Milk Toast Christian? Revelation 2:7

Comment: Are you lukewarm? Neither hot or cold? The word overcometh used all over both the Old and New Testament is not really understood as used in the English language! I might think about getting an “A” grade on a test as an overcomer! I could also think of getting a poor grade and not failing as an overcomer! Jesus said throughout the Book of Revelation and other New Testament scripture said that he that overcometh I will give…….. A promise of a reward! So what does overcome mean in the original Greek and Hebrew? The Greek word is “Niko”, which means to subdue and conquer! Victory like those wearing the Nikki athletic sports equipment! The Hebrew word appears first in Genesis 49:19, and it means to collect a troop of warriors for an attack! It is a military term or offensive maneuver! So who are we conquering? We must have an enemy? Wait a minute? Jesus said to forgive your enemies! By doing this you conquer Satan who inspired your enemies to attack you! We wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers of darkness! When we get to Heaven will we be sitting on a cloud reading our Bibles? At Jesus second coming he will be returning to earth leading an army to conquer and subdue the earth! You will be in his army! We are to conquer also while still on earth! Conquer Satan! With the Word of God! Conquer in His name! After you leave the earth will Satan be better off because of you and get a promotion or will you have vanquished him? To overcome means you are on the offensive! There is no victory if you are on defense! Holding the fort? Jesus said go out into all the world to preach the Gospel! Is your voice muted in our culture? Are you a politically correct pawn used by Satan for his gain? Wait! I have a 501c tax exemption! I could lose money if I speak out! I cannot speak out against homosexuals, lesbians and transgenders! I know my Bible says it is evil but I have to sell my books and be popular! I need the money! My books sell if I promote the idea of wealth, fame, fortune, prosperity and success in this world! If my best life now is all there is why would I ever want to go to Heaven? My pyramid scheme of selling these books is great because those suckers give me all their money! I end up rich they end up poor! I win! There are no substitutes for reading your Bible! I am not saying there are not good books about the Bible but what I am saying is the Word of God came to you through His Blood! And the blood of martyrs! None of these authors of these books are going to give their lives for you! Most just want your money! If God gives me some revelation I can post it on a blog where it is free to you for benefit! I freely received from God why should I charge you? The most valuable possession we have has already been paid for! Eternal life by the Blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Test for Character?

“A man who has made no enemies is probably not a very good man.” Antonio Scalia, Justice Supreme Court. Comment: If half the population hates your guts then you are above reproach and greater than a milk toast Christian who cannot even make the devil mad!  James and Hamsa Sasse.

Put it in Writing!

Grandpa and Grandma were getting up in age and were forgetting alot of things! Their doctor told them to write everything down so they would not forget. They were both seated on the sofa when Grandma asked Grandpa to get her some ice cream and strawberry’s from the kitchen. Grandpa got up off the sofa to get these but Grandma asked Grandpa to first write it down! Grandpa said no because the kitchen was located in the next room. In a few minutes Grandpa came back and handed Grandma two fried eggs and two slices of bacon! Grandma got mad and told Grandpa he forgot the toast! Source; Pastor Joel Olsteen.