To live by one man’s will becomes the cause of all misery! British Theologian Richard Hooker (1554-1600)
Tag: politics
Remember This When You Vote!
In this politically charged season, we do well to remember that we are not voting for a savior but a servant—one who needs to demonstrate that if he or she has served God faithfully, it is a clear indication that he or she will serve the nation similarly. If you are looking for someone with a Messianic complex, then he or she will simply pave the way for the Biblical Anti-Christ, Satan’s sinister representative, who will lead many away from the truth! Michael Youssef, Leading The Way Ministries, Atlanta, Georgia.
Church Politics!
If all church power vests in the clergy, then the people are practically bound to passive obedience in all matters of faith and practice; for all right of private judgment is then denied! Charles Hodges (1797-1878) Charles was an American Theologian. His father Hugh was a military surgeon during the Revolutionary War! Charles married Sarah Bache the great-granddaughter of Benjamin Franklin. Comment: No organization ever saved anyone! Only Christ saves! Organizations are as imperfect as the people who make them up! Sadly politics is alive and well in the church! Many denomination and church splits are due to politics! On the other side of the issue people who do not want to submit to authority go out and start their own church. Abuse by the clergy and rebellion by the congregation are both destructive! Theology interpretations are also basis for divisions! However the Reformation came out of this! So it can be positive! Suggestion here is whatever your gifting is try to find a leader with the same gifting! Iron sharpens iron! If you are an Evangelist you may be uncomfortable with a leader who is a teacher? However you will still benefit from that gifting! Also find a leader who is open and transparent and not a politician who is manipulating people for his own gain! When I sense a leader is deceptive, manipulative and hides his real intensions I run like Hell! The Holy Spirit will give you discernment to be in the right place where you belong in the Body of Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Israel Saved by a Prostitute! Joshua 2:1-3
This is one of the most fascinating stories in the Old Testament and carries over into the New Testament! This is a lesson for Christian’s to never write off a sinner! If we do that becomes a greater sin! Pride and self-righteousness! Rahab was a Amorite. The first part of her name, “RA”, is the name of an Egyptian God. The rest of her name means insolence, fierceness or broad and spacious! She was spacious and took everyone in! Rahab married Salmon one of the two spies she took in. She became the mother of Boaz, who married Ruth from whose son Obed, Jessie the father of David came, through whose lineage Jesus was born! In the New Testament Rahab is in the Hall of Fame when it comes to Faith! As Christian’s we need to remember God can use anyone and He does! The Bible says we are to confess our sin to one another! Mark Twain said if you do you will have no friends! He is right for I tried that once! If they were true friends they would still be my friend! What a friend we have in Jesus! Politics is the dirtiest occupation on earth! It got Jesus put on a Cross! However God is smarter than sin and nailed all our sin to the Cross! As we close out 2015 think about how we can think like God and look at the world through the heart of God! James and Hamsa Sasse.
The Folly of Politics!
At least one reason for trying to live lives that make a difference is that by so living, we hope we will not be forgotten by those who benefit from our trying to make a difference. Yet to try to insure we will not be forgotten too often results in desperate manipulation strategies that are doomed to fail! Theologian Stanley Hauerwas (Author of Resident Aliens) Comment: As we enter the Christmas season let us remember the reason Jesus will never be forgotten is that He was more than a man He was God and no man can do for us what He has done for us! He also will never forget those in Him! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.
The Pope and Politics!
The separation of church and state was dead when it came to Pope Francis visit to America! The Pope got on the State Bandwagon! Why was the Pope well received? Because he kissed babies? Earlier this year the Pope was asked about the homosexual lifestyle? His response was why should I be a judge? The community here in America thought he had caved in on homosexual behavior! There was a song back in the 1960’s that went, “Hey, Mr. Postman have you got a letter for me?” Hey, Mr. Popeman do you read your mail? God’s letters to him are in his Bible! There are over 200 scriptures in the Bible on judgment! My Bible says that Jesus is coming back to judge the living and the dead! His judgment will be based on a document called, “The Holy Bible.” Pope Francis why should we judge Hitler, Stalin, Ben Laden and Islamic terrorists? Don’t resist just surrender! The Pope is also on the Global Warming and the United Nations one world government scheme! The Bible makes it clear that homosexual activity is a sin! If the Pope does not have the guts to tell the truth I will! On the 200 scriptures in our Bible on judgment here is one of them! Revelation 11:18 “And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and thou will give rewards to thy servants the prophets and the saints and to them that fear thy name small and great, and should destroy them that destroy the earth.” Note: The word earth used here refers to the sin of the inhabitants that pollutes the earth! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
The Church and the State!
Since politics fundamentally should be a moral enterprise, the Church in this sense has something to say about politics! Pope Benedict XVI Comment: The Church in America used to be called the Bully Pulpit! That is before then Senator Lyndon Johnson of Texas shut up the Pastor’s across America with the 501c tax exemption. Back in the 1950’s the church pastor’s got on him for his illicit affairs. So he introduced the 501c. The 501c has worked to mute Pastor’s on almost every moral issue! Another fear they have is how many Christians would donate to a Religious organization if they got no tax deduction? Remember the 501c was instituted to cover up sin. Do we want to participate? We all will face God one day and we want our actions pleasing to Him! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
If you ever injected truth into politics you would not have politics! Will Rogers, July 15, 1923
America’s Greatness!
This country has gotten where it is in spite of politics, not by the aid of it! That we have carried as much political bunk as we have and still survived shows we are a super nation! Will Rogers, Daily Telegram, Nov. 1, 1932
Coffee House Meeting With 3 Gays!
Dear Pastor Brady Boyd, We enjoyed your article in Charisma. Hopefully you will not get a lot of hate mail from our congregation? Great people take great risks! Jesus said in Matthew 10:34, Luke 12:51 and Revelation 6:4, that I have not come to bring peace on the earth but division! Jesus came to bring peace between God and man! The division on the earth whether through religions, politics, families, church, wars, is about Christ! The theme of these last days by the world is to think that the way to peace is to get rid of Christ and these Christians. All sin whether homosexual or any other sin separates man from God. To repent means to accept God’s atonement in and through Christ and stop the sin against God and man! I know you know these things but do not expect the world to be your friend for they will betray you! In Christ’s Love. James and Hamsa Sasse.