is least! Thomas Paine, American Revolutionary War Hero. Commentary: I read a publication by Dr. Ben Carson that really hit the nail on the head about our current problems American culture is facing today! He said the biggest problem facing America is about half the population has made government their god! This fatal flaw is full of examples in your Bible and our founder’s of our Constitution designed this precious document to try to prevent a take over by any future government! Our Constitution plainly says our rights do not come from government but from God! Unless their is a spiritual revival in America we will soon be taken over by a foreign power! China is number one in education and America has dropped to 25th ranking! We used to be number one until government controlled schools over decades has degenerated our education system! China will continue to challenge us economically and militarily soon! If America is no good as the political left continues to push who will be left to defend her? Brush up on your Chinese for you may need it soon! God Bless America! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Jesus was a Refugee?

It is interesting how politicians who know nothing about the Bible and in no relation with Jesus Christ make these off the wall political points to try to get more votes and support all the while trashing Jesus! Democrat Ocasio-Cortez claims that Jesus was a refugee? This is made to support her open border socialist ideology and try to trash Trump’s border wall designed to protect America! First of all Joseph and Mary were at Nazareth which is about 90 miles from Bethlehem! They had to travel to Bethlehem because of Caesar’s decree for everyone to return to their home town to pay taxes! Yes Caesar was a Democrat! Since Joseph was of the lineage of David Bethlehem was his home town. Refugee’s do not pay taxes! They have no jobs, status or ability to pay anything! They drag on the taxes of any  nation for support! They do not pay taxes! This is more fake news from the political left! Sometimes they will drag Jesus out of the closet to try to score political points! Then after the lies throw him back in the closet until next Christmas  or the next election! Jesus has to be more than a rag doll for politicians! He is the Son of the Living God so to respect him in this capacity we must be conscious of His Word the Holy Scriptures and not mock him as King Herod did with the death of the little children of Bethlehem! Abortion began before Bethlehem but ignorance is not bliss when it comes to our Bible! It leads to death and eternal separation from God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Bethlehem Times Report!

Last night it was reported that some shepherds in the hills above Bethlehem got blind sided by an unusual event! It was like they got hit by the back side of a Roman sword! Bang! Boom! Bong! Someone rang their bell! The shepherds claimed they were just spending another boring night tending to their sheep in the hills just above Bethlehem! They were guarding their smelly sheep from the wolves who wanted a free lunch! They built a fire to keep warm and protect their sheep! The sheep were just about asleep when the light show started! The shepherd’s thought they led an insignificant life until last night! One shepherd reported that he was thinking about years back when his grandma told him to go to school or you will end up a nobody! Now last night he was thankful to be on the lower end of the food chain! Meanwhile about 90 miles away a young couple had started their journey to Bethlehem from Nazareth by donkey’s! The couple’s names were Joseph and Mary. They had to come to Bethlehem because that scum bum Caesar ordered everyone to return to their home towns to pay more taxes! Since Joseph was of the House of David he had to come back to Bethlehem! The Motel’s were overcrowded since the Decree by Caesar! Caesar needed more money for his military expansion! During their 5-8 mile per day journey his wife Mary pondered many things in her heart! Things like I am pregnant yet a virgin! Try to explain that to your family? Then she thought of the Angel Gabriel appearing and explaining the whole event! Then the Holy Spirit dwelling over her! Then her husband Joseph telling her he was going to divorce her and put her away! Then the Angel speaking to Joseph in a dream and explain the whole purpose of her pregnancy! Instructing him to take Mary as his wife! Joseph was worried about Mary for every bump of the donkey ride meant the child may be born early! Where would they stay in Bethlehem? They had little money! Mean while back at the ranch in the hills of Bethlehem the light show was about to start! Night turned into day! The heat from the lights turned the cool 32 degree night temperature up to 80 degree’s! They began to sweat in the sheep skin jackets! Residents of Bethlehem reported seeing UFO’s! The sheep were getting anxious! Then Bam! The choir of Angels! It was a Northern lights show with sound! It was a rock band that shook everything that could move! These shepherds were surrounded by the Host of Heaven! The shepherds bowels reacted to these climatic events! So did the sheep!Global warming on steroids! There was a light in the sky brighter than the sun! A million voices in the choir! Wow! Super Bowl Sunday! For the first time in their lives the shepherds had a crowd following them! Surrounded by the Glories of Heaven! Fear struck the shepherds and the sheep! The end has come! The rapture is here! Guilt began to overcome the shepherds! We should return those sheep we stole from our neighbor! Then the orchestra and choir in Heaven stopped the music! An Angel told the shepherds this night a Savior is born to you in the city of Bethlehem! Go worship him! Wow again! We need to sell some of these sheep to present gifts to this new King! Then the lights dimmed and a star was hanging over Bethlehem! A new star never seen before! The choir is gone and the cold night returns to those hills above Bethlehem! Judah did you see that! Benjamin did you see that! Did you put something in my food? What have we been drinking? Who will believe our story? Caesar might lock us up! Boy’s we got to get down to that manger and see what this is all about! Round up the sheep let us worship this Savior promised to the world by our great prophets! Merry Christmas guy’s! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christmas & Taxes! Luke 2:1-7

The Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus got up on the wrong side of the bed one morning and decided the whole world should be taxed! This taxing was first made by Cyrenius governor of Syria! They must have been Democrats! So poor Joseph had to get on his donkey (hybred vehicle), along with his pregnant wife Mary and ride down to Bethlehem! Mary was also taxed along with Jesus still in her womb! The politicians played an important role in getting Jesus down to Bethlehem to be born fulfilling many Old Testament prophecies! Then another politician named King Herod who wanted to kill the baby Jesus caused them to flee down to Egypt for a couple years to fulfill more prophecy! Then after Herod died they moved to Nazareth where Jesus became known as the Nazarene! So the good bad and ugly of politicians helped to complete God’s promise of a Savior to the world! Many politicians today here in America try to stop Jesus second coming! Their strategy will help promote his second coming as they play the fool! The best way to celebrate Christmas is to understand no one can or will stop Christ from completing his mission to earth! No one can stop his love for the world even by changing his name to Happy Holidays! Rest in his peace and joy this season knowing all is well because of Christmas and Easter! Because his second coming is as sure as his first coming! Only his life and death can assure you of eternal life now and forever! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Mystery Solved! Revelation 1:20

Comment: The word mystery translated from the Greek means a sacred spiritual mystery! Something that is hidden but to be revealed later. This is why a believer in Christ lives by faith! We do not see everything about our faith immediately but God reveals himself to us in steps as we progress in following him! The word angels used here simply means a messenger! Someone with a message! It could be Gabriel however this word angel in the Greek can also mean a Bishop, Pastor or a designated elder! The word churches means a congregation of believers following Christ. I believe the angels were the seven Pastor’s of the seven churches in Asia Minor (Turkey).  This letter was for them! Some believe the Roman guards would have read John’s letters so he coded them so only the churches would understand what he was saying! When the Roman guards read these letters they probably thought John was crazy! I am sure the world today looks at us the same way! The foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men! The reason the Romans released John from prison is probably because they thought he was not a threat to Caesar but just plain crazy! Remember the whole Book of Revelation is the unveiling or uncovering the mystery of Jesus Christ! Look for Jesus Christ as you read and study this Book! To those who have not received the Revelation of Jesus Christ this Book would look foolish yet to those who have received him it is the power of God! The stars and the candlesticks ultimately all point to Christ! There was a star over Bethlehem and Jesus is the light of the world! Let him light your path so you do not stumble in the darkness! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Hour of Temptation! Revelation 3:10

Greek Translation: “Because thou has kept the spoken word of my cheerful endurance, I will also keep thee from the hour, time and season of one’s virtues which shall come to pass upon all the world specifically the Roman Empire, to try them that dwell on the whole earth.” Comment: The Greek word for our English word “world”, used here refers to the Roman Empire. From the Roman Empire the temptation is spread into the whole earth. So what temptation is Jesus keeping you from that is spread to the whole earth from the Roman Empire? The temptation to deny Christ! The world at this time in history was the Roman Empire! They had conquered most of the known world! Jesus and all the disciples except John and many of the early church Father’s were martyred by the Roman Empire! The Apostle John at the time of the writing of this Book of Revelation was exiled on the Isle of Patmos working as a slave in a stone quarry because of Caesar’s sentencing of John! Christian persecution of the Church began in 64 A.D. with Nero and the great fire of Rome. The persecution of the Church ceased in 313 A.D. with the Edict of Milan with Emperor Constatine. It has been estimated that there were at least 100 thousand martyrs during this period. Remember in previous postings we talked about the unpardonable sin? What was blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Remember to mock one part of the Trinity is to mock all. The unpardonable sin was to deny Jesus! God can forgive every sin except denying Jesus because He is the only one who can forgive sin! Remember the 21 Coptic Christians who were beheaded by ISIS last year? In their hour of temptation they did not deny Jesus! Rome became Christian under Emperor Constatine and became the Holy Roman Empire! Jesus knew what the believers were going to face under Roman Rule for 200 years! He was preparing them for the hour of temptation! So how did the preparation come about for the hour of temptation for the whole earth? When Roman Empire became Christian all the roads they had built throughout their entire Empire were used to take the Gospel to all the known world! I will give you a historical quote on the Roman Empire from Wikipedia: “By means of European Colonialism following the Renaissance, and the descendant states, Greco-Roman and Judaeo-Christian culture was exported on a world wide scale, playing a crucial role in the development of the modern world.” Now where are we at 21 Centuries later today? The pressure upon Christian culture today is to deny Christ! The popular culture, Hollywood, liberal media, atheistic teachings such as evolution, abortion promoters, white supremacy haters, anti-colonialism, gays, lesbian, and transgender promoters all apply pressure against us to deny Christ! Even in the church the denial of Christ exists! Many believers do not tithe their income! Many make a 7 day work week and skip Sunday services! Worship of money over God! The list goes on but we can either deny Christ one small step at a time but when push comes to shove and you have to make a choice between your life or Christ God’s grace will not be their to confess His name! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Herod’s Letter to Caesar (John the Baptist)

To Tiberius Caesar and the Roman Senate; “My Noble Lords, Greetings: The facts in the case are about as follows: John the Baptist had set up a new mode of religion altogether different from the Jewish religion, teaching baptism instead of circumcision, which had been the belief and the custom of the Jews in all ages past. According to their theory, God appeared to Abraham hundreds of years before, and told him with his own lips how and what to do to be saved; and the Jews have lived according to this until it had become their nature, and all their forefathers had lived in this way. David, Solomon, Isaac, Jacob, and all the Holy prophets had gone to heaven in this way of God’s own appointment. Now, the question came to them, as they suggested it to me: Has God found that He is wrong? Has His wisdom failed Him? Or has the unchanged changed, and He is wavering in His purpose? Such would be the natural conclusion of a sensible man under the circumstances. Now, John the Baptist had no authority from God for what he was doing, as Abraham had. All he could say was, “He that sent me to baptize is true.” And he cannot tell who he was. Then his going into the wilderness; God had ordered Solomon to build the finest temple that was ever built in the world, and made promises that whosoever came to that house with his offerings his prayers should be heard and answered. This temple had been the place of their meeting for hundreds of years, for the Jews think this temple is the next place in heaven. Now see the difference; First John has no authorized authority. Second he changes God’s place of worship. Third he changes the doctrines. Fourth he changes the mode of application. Now, the idea of Gamaliel was that John wanted to be some great man; hence, he took this mode of eccentric life to establish it. And there is nothing better qualified than the course he took to make an impression upon the ignorant and unlearned–to go away out in the wilderness by himself, get a few friends from Jerusalem to go out and hear him, and come back and tell the great wonders which they had seen in the wilderness. Then John’s appearance–his long, uncombed hair and beard, his fantastic clothing, and his food, nothing but bugs and beans–such a course and such a character are well qualified to lead the illiterate astray. These troubles on the Jewish mind were very heavy, and gave such men as Hilderium, Shammai, Hillel and others great concern. And no wonder, for in their judgment it was vacating the temple of religious worship; it was blocking the road to heaven, and driving the poor and unsuspecting to ruin, as well as destroying the whole nation. So it was, by their request, as so ordered, that it was better to execute one to save the many for a worse fate. And this is the true reason for the deed, and not to please the whim of a dancing girl, as you have heard. Now, my lords, if this is not satisfactory, I would ask my accuser, Caius, to write any of the learned Jews, and learn if my statement is not correct. Herod Antipas

Herod’s Defensive Letter to Caesar!

Letter form Herod Antipas to Tiberius Caesar and the Senate of Rome: “My Noble Lords, Greeting, As to what Pontius Pilate says in regard to my cowardice and disobedience in the case of Jesus of Nazareth, I will say in my own defense: I was informed by all the Jews that this was the same Jesus that my father aimed to destroy in his infancy; for I have it in my father’s private writings and accounts of his life, showing that when the report was circulated of three men inquiring where was he that was born King of the Jews, he called together the Hillel and Shammai schools, and demanded the reading of the sacred scrolls; that it was decided he was to be born in Bethlehem of Judea, as read and interpreted that night by Hillel. So when my father learned that there was a birth of a male child in Bethlehem under very strange circumstances, and he could not learn where or who the child was, he sent and had all the male children slain that were near his age. Afterward he learned that his mother had taken him and fled into the wilderness. For this attempt to uphold the Roman authority in the land of Judea the world has not ceased to curse him to this day; and yet the Caesar’s have done a thousand worse things, and done them a thousand times, and it was all well. Just think how many lives have been lost to save the Roman Empire; while those infants were only removed in their innocence from the evil to come. The proper way to judge of action is to let the actor judge, or the one with whom the action terminates. If this should be done, and there is a life of happiness beyond for innocence to dwell in, those infants as well as Rachels should be thankful to my father for the change. Again my Lord’s, Pilate is a higher officer than I; and you know in our law the lower court always has the right to appeal to the higher. As to Pilate’s saying that Jesus was a Galilean, he is mistaken. Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, as the records show. And as for his citizenship, he had none. He wandered about from place to place, having no home, making his abode principally with the poor. He was a wild fanatic, who had taken up the doctrines of John (but not his baptism), and was quite an enthusiast. He had learned sooth-saying, while in Egypt, to perfection. I tried to get him to perform some miracle while in my court, but he was too sharp to be caught in a trap; like all necromancers, he was afraid to show off before the intelligent. From what I could learn he had reprimanded some of the rich Jews for their meanness, and his reproaches were not out of the way, from what I heard they would have much better men if they had practiced what they preached.” Herod Antipas