Hitler was Gay!

There is new evidence that Adolf Hitler was a homosexual! Doctors who treated Hitler were interviewed by the U.S. Army after World War II, and the notes from those interviews have been made public. Army interrogator Herman Merl, who was a medical technician interviewed Hitler’s doctors, Karl Brandt and Hitler’s primary physician Theodore Morell, wrote “Homosex” in the space provided for Hitler’s sexuality. The doctors told Meril that Hitler did not sleep with girlfriend Eva Braum in her bedroom, and he himself received female hormones. Meril wrote, Eva Braum=separate rooms and “female hormones-injection 50 thousand units. He added, “His sexual life and intercourse with Eva Braun was told to me.” Merl wrote that Hitler was hysterical, a megalomaniac and might have had Parkinson’s disease. Hitler was also injected with bull semen for testosterone. Source; William Bigelow, May 2013, Breitbart News Agency.  Comment: I have previously posted on our Blog that Satan has a Trinity of evil! Just as God has a Trinity so does Satan. Satan has declared war on Jews, Christians and women! Remember the seed of the woman would crush the head of the Serpent! The war on women includes abortion and the promotion of gays! Our political party and leadership in the United States and in particular the White House with President Obama has declared war on Jews, Christians and women! Obama and his wife Michelle do not sleep in the same bedroom? Even when they travel! Obama is responsible for promoting the gay agenda and supporting Islam in the slaughter of Christians around the world! Our relationship with Israel is broken along with our former allies! When you go to the polls in November you have an opportunity to reverse the downfall of America! I believe Ben Carson is the man to reverse our slide! However that decision is up to you. Your vote or lack of a vote will have an outcome! Choose this day who you will serve! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Coffee House Meeting With 3 Gays!

Dear Pastor Brady Boyd, We enjoyed your article in Charisma. Hopefully you will not get a lot of hate mail from our congregation? Great people take great risks! Jesus said in Matthew 10:34, Luke 12:51 and Revelation 6:4, that I have not come to bring peace on the earth but division! Jesus came to bring peace between God and man! The division on the earth whether through religions, politics, families, church, wars, is about Christ! The theme of these last days by the world is to think that the way to peace is to get rid of Christ and these Christians. All sin whether homosexual or any other sin separates man from God. To repent means to accept God’s atonement in and through Christ and stop the sin against God and man! I know you know these things but do not expect the world to be your friend for they will betray you! In Christ’s Love. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Anti-Christ is a Jew and Gay! Daniel 11:37

According to the Bible in the Book of Daniel Chapter 11, verse 37, desribes some of his character and race. It is interesting that Jesus is a Jew and so is the Anti-Christ. This is one of the reasons the Jews are deceived by this guy during the 7 year tribulation period of history. They believe a Jew would not turn on a Jew. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed by God for their gay life style as were they during the flood in Noah’s day. However the homosexuals are back as the United States government and other world governments promote them with our tax dollars. Jesus warned us that the last days before his return would be as in the days of Noah. The spirit of Anti-Christ has always been with us but the embodied man Anti-Christ will soon emerge as the one world ruler. The spirit of Anti-Christ promotes death through abortion, gay marriage, gambling, drug abuse, prostitution,divorce and every other sin on earth. Remember when Herod tried to abort Jesus through the murder of the children in Bethlehem. We as Christians should not be surprised about prophetic events as they unfold before our eyes. Your Bible is front page news! Read it! Thankyou. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Is God gay?

If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. (Leviticus 20:13) You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination. Nor shall you mate with any animal, to defile yourself with it. Nor shall any woman stand before an animal to mate with it, it is perversion. Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for by all these the nations are defiled, which I am casting out before you. (Leviticus 18:22-24). Notice that the latter verses-Leviticus 18:22-24-Lump in homosexuality with bestiality. Source; Holy Bible, Book of Leviticus, Chapter 18, verses 22-24. Also Chapter 20, verse 13.