Is Life Fair? Habakkuk 1:5

Habakkuk was puzzled? He wrestled with God! He could not connect the dots? Why would a more wicked nation punish Israel? Why do the righteous suffer with the wicked? Babylon was giving their gods credit for the Jewish captivity when Habakkuk knew better! The best example i could give Habakkuk about the righteous suffering with the wicked happened about 600 years later in history! Jesus God’s only Son went to the Cross on Calvary outside the city gates of Jerusalem to suffer for the sin of the whole world including you and me! He was perfect without sin yet paid the price for our sin? Paul echoed the same exact words Habakkuk did in Acts 13:41. Paul tried to warn the Jews of the danger to their soul and to Israel to reject the Messiah! Remember the Book of Acts was written between 80-90 A.D. This was 10 to 20 years after the Jewish Roman War and the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 A.D. Also remember Jesus predicted the destruction of the temple! It is in the 13th chapter of the Book of Acts that Paul decides to leave the Jews and go to the Gentiles with the Gospel message! It is interesting that the punishment for sin is built in to sin itself! Sexual immorality leads to deadly diseases like AIDS! How about death itself? No human escapes! Jesus promised to raise us from the dead! However remember everyone gets raised from the dead! Some to everlasting life and some to everlasting punishment! No one could ever promise to raise anyone from the dead unless they themselves could be raised from the dead and also to be able to raise others from the dead! Jesus did that while on earth! Only God our creator has this kind of power! But greater is His love for us as He demonstrated to us in all that He did! The wages of sin is death but God paid our wages and has given us life! Why would anyone reject His love? This is even more puzzling than Habakkuk’s question? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Farewell Address 1796

Of all the dispositions and habits which lend to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports!  George Washington  Comment: Like many republicans of the founding era, Washington thought religion was indispensable to cultivating the civil virtues essential to maintain social and political order in a regime of self-government. The Bible was his most quoted literary text in all of his writings! The founding Father’s did their best to lay a foundation so that God would never say farewell to America! They incorporated Biblical absolutes in the U.S Constitution to try to protect the new republic from the challenges for future generations and provide liberty and justice for all. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Psychology of Religion!

David Wood has an upcoming video on YouTube that will explore the psychology of Mohammad and why he included elements of Christianity and Judaism in his proclaimed visions of God! Then why did he command his followers to kill Christians and Jews? When David completes this study i will post a summary on our blog. I want to give you an example of the psychology of religion! When the Muslims invaded North India centuries ago they slaughtered millions of Hindus! In order to survive the Hindus adopted elements of Islam in their religion! Today that new religion Sikhism has both elements of Hinduism and Islam! Dinesh D’Souza has discovered something interesting while debating atheists in universities across America! He has found atheists are not really atheists but are mad at God! So they will psychologically create an alternative view and teach this to their students in colleges and universities across America to get a following and get even with God! Lenin was also mad at God! So was Darwin and his evolutionary push back! These are fascinating studies and i consider David Wood an expert on Islam from his years of intensive study on this religion. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Does God Keep His Promise? Genesis 17:8

Abraham lived about 3600 years ago! God made a promise to him then that he and his descendants would inherit the Land of Canaan! Remember Canaan was one of the son’s of Noah who was cursed by God for exposing his father’s nakedness! So what Empires occupied and controlled the Land of Canaan over the last 3600 years since Abraham? The Empires of Babylon, Egyptian, Hittite, Assyrian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman (Muslims), French and the United Kingdom! Then in 1948 the Land of Canaan was declared the State of Israel. Since 1948 Israel has had to fight wars to secure her freedom! The still have to be vigilant as they are surrounded by their enemies! God does keep His promises and history and science defend the promises in our Bible! Let me be clear to Christian’s that if God were not to keep His covenant promises to Israel He would never keep His promises to you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Priority by Default!

People should always have something which they prefer to life! Johann G. Seume (1763-1810) Comment: What we know from our Bible is that there are one of two relationships that carry on after death! Either the relationship that was established with Jesus Christ while living here on earth or the relationship with Satan that was established here while living on earth! Both relationships carry on into eternity one to Heaven and one to Hell. A rejection of Jesus Christ puts one’s soul into a default mode to Hell. That is why it is so important to reach people with the Gospel to give them an opportunity to make the right choice! Not all will make the right choice but they need the opportunity to do so! This is why we cannot take the Gospel truth of Jesus Christ casually thinking i made it but others? A test of what we really believe what Jesus said determines the size of the fire you have in your soul to reach the lost! Remember Jesus got on some churches that the fire went out on! You have lost your first love! I will spew you out of my mouth! God has put a fire under us here on earth to help keep others from the big fire down below! James and Hamsa Sasse.

America’s Greatest Threat? Romans 1:28

Is it external? Russia, China or Iran? Is it internal? Financial, political or social? Is it Islamic terrorists? Is it the divide between liberalism and conservatives? All the greatest minds cannot seem to unwrap the mystery of our decline? If we would just get the right people in office or throw a few more billion dollars at it? If the government would just take over then we would be secure! If we could just get rid of certain groups of people? The answer is clear but you will not find it in the Halls of Congress, the Senate or the White House! However our Pastor Oscar Cope in a little old Baptist Church down in Fairburn Georgia has it figured out! Last Sunday morning he told us that the real problem in America is that her people are losing their consciousness of God! He is not in their thoughts! They are unconscious of God! They are brain dead towards God! They are in denial of Him and trying to live without Him! They are dis-functional in their thoughts! So what fills the vacuum left by a dis-functional mind? Many things! Atheism, communism, fascism, evolution(Junk Science), liberalism, false religions, secularism and whatever man can invent to fill the void! God has warned us in fact Paul wrote over 2000 years ago in our Bible about the threat to any culture! God has promised us Blessings or doom if we reject Him! Here is the Greek Translation of Romans 1:28. “And even as they did not prove to retain God in their acknowledgement, God gave them over to a worthless immoral intellect to promote those things that are descending in moral character!” Comment: Is there any proof in your life that you have acknowledged God by living a moral life before God and man? If you want that kind of knowledge you are going to have to work towards it! You need to read and study your Bible everyday for the rest of your life! If you are to busy you are too busy! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.