Case Against Halloween!

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 Let us discuss these verses first. What is meant by passing your son or daughter through the fire? This is human sacrifice! This was the practice of the Canaanites sacrificing their children to their gods! Modern day sacrifice would be abortion! Divination is divining a sentence on someone! A charmer casts magical spells on people. A witch is basically the same thing casting spells on people. Another word for this is a whisperer. A wizard conjures up familiar spirits. Remember King Saul asking the witch of Ender about his future? She did not tell him he was going to be beheaded? King Manesseh also inquired to witches and fortune tellers! A necromancer is one who raises spirits from the dead! They do this to make predictions about the future or in their ghostly help to make something happen. Kind of like the rabbits foot? How lucky was the rabbit? This occult practice was also called Black Magic and comes from the ancient Greek word for corpse necro or prophecy mancy. Comment: It is interesting I lived in India for 3 years and I saw these practices done in the Hindu Temples! I have a blog post on my experience inside a Hindu Temple. The Hindu Priests collect money from people to cast spells on other people. Say a husband wants to get rid of his old wife for he has found a young girl. Then he hires the Priest to cast spells on his old wife that she might die! This is a big money business in India! Funny thing is the opposing party will come to the same Priest and pay him money to cast a spell on his adversary! The Priest will ask more money from the second party! The Hindu Priest’s told me these spells do not work on Christian believers! They do work on everyone else! You might say it is Halloween everyday in India! Do I want to spoil some kids fun collecting candy? No! Did I trick or treat when I was a kid? Yes! What I want you to understand is the origin of Halloween! In Leviticus 18:3 God warned the Jews not to participate in the ordinances or statutes, decree’s, feasts and customes of the gentiles! Today here in America the orthodox Jews do not participate in Halloween but the secular Jews do! Now to the origin of Halloween. The druids were the members of the ancient Celtic culture! The words druid and Celtic mean magic! Remember the Boston Celtics? In the ancient Celtic culture they had Priests, magicians, soothsayers and fortune tellers! They were a high ranking professional class of people from Ireland, Briton, Scotland and Wales. When Rome invaded these area’s around 60 B.C., Caesar said the Celtic groups were performing human sacrifices! Not that Caesar was the Gold Standard for morality but this is what the Roman soldiers observed. Have you ever heard of the wicker man? The Celtics built large wooden idol’s in the form of a man. On top of the wooden beams they nailed wooden slats to form the image. So the center was hollow! Halloween! Then they put the human sacrifices inside and set it on fire! The hollow of your pumpkin has a fire or candle inside of it! The druid religious culture had no written communications only oral. It was a secret society! What are the rules? Criteria for sacrifice? The Romans pretty much wiped out the druids but their occult spirit lives on in culture! The immigration of the Irish to America during late 1800’s and early 1900’s brought Halloween and some of these cultural traditions even though most were Christians. In the Medieval age the remnants of druids opposed Christianity! Trick or Treat! I will hurt you unless you treat me? God says I love you even though you hate me! Let us close with Ephesians 6:12 “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the Rulers of darkness in this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” When children come to our door I put a Gospel Tract into their bags along with the candy! This is one way to wrestle against powers and spirits of darkness! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Democrat Playbook & Targets!

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy! Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. This is cruel but necessary and very effective! Directly personalized criticism and ridicule their work! Saul Alinsky  Comment: The two better known disciples of Alinsky is Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton! Jesus said in this world you will have tribulation! Persecution! From who? Satan! The Democratic Party has rules taken right out of Alinsky’s Book  “Rules for Radicals!” So what are a few examples of his ideology? I cannot list them all but a few honorable mentions! The Obama administration goes after Franklin Graham with an audit of his tax returns! The Colorado baker and the Oregon baker who refused to bake a wedding cake to a gay couple were taken to court! Case for Colorado baker went to Supreme Court where he won! Then Colorado sued him again in State court! He spent thousands of dollars on legal fee’s defending his Faith and Constitutional rights! Then they find out where Christian conservatives dine and take their families to! Like Sara Huckabee Sanders and Mitch McConnell! Harassing their families with the mafia gangs while eating out with families! Then they plan and try to block Conservative speakers from college campuses such as Ben Shapiro and Dinesh D’Souza! The purpose for this is to single out individuals make examples of them so fear will prevail to shut up other conservatives from speaking out against evil! The ANTIFA youth are the black shirts of fascism and the brown shirts of Hitler youth! You have one life to live on this earth for Christ! Step up to the plate and be bold! Oppose this evil with all your strength! Follow your Holy Scriptures in this cultural war! Does your Pastor stand against the evil of gay marriage, homosexuality, transgenderism, lesbianism, open borders and illegal immigration! Does your Pastor oppose sanctuary cities protecting criminals? Stand up for your Bible and the Holy Scriptures! The attack on Trump over past 3 years is another example of the Alinsky model hoping to silence and divide Trump supporters! In realty it has united his supporters! My Bible says the law is just if used justly! Man is so wicked he can even use the law to hurt people! You defeat Satan with God’s word! Jesus told Satan it is written! If Jesus used the Word of God to defeat Satan then we need to do the same! His Word! Read them! Speak them! Live by them! Die by them! Join Christ with them! On earth and in heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Psychics in America! Isaiah 8:19

Annual Psychic Industry Business Revenues in United States: $2.1 Billion Dollars. Source; Statistics of the American Federation of Certified Psychics and Mediums on the Profession of Psychics, the Business of Divinity Arts, and their clients. 2015-2016. Comment: What got my attention to research this is the flood of psychic adds on major cable news channels lately! This takes millions of dollars to run these ads! The 1-800 adds are on your screen for us to call about our future! It is obvious Americans are not taking the advice of Isaiah the Old Testament Prophet? How many Christians are visiting psychics? I shutter in my boots when I hear a Christian tell me, “Ya, but that is the Old Testament and the New Testament has done away with the Old Testament!” Then why did Jesus quote the Old Testament so much? Did He quote something He did not believe? Let us in brief cover the words used in Isaiah 8:19. A familiar spirit or spirit of divination is the act of trying to conjure up spirits from the dead to predict future events! This is an occult practice and sometimes is referred as sorcery. Wizards are of the same spirit and this word actually means to howl. These acts involve chanting, howling to try to call up dead spirits! Sometimes while living in India I would walk past Hindu Temples and Mosques and would hear this chanting and howling while beating drums and tambourines as these Hindu Priests would try to mesmerize their victims! Remember the witch at Endor that King Saul inquired to about his future? Israel was ready to go into captivity and Isaiah tried to warn them! Isaiah asked the Jews a simple question! Why would you seek the dead instead of the living God? The same question needs to be asked to America today! Why would you worship death instead of life? As Halloween approaches there is not a more appropriate question to be asked! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Psalm 23:4 Hebrew Translation

Even though i walk through spiritual darkness i will not be frightened of the wickedness around me for though art with me! Thou Rulership, support and sustenance, they avenge me! Comment: Notice David left the vengeance to God! That is why he did not go after Saul even though Saul was trying to kill him! Forgiveness does not stop God’s vengeance on the offending party! However your forgiveness allows God time to give the offender time to repent! If you do not forgive you also will not escape God’s vengeance! If the offending party will not repent God’s vengeance will fall like a hammer! However your forgiveness and the offending party forgiveness will bring God’s Mercy! James and Hamsa Sasse.

What is a Familiar Spirit? 1 Samuel 28:7

Common sense would say a familiar spirit is a spirit you are familiar with! It is connected with Satan and sin! Before you were born again in Christ this is the spirit that ruled you! Saul sought a woman with a familiar spirit. Why? We will answer this soon! The word familiar spirit translated from the Hebrew means a necromancer. This is the occult practice of consulting the dead! It is one who proclaims to give revelation in uncertain times. Today a fortune teller or a palm reader would be an example. The Jews were strictly forbidden from engaging in this practice of consulting mediums! There is also another meaning for this Hebrew word. It can signify a leather bottle that may burst under pressure! Remember the Jeannie in the bottle! Remember Jesus said not to put new wine in old wine skins! A necromancer will beat skin stretched drums with chants and burn incense to draw spirits. The connection between the two meanings could be that a medium was seen as a container for a conjured spirit. Samuel the Priest had died and Saul had no one to consult about God’s plans and purposes for him. The Lord was angry at Saul for his disobedience! King Saul was facing the Philistine armies in war against Israel. God had already prepared David for the next King of Israel. Saul continued to try to contact God through the Prophet’s and the Urim. The Urim is a noun meaning fire. It refers to the fire of God’s judgment and God’s destruction of the wicked. It is used to speak of a form of idol worship! That is people burning other people in fire! Saul got no answers so his servant’s advised him to contact a woman that had a familiar spirit. So he went to the medium of Endor and Saul asked her to bring up Samuel’s spirit! Samuel was really upset for Saul disturbing him from the Bliss of Heaven! Samuel gave Saul the bad news that the Philistines were going to defeat him soundly! Saul was later killed in battle. The New Testament of our Bible also talks about spirits! There are unclean, dumb, foul, infirmity, divining, evil, bondage and world spirits. John warned us not to believe every spirit! In the case of Saul and the woman with the familiar spirit an evil spirit revealed a good spirit Samuel! It is usually God’s spirit that reveals an evil spirit! We must remember that at one time we were evil in sin apart from God! So our sin revealed the goodness of God sending His son Jesus Christ to atone for our sin! It was our wickedness that revealed the goodness of God! Remember this when you think you are so Holy above everyone else! John told us to try the spirits! He went on to say that every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ came in the flesh is from God! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Evil Spirit from the Lord? 1 Samuel 19:9

This verse in the Old Testament of your Bible may at first seem contradictory! God is good, righteous and Holy! When I was young my dad told me the way he would keep me out of hell was to beat the hell out of me! You may not want to use this scripture in Samuel to teach your 5th grade Sunday school class! However I believe even children could understand this verse if properly taught! Here is what we want to remember abut God! God uses evil to punish evil! That is why He has reserved a place called Hell for the wicked! Pastor’s don’t preach much on Hell anymore? Does not market well. God fights fire with fire just as a firefighter starts backfires to stop a forest fire! Just as a politician will never waste a crisis so God will never waste evil. Whether it be Saul or Judas the results are the same! This leads us to an important question? If the Spirit of God does not dwell in us then what Spirit? Once you are “Born Again” and accept Christ as Savior then Jesus promised to send His Holy Spirit into you! Choices matter and Heaven and Hell rest in the balance! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Coronation at Bethlehem! 1 Samuel 16:13

Samuel the Priest anointed David at Bethlehem to replace King Saul. The estimated date is around 1030 B.C. About 1000 years later another King was born in Bethlehem! The Jews recognized that the Messiah, the Christ would come through David’s lineage. One of the key titles given to Jesus during His earthly ministry was “Son of David.” David was more than a King he was a warrior! Jesus was more than an earthly King! He is King over heaven and earth! He pre-existed Creation! He is Prince of peace but He is also a warrior! He will lead the armies of Heaven when He returns for His Millennium Rule here on earth! Those that do not submit to His rule will be ruled with a rod of iron! The war here on earth is a war between good and evil! Between light and darkness! Between Christianity and Islam! The coronation of Jesus at Calvary made a way for us to repent of our sin! Man has declared war on God! Peace will come when man accepts the King! Left to our own capacity sin will rule us! Submit to the King and let His peace reign in you! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Worship The Right Way! 1 Samuel 13:

Saul was the first King of Israel. He was appointed and anointed by Samuel the Priest of Israel. Saul won a lot of military victories but lost the Spiritual victory! If you lose this victory you lose everything! Saul worshiped the wrong way! He tried to do the Priest’s job! Do not try to worship without the Priest! Jesus is our High Priest but we also have an earthly Priest! Jesus had an earthly Priest and his name was John the Baptist! He prepared the way for Jesus! Your earthly Pastor or Priest prepares the way for you to meet Jesus! Through Jesus you worship the Father! Please do not let your earthly Priest live on locust and wild honey! Your tithe supports your Pastor! You honor your High Priest by honoring your earthly Priest! Give your tithe do not be a fake worshiper! Judas stole the tithe! Saul was in great danger surrounded by the Philistine armies! Samuel was separated from him so he offered the sacrifice for worship! Caiaphas the High Priest of Jerusalem felt threatened by Jesus so he unknowingly offered the true sacrifice for the redemption of man! God Himself! The earthly Priest arranged for the redemption of man! Why we worship and how we worship and who we worship is very important! We worship God alone but understand God became man to establish His Kingdom here on earth! God uses men and women to build His Church! He chooses earthly men and women to lead His Church towards Heaven on earth! Enlist in His Army and follow your leader here on earth! Find a Church this Sunday and worship Him! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Sermon On The Mount Series New Life Church

Matthew Chapter 5; The sermon on the mount is the most taught and least followed of all Jesus teachings! Jesus brings a new imagination ( image ) and a new people out of this sermon. Israel has a history of getting things wrong! They moved from holiness, sin, rebellion, repentance and back to holiness. The difficulty today is the church is just like Israel. Often we cannot tell the difference between the church and the world. Leviticus 18:1-4; God found us in Egypt! God did not want the Jews to be like Egypt or like Canaan. There are traps both in prosperity and bondage. Do not follow the practices of the world. The world is sinking sand. Build on the rock (Christ). The Jews wanted Samuel to give them a king. Why? Other nations had kings. We want to be like the world. God and samuel were greived. So they got Saul, David and a bunch of really bad kings out of forty. Ezekiel 20:6-8; It is possible not to lust, control your temper and live peaceably. Here is a summation of the sermon on the mount, “An invitation from Jesus to be like him and be set apart.” We are a covenant people serving a covenant God. As a mother feeds her baby through the umbilical cord so we are the branches attached to the vine. Moses could not follow the law! The sermon on the mount is not another set of rules. Jesus in you teaches you and enpowers you. John 15:5-6; Apart from me you can do nothing. Bare much fruit! Philippians 2:12; Work out your salvation with fear and trembling. God works in you! No individualism here but community. The disciples left the crowd but after Jesus changed their lives they went back to minister to the crowds! We are in covenant with God and the community. If we try by ourselves we will fail. Live with Jesus and others. No isolation from community in the covenant. The table of covenant is community. Together we servs the community. We serve each other and we serve Christ as He serves us! The Trinity of the covenant is serving community, each other and Christ! Source; Sermon notes, Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Sermon On The Mount Series, 28 April 2013. Thankyou. James Sasse.