Two Witnesses! Revelation 11:3

“And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days (3 1/2 years), clothed in sackcloth. Comment: So who are these two witnesses? The word witness means to bring to remembrance! Jesus said do this in remembrance of me! We are to remember what Jesus prophesized about the end times as we are half way through the seven year tribulation period in this chapter eleven! Notice in the earlier verse the Jewish Temple at Jerusalem has been rebuilt! That has not happened yet! Future! The Holy city has been tread down by the Gentiles for 3 1/2 years! The Jews have discovered they have been betrayed by the Anti-Christ in the middle of the Tribulation and he goes into the Temple as demands worship as God! From scripture we know he will be Jewish and a homosexual! Most Bible scholars believe these two witnesses are Elijah and Enoch! Remember Elijah and Enoch did not physically die but were raptured from the earth! They did not experience the resurrection from the dead! Now in chapter eleven they get their chance to experience this great faith building event! Remember at the rapture of the church millions of Christian’s will miss the resurrection from the dead experience! However when the Saints return with Christ at the end of the tribulation they will have this experience at the last great battle on earth the Battle of Armageddon! Everyone will be raised from the dead! Some to everlasting life and some to everlasting judgment! It all depends on what you do with the Judge! The scriptures in your Bible are like pieces of a puzzle and when you put them all together you see God!James and Hamsa Sasse.

Are NFL Players Jehovah Witnesses?

Jehovah Witnesses are conscientious objectors refusing military service and refuse to salute our National Flag! They refuse blood transfusions! They do not celebrate Christmas, Easter and birthdays! They do not believe in the immortality of the soul. They believe there is no Hell. They believe the 144 thousand in the Book of Revelation are the only ones going to Heaven! They believe the last days began in 1914. They believe all present day religions except them will be destroyed by the United Nations! They believe Armageddon will only begin when they are attacked! They believe Jesus Christ began his rule in Heaven in 1917. They distribute Watch Tower Magazines and Awake Magazines going door to door. Comment: They are polite people and come to our neighborhood knocking on doors once a month. I question them about their Faith! I share with them that their organization, Pastor, denomination, doctrines and elders cannot save them! I tell them only Jesus Christ can save you from your sin! They look at me puzzled? I share with them only Jesus Christ can save them from eternal separation from God and eternal Judgment! No response or reply? Can you name His name from your lips? Jesus Christ the Son of the living God! They just walk away turning their backs on the Savior? We are free in America to believe what we want to believe but this organization is not main stream Christianity and is another way to try to climb up to Heaven another way! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Are You The One? Mark 14:61-62

I believe every generation born asks this question sooner or later! Caiaphas the High Priest asked Jesus this question! After Judas betrayed Jesus the Jews apprehended Jesus and a mock trial was held! Jesus was a threat to the religious leaders of Israel as He is to the religious system today! The religious leaders raised up false accusers against Jesus to nail Him! However the false witnesses could not agree with their testimonies! Why was Jesus such a threat? They had their long robes and long prayers but Jesus at the snap of His fingers raised the dead, healed the blind and the lame, walked on water and cast out demons! So Caiaphas had to ask the question that he dreaded to ask and inside knew this was probably the guy! Jesus are you the Christ the Son of the Blessed? What was he really asking? Let us break these words down one Greek word at a time! Christ means the anointed one! That is He was covered with the Glory of God! The word son used here, “Hulos”, is a specific word reserved for the Son of God as opposed to the generic word used meaning the offspring of parents! The word Blessed is reserved for God who is worthy of praise! Humans can be favored by circumstances however these circumstances can change and usually will over time! God is the creator of all and we are the recipients of His love! Jesus replied to his question with an affirmative yes and added more as we see in verse 62. Caiaphas then accused Jesus of blasphemy and Jesus persecution and execution followed! Suffering can come because of who you are! Good or bad! Jesus suffering was pre-planned by God! Jesus always referred to “His Father” except at the Cross! At the Cross Jesus said, “My God why have you forsaken me?” Have you ever felt forsaken? There are many benefits for following Jesus such as eternal life, peace, joy, love, long suffering, patience and the list goes on! Also remember many suffer today because of His name! Such as the Christians in the Middle East, Africa and places including America! It is not easy to suffer for who you are however Jesus suffered because of who we are! Sinners saved by Grace! James and Hamsa Sasse.