Fascism Growing in America!

The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact! Their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity, every crack in the common front against fascism! Harry A. Wallace, Vice President of the United States. (1941-1945)

The Christmas Party is Growing!

Christianity is the fastest growing religion in the world! Islam is second. It’s spreading in Asia, Africa and South America. So the world is in a kind of religious revival, and the atheists are totally flummoxed. They thought they were winning, and now they see the are not. Dinesh D’Souza.  Comment: The world is a stage for the battle between good and evil. God has only one tactic to overcome evil. Love! Love not the evil but overcome evil with good! Remember we were all on the wrong side of eternity at one time! It is righteous to punish evil! Christ took our judgment upon Himself! If you really love the Truth then point people to Christ! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com