All Treats! No Tricks!

October Web Site Stats 2018,  Visitors: 5583  Blog Traffic: 11855  Top Blog Post For October: Spiritual Mystery of Sex 1 Corinthians 6  Top 5 Country Traffic: USA, France, Israel, South Korea, China. Top 5 MP3 Audio Languages: Azerbaijan, French, Urdu, Indonesian, Lithuanian.  Top 5 HTML Pages: Kiswahili, Tagalog, Marathi, Bengali, Malayalam, Tamil. Thankyou for your prayers and support! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Are You Acceptable? Isaiah 61:2

Hebrew Translation: “To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. The year of delight, favor, love, grace, kindness, as the pleasure of a King blessing his subjects! The year the High Priest’s sacrifices were accepted with the blood sacrifices and death accepted for our sin. The debt is now paid and the petitions or prayer requests are now heard and acted upon. And the day of vengeance when the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies and God’s rage, revenge and jealousy was poured out upon the sacrificial offering and accepted. Now after this the people can be comforted with compassion as the sacrifice for their sin has been accepted and they can take a deep breath and sigh of relief for their trespasses have been atoned for.” Comment: Today when we accept the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross for our sin this offering of God for God on  behalf of God is presented before the Father and our sin is forgiven. But what of the fate of those who reject the sacrifice of God’s only Son Jesus Christ for their sin? I would rather be a fallen angel in Hell than an unbeliever in the earth! Why? Because then they themselves become the sacrifice in judgment condemned to an eternity with their leader Satan! The one and only unpardonable sin is the rejection of Jesus Christ as their Savior! While you still have breath you can still chose Jesus Christ! But one day the opportunity in the chapter of your life will end! You are only acceptable to God through the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross for your sin! Nothing else qualifies you for Heaven! No works or no efforts of your past, present or future will suffice! The Apostle Paul with all his great scholarly abilities said I only know Christ and Him crucified and nothing else! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Church Growth & Decline! II Chronicles Chapters 6-7

Mary pondered these things in her heart! Do we ponder the things of God? His House? A church that was once strong and powerful fades away into history? Solomon built the most beautiful Temple for God in history! Solomon had so much wealth given to him! The Queen of Sheba gave him 4 tons of gold for a gift! Solomon did not spend on himself but invested it into the building of the Temple! The Jews made sacrifices to construct the Temple! Solomon asked God for wisdom but God gave him both wisdom and riches! Riches outside the will and purpose of God will come to nothing! After Solomon and many years passed the Temple declined and was destroyed and the Jews went into captivity! Why do some churches fail while others prosper? What series of events cause these opposite outcomes? We must see life God’s way and not our own way! Solomon took the wealth God had given him and invested it into the Temple for worship! God gave the provisions! The church began and the people gave their best! We see from the recorded scriptures here the people prayed and God heard their requests and acted upon them! He bless their cause and work! At the end of Solomon’s prayer God was pleased and fire came down from Heaven and the sacrifice was consumed! What was going right in the Temple! People were obedient to leadership! It was more than just the ornaments of gold silver and jewels! Something was going on inside the Temple! Fire came down and the Lord’s House was filled with His Glory! His mercy endures forever! Solomon built a place where people could bring the sacrifices! God confirmed the blessings with his presence! God has chosen this place for himself! The power of faithfulness and obedience! God heard their prayers! If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves………! We will hear from Heaven! Revival! Times of refreshing! Heart’s right with God! Eyes opened! New revelation! Examine ourselves! Meet God! Who is your God? God is not the reason for a declining church! People have forgotten who they are in Christ! Lost favor of God! Lost sense of purpose! Focus on themselves! No witness of God to the community! Forsaken the God of our Father’s! Calamity follows! God moves out and the world moves in! Secularism! Return to the Lord! He will hear from heaven! He will heal with church growth! Now I must ask you a personal question? Have you given any sacrifice to God that he can consume? When God consumes your sacrifice his presence is manifested in his House! No sacrifice no consumption and no presence! No God in the House! Empty! Christ’s sacrifice caused God to consume Jesus completely with His manifested Glory! Miracles left and right! Are tithes and offerings too much sacrifice for you? Are ministries into your community too much for you? Prison ministry? Hospital and nursing home visits too much for you? Without your sacrifice he has nothing to work with! Do not waste your sacrifice on the world! Your effort will be lost forever! Have faith in God and trust him! You will never be disappointed! When the leadership and people stop sacrificing the ministry declines! When they begin to sacrifice the ministry grows! Pastor Ron Wilder, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.

Deep State Coup!

Dear President Trump, The more information that comes out every day in regards to this phony dossier paid for by Clinton and the DNC the more I see this is a coup by many different players to delegitimize your election and to try to impeach you! They only accept the results of a democratic election if they win! With the involvement of the FBI, CIA, NSA, Justice Department of the Obama administration it is obvious to me they wanted a backup plan in case you won the election! Do not meet Mueller! The whole plan and motive of this investigation is to get rid of you! They are not looking for justice they are looking to find a way to get rid of you! The deep state is threatened by you as you try to take the power from Washington and give it back to the American people! Our prayers are with you as you battle these forces of evil principalities of darkness in high places!! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Have You Wrestled with God Lately? Genesis 32:24-28

Can you win this one? Jacob did! Here is the question we need to ask ourselves? Do you have enough Faith in God that if you wrestle with God you could win? One of my best friends back in high school loved to wrestle! I hated it but he loved it! Since we were good friends I became a wrestling dummy for him to practice on! I was much like a sparing partner for a boxer. Kent Dove went on to win the heavy weight wrestling division state title for Colorado. Wrestling was sweaty, brutal, exhausting and very bruising to your body. Jesus wrestled with God for us in the Garden of Gethsemane! He sweat drops of blood! Most of our religious church guy prayers are pious, quiet, indifferent and selfish a sort of milk toast approach to God. You are probably thinking I have enough problems without taking on God! Jacob’s victory was a Blessing from God to himself and to all that followed him! It resulted in a name change. From a trickster to a Prince! The name Israel means to rule as God! If you were able to rule over this world would you do it as God does? Love the good and hate the evil? Jacob became Israel and a different man after his struggle with God and limped as he walked yet dependent upon God! No more tricks to try to get ahead! Do you struggle with God for the lost souls of this world? If they do not fight for themselves who will fight for them? How about the widows and orphans? Jesus wrestled with His Father and the Cross! Why have you forsaken me? Jesus went through hell for you and me so that we will never be forsaken! Let us wrestle with God to pluck souls out of the burning fire and from the Kingdom of darkness! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Many Voices Claim To Speak For God! Few Are Faithful To His Word!

Amos 8:11-12 The Prophet Amos lived thousands of years ago yet his voice rings true today and vogue as we witness the decline of America. Amos said not a famine of bread or water but a famine of the hearing of the Word of God! America’s decline is almost proportional to it’s rejection of the Bible. As nativity scenes are pulled from public view and Crosses removed from grave yards I wonder how long America can last? The good news is still the good news so we as Christians know that only the re-birth of Christ in America will save our people from destruction! Even though you may say Merry Christmas to a store clerk and they do not reply back or say Happy Holidays just continue to announce Christ to the world! No republican or democrat can save America. We have past the point of no return and only if Christ is re-born in the hearts and minds of Americans can this republic be saved! It is more than a Merry Christmas. It is a Saving Christmas, a Redeeming Christmas and an Eternal Christmas! Do not try to live Christmas without Christ! Thankyou for your prayers and support for this ministry this past year. Have a Merry, Saving, Redeeming and Eternal Christmas! In Christ’s Love. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Beat Obama with a CAIN!

The lastest fight song for the Christian conservatives as they look to replace our President with someone who holds Biblical values! Anti-abortion President is needed and also a candidate who believes small buisness can rebuild American! Also Obama has a big government plan that will not and has not worked! Our government has to be down-sized and live on its budget. We are headed to problems like the euro-zone is facing because of debt! Herman Cain is the most conservative minded man with buisness experience and success in buisness! Our prayers are with him as we try to give America back to the people! Thankyou. James Sasse.