Post Marked for Heaven?

Revelation 7:3 Commentary; Again a true servant is consumed with the will of another! He does not have his own will! Not my will but thy will be done! The word sealed in the Greek means to stamp with a private mark to seal for security and preservation! To keep secret until the right time! Your letter will not make it to heaven unless it has the right stamp! After the Saints are sealed in their foreheads which I believe is the mind of Christ Satan is cut loose in Revelation 9:4 to consume his own! In rebellion against God Satan has always longed to destroy the inhabitants of the earth and has done a pretty good job but now he gets his big chance! To slay 1/3 of men on the earth is a good start! However he recognizes the Saints and to his dismay cannot touch them! Demons have great spiritual awareness! Remember during Jesus ministry they recognized Jesus as the Son of God! Jesus cast out Demons on a regular basis! Satan today knows who you belong to! Satan eats his own kind! He consumes them in sin! Sin is the cancer of the soul! If you are sealed and post-marked for heaven then he cannot touch you! As Easter approaches we have to ask ourselves are we sealed for redemption or judgment? God knows and Satan knows but do you know? Satan’s deception is to get you to believe the lie that it does not matter! The lie there is no heaven and no hell! There is no God! If you find out the truth after death it will be too late! The Romans sealed Jesus tomb but on the third day the stone was rolled away and God conquered death and the sin of humanity that caused it! Satan was defeated and the fear of death that consumes men! He is risen! Are you? Seal your mind with the blood of the Lamb and put on the mind of Christ! Then Satan will know who you belong to and most important you will know you belong to Christ! Deception of sin will be exposed and truth will live in your heart and mind! Truth is embodied in the God/Man Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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