Judicial Watch! Revelation 11:18

Greek translation: “And the nations were angry, and thy wrath with the purpose of revenge is come, and the time of opportunity for the spiritual dead should be judged to divide and separate by a judicial decision based upon evidence and you shall give a reward to the Saints set apart for you the prophets who have predicted the future beforehand. To those that fear revenge of the name of the one that saves them both small and great and will destroy those who destroy the earth.” Comment: Here we see God having judicially tried all cases of men who have lived or ever will live! What a case load! You say well God has to hire more judges! No! He only has one judge! His name is Jesus Christ! Does Jesus have a strong case against us? All have sinned and come short of the Glory of God! So could I hire a smart attorney and get off the hook? The problem is your attorney is also on trial! Certainly my good works will save me! Your righteousness is as filthy rags! Like the rich young ruler we cannot give up what keeps us from Jesus! The evidence is overwhelming against us and that is what the world is so angry about! So what evidence if any could possibly save me from this judgment of death? Who could go in my place? God only has one substitute! His Son Jesus Christ who went to the Cross to take your judgment! To take your place! The world is angry because they have rejected their substitute sacrifice and no sacrifice remains for them so they receive their own judgment! God is only looking for the evidence that you repented of your sin and walked away from your sin! Repented through Jesus Christ! All judgment is left unto the Son! He knows where everyone stands! Where do you stand right now? You could step off into eternity anytime at any place! My Bible says after death the judgment! You or anyone cannot stand naked before God and live! No second death for those who are covered by the Blood of the Lamb! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Watch! Witness! Worship!

These three words describes the actions of all the participants of the first Christmas night! Jesus light pushes back the darkness of your life! The Angel’s, the wise men and the shepherds all watched that night in great wonder! God did not accomplish the birth of his Son all by himself! He engaged the help of his creation to get the job done! From the lowest to the highest in cultural rankings he used people who were watching for him! The shepherds were raising a special breed of sheep! They were broad tailed sheep that were only used for sacrifice! Remember Cain and Abel? Cain’s vegetarian sacrifice was not accepted by God however his brother Abel made an animal or blood sacrifice that was acceptable to God! Abel was a shepherd! The Shepherd’s were culturally familiar with every manger in Bethlehem! By contrast the wise men of the East were men of science studying the scriptures and astronomy! They could have been Persians, Iraqis or even Jews! The Arab’s would have been familiar with the Jewish scriptures since the Jews were captives in Babylon for 70 years! We assume there were three wise men from the three gifts however traveling across the Arabian desert would require a caravan of people for supplies and safety! These men were wise because they were watching for God! They were looking for him! Are you looking for God? They had read the scriptures and were looking for that special star! They were educated in the sciences of astronomy and scripture! They were so familiar with the stars they would recognize a new star! Are you so familiar with the scriptures you would recognize Christ’s second coming? So they watched the scriptures and the signs in the heavens! The Angel’s watched that night from Heaven and earth! They were watching those who were watching for God! If you want God’s attention look for him! You may have temporary success in this life and people will watch you for awhile but then they will move on to the next celebrity! They will forget you! When we get God’s attention he will remember you forever! King Herod was not looking for Jesus! However when he discovered he had missed Jesus he took revenge on the small babies of Bethlehem! When the world misses Jesus second coming they will cry and wail and take revenge out on one another! This season is a great opportunity for us to watch, witness and worship Jesus! If you do eternal life with Christ is the gift under his tree that will never perish! Source: Pastor Oscar Cope Message.  James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Protesting the Gun that Won the West?

Why protest the gun instead of the criminals that use the gun to kill people? If they did not have guns they would use swords or knives! The poor gun gets bad press! Like blaming the cannibal’s teeth for his appetite for human flesh! So what do I do to protest the gun protest? I tune into MeTV and watch another episode of Gun Smoke! James

Are NFL Players Jehovah Witnesses?

Jehovah Witnesses are conscientious objectors refusing military service and refuse to salute our National Flag! They refuse blood transfusions! They do not celebrate Christmas, Easter and birthdays! They do not believe in the immortality of the soul. They believe there is no Hell. They believe the 144 thousand in the Book of Revelation are the only ones going to Heaven! They believe the last days began in 1914. They believe all present day religions except them will be destroyed by the United Nations! They believe Armageddon will only begin when they are attacked! They believe Jesus Christ began his rule in Heaven in 1917. They distribute Watch Tower Magazines and Awake Magazines going door to door. Comment: They are polite people and come to our neighborhood knocking on doors once a month. I question them about their Faith! I share with them that their organization, Pastor, denomination, doctrines and elders cannot save them! I tell them only Jesus Christ can save you from your sin! They look at me puzzled? I share with them only Jesus Christ can save them from eternal separation from God and eternal Judgment! No response or reply? Can you name His name from your lips? Jesus Christ the Son of the living God! They just walk away turning their backs on the Savior? We are free in America to believe what we want to believe but this organization is not main stream Christianity and is another way to try to climb up to Heaven another way! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com