Grandpa and Grandma get a Son! Genesis 18

They say that if your two year old son raises his hands up to his father and says grandpa you know you have a miracle! Abraham has three men show up at his tent door in the heat of the day! Normally people do not travel in the heat of the day? These men were not normal and represent a theophany or God appearing to men Could these three men represent the Trinity? Jesus Christ is the personal manifestation of God to man! Abraham recognizes that these were not just men but God Himself standing before him! Abraham entreats them well offering the best he had with provision and water. When they announce to Abraham that he will have a son his wife Sarah laughs! Their son that was eventually born to them was named Isaac which means laughter. God also promises to Abraham and his descendants that they will be a great nation and all the earth will be Blessed through them! Later in history the birth of Christ and the nation of Israel would confirm these promises! The second mission of these three men was to destroy the gay’s living in Sodom and Gomorrah! Abraham tried to convince God to spare them because his nephew Lot and immediate family was living among them! Lot was a lousy evangelist even among his own family! God spared them but destroyed the rest of them! God could not find ten righteous in the city! God is faithful to Bless the righteous and destroy the wicked! So how does one move from the camp of the wicked to the camp of the righteous? There must be a change in behavior! Repent of your sin to Christ and let Him give you the strength to live a new life! You must be “Born Again!” Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel (1858-1913)

Rudolf was a German inventor and mechanical engineer that was granted a patent for the Diesel engine in 1892. He also held two U.S. patents. He nearly died when one of his test engines exploded and he spent  months in a hospital! Comment; Whatever generation you find yourself living in truth will always be truth and false will always be a lie! John 14:6  Jesus said, ” I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father, but by me!”

Humility For Pride! John Chapter 13

During Jesus last 3 years of ministry He would sometimes  say my time has not come yet! However in John Chapter 12 we see a change where Jesus says my time has now come! The word time means to honor! The word honor means to promote! Jesus promoted you from Hell to Heaven! Jesus promoted His Father! Jesus got promoted and is seated at the right hand of our Father today interceding for us in prayer! What is our response to Christians being beheaded around the world?  How do we respond to violence? Jesus said those who live by the sword will die by the sword! Jesus was also living in violent times! Jesus life was just not hanging around shepherds anchored to green pastures!  The Romans ruled through fear and violence! The same for the Middle East today! In Jesus day swords, spears and crosses ruled the day! The good Samaritan got beat up! Mr. Rogers could not have lived in this neighborhood! John 13:3-5 Why was this foot washing so offensive to Peter and the disciples? In the Jewish culture only gentiles could wash a Jews feet! A Jew could never wash another Jew’s feet! Jesus stepped on their pride! Never let your culture separate you from God! Jesus was never careless with His authority. He used it to draw people to God! Jesus shows us and His disciples that serving confronts our pride! Sometimes we have pride we are not even aware of! Pride hung on the religious and political rulers but could not cling to Jesus! Matthew 6:1-4 Jesus warned us not to let acts of kindness be seen of men. Give in secret! When was the last time you served in secret? There are 3 ways to serve. 1. Serve to be seen by others. 2. Serve in secret but to be proud of it! Self  righteous! 3. Serve in secret as worship to God! Do we serve to impress God? Serve in pride? Do you think you are better than those you serve? John 13:34-35  Jesus gave us a new commandment! It covers the other ten! Love one another! I thought just my family and church members? Help those who cannot help you! Serving others is the most powerful witness to the world! The watching world will never agree with all our theology but are fascinated with our behavior of helping others! Serve the widow’s, orphans and the hurting! The one’s nearest us know us best! How do the one’s closest to you describe you? Do they call us servants? He who is greatest in the Kingdom of God is servant of all! Carl Marks had a philosophy but it was not a reality? He got his best friend’s wife pregnant and then sent the baby to an orphanage! Let Christ’s love categorize you! Be a servant at home first then to the church and then to the world! Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Covenant Marriage or Contract Marriage?

What kind of marriage you enter into will determine outcome! There is no perfect marriage but understanding God’s plan and purpose for you and your spouse is critical to success! Under the New Covenant our lives should be lived in Christ! Jesus accomplished the Old Covenant through the New Covenant by giving up all His rights and taking full responsibility for our sin! Yes even death on a Cross! A  marriage should reflect the same spirit! Each spouse should give up all their rights and take full responsibility for their marriage! It is not my responsibility or her responsibility! We cannot fix one another! We together in Christ take responsibility for our marriage! We carry each others burden! A three cord rope is not easily broken! The worldly contract marriage is just the opposite! In a contract marriage we keep all our rights and do not accept responsibility for our marriage! Just like no fault divorce! If you do not give me what I want like sex and money then the contract is broken and we divorce and move on! In Creation God took part of Adam and made a woman.  They were joined together! In God’s covenant He paid a great price even His blood to give us victory in our marriages! Victory over division and unity as you serve Christ together as one!Christ has forgiven us and we should forgive each other! Let no man separate what God has joined together! Source: Excerpt from Message given by Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Created? Genesis 1:1

What does the word created mean? If we go back to the Hebrew root word we discover some interesting things! The word means to cut down, select, dispatch and to choose. Wait a minute I thought God was building something when he creates? Yes, however to build an ark you have to cut down a tree. To build a Cross you have to cut down another tree. David used this same word in the Psalm when he asked God to create in me a clean heart! Cut away or cut down the evil within me! Inherent within this word is the meaning to choose. God had to choose to create! Someone or something had to die to bring us gain! The tree for the fire to bring heat! A tree had to die to bring life through judgment! The Tree of Life in the midst of the Garden to us through His death! Christ was not created but pre-existed with the Father and the Holy Spirit. So the Trinity has always existed outside of creation! Yet God chose to enter creation through His Son Jesus Christ to redeem us! God had to cut down Himself so we could comprehend Him through observation of the heavens and the earth! With an observation of ourselves and our world we all recognize we need redemption! Through creation God is exalted above the Heavens! If someone gives you a lemon just cut it down and make lemon juice! Back in the 1960’s my wife Hamsa did baby sitting for a Jewish family while she was in college. Morty told Hamsa that I was fired from my previous job because I was Jewish! So I started my own meat company and now we are millionaires! The world is going to try to cut you down but do not retaliate just let God build you up in His Image! If God had to cut Himself down to build you up why do you not do the same for others? Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Christ Promotes Beheaded Christians! Revelation 20:4

John the Baptist was beheaded along with James the Son of Zebedee and the Apostle Paul. How many Christians have been beheaded since Christ in history? It is in the millions! The Koran allows Muslims to behead unbelievers! We do not have the exact number of Christians beheaded in Iraq and Syria this past year but it estimated in the thousands! This includes women and children! We have millions of Christians who have left these area’s with just the clothes on their backs! Christ promises that during His millennial reign this special group of people will reign with Him during this one thousand year period! If John the Baptist is the least in the Kingdom of God we know that Jesus does not give away promotions! I am not saying you should have a Martyr complex but let God take you to the pinnacle of His will and purpose for your life wherever that leads! Remember our primary goal is to live with Christ forever! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.