20th Anniversary Retirement!

Yes this month of April marks 20 years! If God is for you who can be against you? Well, let me start at the top! Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Obama,Obama! Lightning can strike twice! Sounds like a code word for a nuclear attack! Peyton Manning is going to change his call sign this season. The change will be from Omaha, Omaha, Omaha to Sea Hawks, Sea Hawks, Sea Hawks! The new call sign means that an aerial attack will not help us! The Denver Broncos are going to draft the biggest, strongest, meanest and fastest running back in the NFL to start the new season! Thankyou. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Israel Prepares For An Attack !

Israel believes Iran is involved in the missing Malaysian Airliner! Two young Iranian men boarded the aircraft with fake passports? They also purchased one way tickets with cash? If that is not a red flag what is? As we use our military assets to look for this airliner on the sea bed Israel believes the airliner may be in Iran and hangered. They may go after Israel but I believe they go after a bigger prize! I am talking about us here in America! If you do not know Bible Prophecy you cannot connect the dots! In end times prophecy Russia and Iran will rise in power. Gog and Magog. The Persian empire has united with the Medes (Russia). Look for the old Soviet eastern countries to go back under Russian rule. Western Europe will also fall to Russian rule. Russia will expand both west and south towards Israel. Iran will expand south of Israel and surround her on the south. America has and will continue to diminish in power. The old Roman empire will expand in power and dominance! We have a very weak leader in the white house by the name of Obama who will help to bring these events to pass! This missing Malaysian Airliner will be reconfigured to carry an atomic warhead to America! If you look at a map of Iran the airliner can fly north or east over large expanses of Russia territory for about 75 percent of it’s mission to hit either New York or Los Angeles! After this attack America will cease to be a world power! Then they will focus on Israel. We know from Biblical prophecy God will intervene for Israel and destroy her enemies! No I am not on drugs but Bible End times prophecy is closing fast! The tragic story here among other things is the blindness of our current leadership in America. If you do not read and believe the Bible then you will be blind-sided by these events! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

U.S. Military Members Suffer For Our Freedom!

It is good to be living in a military community in the Colorado Springs area! Even though I served 13 years in the military I am guilty of forgetting those who have and are serving today. I have a neighbor Rob who I have come to know over past 9 months since moving to the area here. He was slow to warm up to me but when I offered to help him and saw me wearing my old camo-fatigues he was delighted. We have become good friends and I have invited him to some of our church services. I have shared some of my military experiences with him but Rob was subdued about his? One day about a month ago Rob opened up to me. Rob got a medical discharge from the Army. Here is how it happened. Rob deployed to Saudi Arabia with the Army for a short term working with the Saudi military joint exercise. Near the end of his deployment the Saudi military asked his commander if they could recover a Saudi military vehicle in a remote area of Saudi Arabia? The American Army commander complied and sent Rob and four other service members to recover the vehicle. Rob noticed when they got to the area this local village looked like a ghost town? No people? So they recovered the vehicle and brought it back to the Saudi military base. Within one week of recovering this vehicle Rob’s comrades all died! Rob went to a military hospital for two years! What happened? The Saudi military used this vehicle in a chemical attack on this remote village! Evidently this village was rebelling against the King so they got the gas. Rob even today has to take anti-anxiety medicine. Rob holds a part time job in the community. Here is the beautiful part of this story. I shared with Rob that due to my four back surgeries I cannot shovel the snow off our driveway. So everytime it snows Rob shovels my driveway! I have told him many times you do not have to do this! Rob simply says,”I always look for an opportunity to serve others!” Rob is still serving his nation and me! This is the Spirit of America that no enemy will ever defeat! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

True or False? Matthew 7:15-23

False Prophets! Not all that shines is gold! Jesus warning His disciples. Wolves attack just to kill while other beasts kill only for food. Assassins! Dressed in sheep clothing. They look like you, dress like you, have a good church language but are suicide bombers wearing a Christian costume. Intentional people who purposely mislead us to hurt. Evil at the core. Verse 16- By their fruit you will recognize them. Good or Bad! True or False! Pay attention to the right thing. Walk and be not deceived. Good fruit is moral fruit. Bad fruit is immoral or evil fruit. Verses 21-23. Final Judgment! I prophesied in your name? I cast out demons in your name? I did miracles in your name? Jesus said but I never knew you! Worst thing you could ever hear! Warning! Big crowds always follow those who perform prophecy, cast out demons and perform miracles. They may be genuine or total deceivers? Work for the right fruit. Do they sell products and then sprinkle Jesus on top of their sales pitch? How does fruit come? Fruit takes time to produce. Galatians 5:22- Fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace———-. Is our motivation on self or Christ? Look for sound doctrine! Is your household built on sand or rock? 2Timothy 4:3-4. People want a doctrine that fits their desires. Our desire and God’s desire is different. Make me happy God! The 21st century church theology is called; Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. It says that God is here to make me happy! Use Jesus to get what you want. No sound doctrine. A lot of money made under this false doctrine. Money made in the God business. Why? It sells! Itching ears. We want to hear this! Pleases the flesh. Marketing 101- Find out what the people want and tell them how to get it. Politicians today- They follow the culture rather than lead it! Flow with the stream down the drain. Sound doctrine- Iron sharpens iron. Follow Jesus. Believe Him. False Prophets will appear to go along with the Gospel but yet will say Jesus did not die and raise from the dead. The Death and Resurrection of Christ is foundational to our Faith! The Nicene Creed has been foundational to our Faith for over 1600 years. The early church father’s wrestled these heresies to the ground for us. You have to be able to discern truth to avoid the destruction of the false! Source: Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Sunday Sermon Notes Message given on September 8, 2013. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Damascus No More! Isaiah 17:1 Amos 1:3

On our blog we have previously posted two articles about Damascus Syria. See June 2013 and September 2012 postings. It looks like these two Bible Prophecies are going to be fulfilled very soon! If Assad is forced out of Damascus he could again use chemical weapons so the city could never be inhabited again. He could attack Israel in retaliation along with Iran with Russia backing to fulfill the fourth and last war on Israel in completing Amos 1:3. Read your Bible! Front page news! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Ryan Biden Debate

Joe Biden showed lack of character as this administration has done over past 4 years! Joe said he did not vote for Iraq Afghan Wars but he did vote for both wars! More deception displayed about what happened in our Consulate Security prior and following terrorist attack that killed 4 Americans in Libya! Lack of integrity at the top is our biggest problem in America! We need a change! Please vote the Romney/Ryan ticket! James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com