Have We Learned Anything Since 9-11?

Nothing! Our political leaders act as though the problem does not exist? Our military will win wars if their hands are not tied behind their backs! No one knows the Islamic playbook? No one has read the Quran? The Jihadist playbook is open for all to see! Christian’s ignorantly think they follow Biblical rules? Our current administration acts as though they are our friends? In fact they give them material support and aid our enemies! If we are to prevent a bigger attack than 9-11 then political correctness must go and we must recognize who our enemies are! Hillary Clinton took millions of dollars in bribes from Muslim governments while she was Secretary of State! She owes them big favors! Payback for the American citizen on the street could be very costly! Would you elect a leader as President of the United States who owed more favors to foreign governments than the citizens of the United States? Think about it?? A vote for her is a vote for Islam and the terrorism they will execute on America and Israel. Let not those 3000 American human sacrifices and the thousands of military members who were killed or maimed not be sacrificed in vain! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Phyllis Schlafly 1924-2016

We pay tribute to her as she brought the Kingdom of God down to earth! She was a Constitutional lawyer and conservative activist. A Harvard graduate she successfully campaigned against the Equal Rights Amendment and opposed the feminist movement! Her books sold millions of copies over the years. She hosted a daily talk show Eagle Forum and i was an avid listener back in the 1970’s and 1980’s! Her father was granted a patent on the Rotary engine design in 1944. Donald Trump is going to honor her at her funeral. She was a great lady and her input made my life better! She respected God and country and honored Christ with service to our nation! Being so close to 9-11 in her passing we are reminded that she stood for American values in which our enemies hate! She will be missed and we know God has a greater work for her now! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Misdirected Zeal

Zeal is very blind, or badly regulated, when it encroaches upon the rights of others! French Theologian Pasquier Quesnel (1634-1719) Comment: Remember Paul said he had a zeal for God but not according to knowledge! Today as before in history we face movements whether religious, political or social that are blinded from truth and press on running over basic human rights of men! Paul stopped his persecution of Christian’s when the light appeared to him on the road to Damascus! Pray for Christ’s light to shine into our dark world! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

You Cannot Live For Yourself! Ecclesiastes 12:7

Some call this suicide! You cannot live for yourself either! Many try! Either way brings emptiness! God’s character is just the opposite! He lives for you and died for you! If you want fulfillment in life follow His example! Solomon had it all. He had riches, women, fame, and wisdom from God that he did not use all the time. In the end he said it was all vanity! That is to no purpose or worthless! Life under the sun means living your life without God! We need the son! Here are some quotes from rich famous American’s! John Rockefeller;”My millions brought me no joy!” Cornelius Vanderbilt;”Two hundred million and i am still empty!” John Astor;”I am the most miserable man on earth!” Henry Ford;”I was a lot happier when i was a car mechanic!” Ralph Barton; Suicide Note: “I have run from woman to woman and country to country to try to escape myself!” King Solomon;”It is all vanity!” Your purpose is to live for God and others and to sacrifice yourself in service to others! Follow Jesus example and be servant of all. Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia

Test of True Friendship?

If someone whether family or other is not willing to sacrifice for you they are no friend! A true friend will sacrifice everything to even his life for you! Jesus is first in sacrifice for you and you make sacrifices for Him but the field gets real slim after him! Church friends, Facebook and other social media is what i call junk friends! They will never be tested or tried to meet the standard of a true friend! If they want you to sacrifice for them but not they for you it may be time to be and find a true friend! T.D. Jakes

Facts about Elijah 1st & 2nd Kings

Why did Elijah order a 3 year drought for King Ahab and Queen Jezebel? Why so long? Why not order an earthquake and get it over with? Baal was worshiped by Ahab and Jezebel and was supposed to be the god of rain, thunder, lightning and dew! Remember Elijah told them they would not even see dew! So this was the challenge Elijah with Jehovah God to Baal. Elijah was challenging the Priestess Jezebel and her priests of Baal who brought idol worship to Israel! Also remember Jezebel was the daughter of King Sidon of Phoenicia the Headquarters for Baal worship! Remember where the widow was from who helped Elijah in the drought? She lived in Zarephatho Phoenicia! So God sent Elijah to the enemies camp for safety! Our enemies are all around us yet God keeps us safe! I have experienced with 3 years in India that every false god whether Hindu, Sikh or Muslim must bow down to Jesus! Now is the time to share with you about American culture. Satan is a crafty devil so how does he deceive the masses of people here in America? He will not name himself as a god but will mask himself as junk science! Evolution is the junk science millions of school children are taught in our public schools as science! That way he cannot be challenged as a god! Since God does not exist the end of the debate! So the children graduate from our schools high school and college brain washed into believing there is no God! We have to attack the junk science that is why i have started a series called Science and Faith! Did you know Elijah is mentioned in the Quran and also Jesus! We will cover this later but don’t get too excited about it! It tries to debunk Christianity! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Science and Faith! 2 Kings 2:20

Elisha purifies a stream with salt! Elisha lived 2900 years ago! I want to quote a science journal article published in 2012. “A scientist at Michigan Technological University has discovered a simple way to turn muddy water—such as water gathered from rivers, streams and boreholes into drinkable water by using table salt.” May 8, 2012. Sorry MCU but you are at least 2900 years too late! I hope our tax money did not go for a government grant to do this work? Even sea pirates knew about this! If you mix sea water with fresh water at a 2:3 ratio the water is then drinkable with no ill effects! So when they got low on fresh water aboard ship they served mixed drinks! I hate to debunk that scientist but if he had just read the Bible the answer is right in front of us! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

A Better Way to Pray! Matthew 6:7-8

Prayer is not informing “poor uniformed” God! He knows what you need before you ask! Prayer is your opportunity to fellowship with Him! As believers in Jesus, we have a restored relationship with God to where we can boldly approach the Throne of Grace, as it says in Hebrews 4:16. You can fellowship with God anytime you like! To me relationship with God is our goal, and prayer is the vehicle i use! We have CD,s available on this important subject! Please contact me www.awmi.net or our help line 719-635-1111. Andrew Wommack Ministries