How Can We See God?

1 John 4:12 “No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God [dwelleth] in us, and his love is [perfected]in us.” Commentary: Do you remember the words of Jesus? He said if you have seen me you have seen the Father! We shall see two important Greek words in this passage bracketed above. The first word is “dwelleth”. It means to remain in and remain alive. Patience towards things and circumstances. Long suffering with patience towards people. We need his indwelling in us everyday producing the character of God within us! Especially under the stresses of the pandemic and political war! So how does God not continue to dwell in us? Only if we stop loving people! Does not matter political affiliation, race, religion or gender! Now when we take a look at the second word “perfected” things begin to come together in understanding of this passage! This word means to accomplish and complete our goal in unity with God! What is our goal? To be like God! Now comes the hard part of this goal! To be perfected we must suffer like Christ to love people! When you love people that hate you suffering will come! I thought if I loved everyone they would love me? Sorry friend not so! To be like God means to suffer! The Cross comes with the mission of God! No easy way! Love from the word Agape means a sacrificial love! Not a cheap love! It will cost you your very life! Prison! Condemnation! Mockery! A Cross! Stripes laid to your back! Spit upon! Laughed at! Marginalized! Are you ready to love people sacrificially as God does? Not every Christian is willing to pay the price! You cannot do this unless God dwells in you! Otherwise it is just religion! True love suffers! When Jesus ascended to the Father at Pentecost he promised to send the Holy Spirit to secure us until his second coming! Without the sacrificial blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit you will only be religious! We will fail without him! We cannot love people without Him! Receive Christ today to forgive your sin and then ask him to send you the Holy Spirit! Then love will flow out of you from the Throne of God like a river! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Pastor’s You Can Politically Speak Now!

“President Trump signed his executive order “Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty.” It directs the Secretary of the Treasury to exercise discretion to avoid taking any adverse action against an individual, house of worship, or religious organization that speaks about moral or political issues from a religious perspective, including the revoking the 501c(3) status. According to President Trump the Executive Order removes the financial threat faced by tax-exempt churches from the IRS when pastor’s speak out on behalf of political candidates.” Source: Paul Rozenberg, Geneva Burns, Attorney’s At Law. Commentary: So why are Pastor’s still muted when it comes to the political candidates they support? I as a congregation member want to know where my Pastor stands on the issues? It is like Ben Shapiro says we have won the political war but have lost the cultural war! I think the Pastor’s have been muted for so long they are like the circus elephant who gets his leg chain removed yet still camps out around the anchor staked into the ground! Money as Jesus says is the root of all evil and that includes the ministry! Historically how did we get to the choke chain of the 501c? The Johnson Amendment done by former President Johnson a Democrat while he was a Senator back in the 1950’s from Texas crafted this law! He was running around with a woman in Texas who was not his wife and the Pastor’s got on him from their pulpits across Texas! Before the Johnson Amendment the pulpit’s across America were called the bully pulpits! So Johnson thought how can I shut these guys up so I can continue my affair? So he with the help of other Democrats crafted a law know as the 501c tax exempt status for churches and religious organization! So the new law was a sin to cover another sin! This is why I encourage Pastors to drop out of the 501c and come clean! If the only reason I give to my local church is to get a tax deduction on my income tax I am a phony! I give first because God commands it and I love his church and support the work to carry the Gospel around the world! No other reason! If the 501c were removed I would still give tithes and offering to my local church and other ministries! The most destructive part of this Johnson Amendment is gaging free speech or our first Amendment! I attribute the loss of our cultural war over decades of time to the Johnson Amendment! Hey it worked! Victory for the devil! If President Trump wins this November this Executive Order giving Pastor’s freedom of speech from the pulpit will continue for another four years! However we have three months until elections and if you as the Spiritual leader of your church do not exercise this freedom then more of our freedoms could be lost! Be bold! Be strong! The Lord thy God is with you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Only God Can Do This!

Colossians 4:5  Greek Translation: “Walk following Christ in wisdom with the knowledge that your relationship to God differentiating between spiritual wisdom and worldly wisdom understanding true wisdom comes from God. Walk in wisdom to those outside or strangers to the covenant promises knowing Christ has purchased our time through salvation.” Commentary: If we miss Christ in our journey here on earth we have wasted our life in the time here and the costly sacrifice God has made for you! At the time or point in our life where we denounce our sin and accept Christ our entire time here on earth is purchased back! Christ then has saved you from your past, present and future sin! He is the same yesterday, today and forever! Whether you find Christ at ten years old or one hundred years old your lost or wasted time is purchased back! It is though as you have never sinned! The thief on the Cross is one of the best examples! He had just a few minutes to live yet he received Christ as his Savior then Jesus told him this day you will be in paradise with me! His whole life and wasted time in sin was purchased back! The other thief on the Cross rejected Christ so his entire life was wasted here on earth and his eternity separated from God forever! There is only one choice on earth that has eternal consequences! What do you do with Jesus Christ? Everyone including you have either rejected him or accepted him! Where is your position in Christ right now? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Andrew Wommack Ministries!

The Bible says it is unwise to compare and is the killer of joy! Let me just make an observation about this ministry. What I see as a red scarlet thread through the fabric of this ministry is a consistent determination of pointing people to Jesus! Sometimes people will try to promote their own organization or ministry as the only reason you are Blessed! Sometimes people will try to say the only reason you are Blessed is because I pray for you! What about Jesus interceding for us right now in prayer at the right hand of the Father? No organization can save you and no ministry can save you and no Pastor can save you but only Jesus Christ! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse