Prepare You a Way! Isaiah 40:3

“Prepare a physical pathway for the Lord, make upright and just in a wilderness a highway for our God.” Comment: This Old Testament prophecy was also quoted in the New Testament in several places! In (John 1:23), John the Baptist quoted this scripture to the religious and political leaders explaining what he was doing and why! The word “way”, used in the New Testament means a road in which one travels. Here is the real deal. We as believers had a way prepared for us to find God! The message you received about Christ may have come from a Evangelist, Pastor, teacher, Priest, prophet, elder, parent, grandparent or a missionary! They prepared a way for you to find Christ! We are to return the favor! You are preparing the way for others as you preach His Word! You may be doing a Bible study, prayer group, web site, Blog, audio or video tracts, prison ministry or a Pastor of a local church. You may be a missionary in a foreign land! You may distribute Bibles, Gospel tracts or do hospital and nursing home ministries. You may be doing a food kitchen or clothing distribution for the poor. Just like John the Baptist you are preparing the way for people to find Christ! At Jesus first coming John the Baptist prepared people to receive Christ! However today Christ’s second coming is even more important to prepare people’s hearts because His second coming will not be as Savior but as Judge of all. This makes our mission very important! John sacrificed his life for his mission but today the stakes are even higher! Even more is on the line today! At Christ’s second coming there will be no more choices available to you! Your eternity will be locked in forever! We cannot afford to play church! We must play for keeps! No business as usual. Each day that slips by begs the question what did I do today to prepare the way for others? Will we be able to answer Christ at the Judgment Seat with confidence and assurance that we did all we could to reach the lost? Was our heart in the world or in Heaven? If our destination is Heaven then think about Heaven! We cannot work our way to Heaven but we can prepare a way for others! Go out into the whole world and preach the Gospel. At marriage we say, “I do.” When we join the military we say, “I do.” Then the sacrifices begin! Jesus on the Cross said, “It is finished.” May the God of Heaven give us the grace to finish the highway to Heaven for others and receive the rewards Christ has promised us! Nothing could be more rewarding than to be in Heaven and witness others coming in after us who we have helped to prepare the way for them! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Free at Last! Isaiah 43:18

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” Comment: This is great! I can forget my mortgage payments! My credit card payments! My utility bills! No more taxes! Even better than Trump! No more insurance or car payments! No more rent! No more nagging wife or condemning husband! No more diapers! No more toxic supervisor! I feel like I have died and went to Heaven! This verse in Isaiah is not a prison escape plan! What Isaiah is really saying is do not let your past sin become your present sin! Repent of it and come into 2018 clean without the sin and bondages of the past coming with you into the new year! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Truth & Christmas! John 14:6

But truth is greater and stronger than all these things. Everyone on earth honors truth; Heaven praises it: all creation trembles in awe before it. There is not the slightest injustice in truth. You will find injustice in wine, the emperor, women, all human beings, in all they do, and in everything else. There is no truth in them; they are unjust and will perish. But truth endures and is always strong; it will continue to live and rule forever. Truth shows no partiality or favoritism; it does what is right, rather than what is unjust or evil. Everyone approves what truth does; its decisions are always fair. Truth is strong, royal, powerful, and majestic forever. Let all things praise the God of truth! 1 Esdras 4:35-40 (Apocrypha) Comment: The apocrypha was never canonized in our Protestant Bibles but in the Catholic Bibles. There are some good things in the apocrypha for even Christopher Columbus discovered the New World because of it! So what do we mean by truth? According to the Hebrew Old Testament truth means someone trustworthy, faithful, certain and foundational for support. Like the foundation for a building. The foundation is there to build you up. According to the New Testament Greek truth is someone who is open not concealing anything. Someone transparent not hiding anything. Jesus said I am the truth! The way and the life! Truth is embodied in a person! The man/God Christ! There was no sin in Him so nothing concealed or hidden! The strength of sin is it’s secrecy! That is why we are to confess our sins and He is faithful and just to forgive our sin! Truth is not an immaterial quantity of something! It is a spirit embodied in a person by Jesus Christ! If Christ is not embodied in us then there is no truth in us! We must be born again as Jesus commanded us! The second birth! As you worship his first birth this Christmas ask Him for His second birth to be born in you this Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

It Was Fun! Luke 6:22-23

These were the words of Tom Brady quarterback of the New England Patriots at the end of his interview last night after their Sunday night football game win over the Pittsburg Steelers! This game was really a hard fought battle with both teams having to send players to the hospital during the game! Hopefully not with career ending injuries! Brady himself was body slammed to the ground by 300 pound plus linemen! So what was fun? Was it the pain, injuries, training or uncertainty of every game? Was it the risk of a career ending injury or death? It was the winning! The sacrifices are then forgotten! Do we have the child like excitement about Christmas? About giving? About receiving? Is it fun? In Luke chapter six Jesus is well past the manger scene! He is preparing his players for the game ahead! Jesus told His 12 players that they are going to hate you, isolate you, reproach you and call you evil because of me! Like NFL players they are going to sack you! But Jesus said to rejoice in that day! Leap for joy! You guys just won the Super Bowl! Your reward is great in Heaven! Your fathers the prophets suffered the same things! We do not like to think about suffering during the Christmas season! Yet that is why He came! To suffer for us! To make our lives fun and meaningful with purpose! To win! Losers made winners! The victory parade for you is going on in Heaven right now! While running your race sometimes the pain seems unbearable! Give your pain to Jesus! He became a curse for you! He took your pain upon Himself! We are on the same team! Jesus disciples except John all crossed the finish line with martyrdom! John was boiled in oil and then exiled to a stone quarry for slaves on the island of Patmos! They all looked beyond the finish line towards the goal and their and your victory in Christ! Those that have gone before us have prepared a way for us! Give a sacrificial gift to someone this Christmas as we were given the gift of a little baby boy born in a manger in Bethlehem! Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

God’s Immigration Policy! John 3:16

New World Quote; “And I say that your Highnesses ought not to consent that any foreigner does business or sets foot here, except Christian Catholics since this was the end and beginning of this enterprise, that it should be for the enhancement and glory of the Christian religion, not should anyone who is not a good Christian come to these parts. Here may be found the first suggestion of the exclusive Colonial Policy that Spain and the other nations followed.” Christopher Columbus. Comment: God’s immigration policy is honest and fair! Everyone can apply regardless of sex, race or ethnic origin! No one is denied based upon their past! Everyone who chooses Christ and cast their vote for Him and accepts the terms of the agreement is in! Your parents and grandparents cannot choose Him for you only you have to decide! We are all destined for Heaven or Hell or one of two Kingdoms! This is why the little baby born in Bethlehem is a big deal. What we do with God determines what God does with us! God first loved us! If we do not get that we can miss everything else! Ben Shipiro is a smart young Orthodox Jewish kid who I like to listen to his debates with liberals! He believes the Messiah when he comes will be a political figure! I share with him that the political figure who will rule the world for a short seven years will be a Jew and gay but he will be the Anti-Christ! Our Christ is a Jew and so will be the Anti-Christ! Along side the Anti-Christ will rule the False Prophet and be the one world religious ruler! He will not be a Christian or an Orthodox Jew! Christ will never be a political figure because when He returns the second time after the 7 year tribulation period He will be God as He was at His first coming! Political figures are always dependent on who puts them in office! They are controlled by the voters! God is never controlled by anyone and His decisions are always independent of any mortal. Hanukkah is upon us or the Festival of Lights! God did a miracle to defeat the enemies of the Jews! God did a bigger miracle to defeat sin and power of Satan over mortal men! The miracle star over Bethlehem was a light visible to only those who were looking for Him! Are you looking for Him? Merry Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christ Prophecy Old Testament (Part 1)

Isaiah 11:2 (Hebrew Translation) “And the breath of the Lord shall rest on Him, the spirit of knowledge, intelligence, insight, judgment and prudence, the spirit of advice and might, the spirit of understanding and perception and reverence and worship to the Lord.” Comment: Does it get any better than this? Isaiah wrote this scripture about 600 years before the birth of Christ! Yet Jesus fulfilled this scripture to the letter! The word “Spirit” in the Hebrew Language translates “The breath of the Lord.” Remember at creation God breathed the breath of life into us! We were created in the image or imagination of God! Albert Einstein said that intelligence is not measured by the acquisition of knowledge but by imagination! God’s imagination is consummated by His breath or words! In the beginning was the word——- At Pentecost His breath as a mighty rushing wind swept over the disciples. You will do one of two things with the breath He has given you! You will either praise Him or curse Him! Many curse Him but a remnant praise Him! God’s patience is beyond measure and without His patience I would have been lost! The Old Testament made the New Testament possible! God never changes but we need to change! People can change but God never does! He is the same yesterday, today and forever! That is why we can trust Him! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Take Holiday Every Week! Hebrews 10:25

A Holiday is a Holy Day! The Sabbath Day is a special day set aside every week to rest in Christ! The 4th Commandment says, “Remember the Sabbath and Keep it Holy.” The Sabbath was made for man! For man’s benefit! A Jew could be put to death for violating the Sabbath! Jesus healed people on the Sabbath! Jesus said He is Lord of the Sabbath! The Jews could not gather manna on the Sabbath. God created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th day! If God needs rest who are we? Jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments! The Sabbath begins on Friday at sunset and ends on Saturday at sunset. There was to be no light or fire on the Sabbath. Jesus was buried late Friday just before the Sabbath. So he was crucified on Friday. The Jews did not want his body on the Cross during the Sabbath!  So Jesus had a Sabbath day of rest in the grave! He arose from the dead on Sunday the first day of the week. For a Christian Monday is not the first day of the week it is Sunday! We begin each new week Sunday with God in worship in our local Church giving tithes and offerings of our income! Without God’s Blessing we would have no income! He blesses the rest of the week in a way we could not do by our own efforts! The seventh day is interesting but also the seventh year! The Jews were to release all slaves to go free on the 7th year. The Jews were not to work the land for crops on the seventh year! The land was to rest! The Jews were taken into captivity by Babylon for 70 years! If you divide 70 by 7 you get 10. Why ten? The Ten Commandments! For breaking God’s Laws they got 70 years! Jesus came to fulfill the Law! Since He was God He kept the Law and the sacrifice for our sin because he never sinned! A sinner can die for another sinner but that death cannot pay the price for sin because they are both sinners! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Third Jewish Temple Jerusalem

This subject with about 32 scriptures on the rebuilding of the third Temple is complicated by various interpretations of these scriptures. I want to print a new version of the Bible titled, The Bible for Dummies!” After I write it I will read it myself! Will dummies go to Heaven? Yes! The whole earth is covered with them! It is an elite club! Smart people are not allowed! It is called the Democratic Party! If you think they are dumb well not as dumb as their followers! Let me give you some history on the Jewish Temple’s at Jerusalem. Two Jewish Temples have been built so far. King Solomon built the first Temple in 960 B.C. The Babylonians destroyed it in 586 B.C. The returning Jewish captives from exile from Babylon were freed by the Persians (Iranians), in 539 B.C. The returning Jews completed the second Temple in 515 B.C. The second Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. Remember Jesus in about 33 A.D. prophesized the Temple destruction (Matthew 24:2). So what do the Jews today say about the 3rd Temple? A number of Jewish scholars believe the deadline for the Jewish Messiah is in the Jewish Year 6000 which is 2240 A.D. This date would also be the date for the completion of the third Temple! The Orthodox Jews recite the Amidah which are daily prayers for rebuilding the Temple and the sacrificial offerings to be reestablished! Jesus said He is the Temple! We are the Temple as the Holy Spirit resides within us! But what about Jesus second coming? The Jews will probably think it is His first coming when he returns for the second time! At His second coming we who pray to Him will see Him face to face! Is the third Temple necessary? Absolutely! When Jesus returns and enters Jerusalem he will come through the eastern gate (who the Muslims sealed off), and enter the Temple! The Anti-Christ will occupy the Temple during the 7 year Tribulation period! At the end of this period Christ will return and route him out of the Temple! What about the New Jerusalem? We will have a new Heaven and a new Earth at the end of the Millennium or thousand year reign of Christ on earth! Christ will rule the earth from Jerusalem! So the rebuilding of the Temple is important to Bible Prophecy and the fulfillment of scriptures! If you live to see the construction of the third Temple you will see one more sign of Christ’s second coming! James and Hamsa Sasse.