Ice Age & Global Warming!

It was 1967. That summer I had finished high school and I and my brother and cousin Billy were helping my grandfather on the farm in Nebraska. Grandpa promised us that if we would help him during the summers on the farm he would pay our college tuition and help keep us out of the Vietnam War! Grandpa and grandma were always reading their Bibles and we being young fools would kid them about it! I am so smart so I picked up a Time magazine to read and on this issue on the front page was a picture of the continental United States with walls of ice closing in on our nation moving from both the west and east coast towards each other crushing America! I was worried! Grandpa we are all going to die being crushed by ice! He shook his head and said Jimmy you have not been around very long have you? I was born in 1897 and I have lived long enough to see a thing or two! WWI, the roaring twenties, 1929 crash with a 7 year drought on our farm, WWII, Korean War and now the Vietnam War! Jimmy God has got his creation all figured out! These politicians will try to scare people to collect tax money from the people! These politicians have no way to stop a wall of ice more than me or you? It is to create fear so they can become your savior Jimmy! Jimmy only Christ is your Savior! None other! Not any crook in Washington nor the politics of this magazine! Interesting today it is global warming! Did you know the earth has heating and cooling cycles depending on solar sun spot activity which cycles every eleven years? The trouble today some science is influenced by politics! It leans towards the politics of the day! Guess what? God has this figured out when he created the heavens and the earth he had safety parameters built into it! One day this earth will be destroyed by fire and a new heaven and earth created by the same God who made this earth! If you want to hand over your hard earned money to the politicians in Washington who have no more power than you do to correct what God will correct by his design of our earth and the heavens then hand your tax money over to them! They will spend it on themselves and their friends! Why should they spend your money? Are you not smart enough to spend your own money? Then let them spend it for you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Theology of Political Left?

Their first premise is there is no God! So if there is no God then there is no Devil and it is up to us to make things right! We will do God’s job which means doing the work of Satan! According to the left there are oppressors and the oppressed! Wealthy people are the oppressors and poor people are only poor because they are oppressed by the wealthy! Is it possible the poor are lazy and do not want to work for a living so they steal, rob and kill for a living? Sell drugs with 73000 casualties last year! Lazy and living off welfare and the money in taxes the working people pay! Today according to the left criminals are the oppressed victims! Law enforcement is our enemy and get rid of ICE! Illegals are the oppressed by the oppressors ICE! National borders are oppressive because they keep out the oppressed of the world! Criminal illegals must be protected by sanctuary cities from the oppressors! Law enforcement! Our National Flag is oppressive so disrespect it during our National Anthem! Never mind the NFL football players are paid millions of dollars income from American team owners? They too must be oppressors! My grandfather told me one time when I was young and giving him trouble that I should not bite the hand that feeds me! Colonialism is oppressive! When the Pilgrims landed here in 1602 they were thankful to God that the American Indians helped them through the hard cold New England winters! What they found though was the Indian tribes were waring against each other? Let us look at the Spanish American war! The Southwest part of America was then controlled by the Spanish! So the white colonist were the oppressors by taking it from the Spanish? Who did the Spanish take it from? The American Indian! The Spanish found the territory in an upheaval because the southwest Indian tribes were waring against each other! So socialists would have saved us from all this? Socialism has even a worse history! In socialism if you are successful you must be the oppressor! This idea lead to the Russian Revolution with tens of millions of dead! If you are unsuccessful you must be the oppressed! If you are in poverty we have to look and find the oppressor! The left hates the rich even though some are rich and uses the poor as a political pawn to gain political power! The poor got poorer under Obama! At one time Israel was supported by the left after the holocaust! Now today they are successful as a nation so now they are considered the oppressors and the poor Palestinians must be the oppressed people? President Trump is the new oppressor! However American’s are seeing through the scams of the left! As their incomes grow and unemployment lessens they see the lies of the socialists exposed! Obama is going on another apology tour of America! To try to help the socialist win in the November election! If you are an eligible American to vote remember the lessons of the past and remember Christ can make America great again and we all need a Savior! His name is Jesus Christ! Jesus told us to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! We all must be colonialists! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Why Two Political Parties?

” Founders did not mention political parties when they wrote the Constitution, and George Washington in essence warned us against them in his farewell.” Marianne Williamson   Comment: I do not agree with Marianne on much of anything especially her spiritualist promotions that are not Biblical based! However she is a smart Jew but I would call her a secular Jew! Her comment about our Constitution is correct! The question she did not answer is so why do we have two political parties? Simply we have two Kingdoms! The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan! Heaven and Hell. Our Constitution is Christian based and God’s fingerprints are all over it! One group of people want our Constitution enforced as written by our Founders! The other party wants to get rid of our Constitution! Replace it with atheism, secularism and a completely socialistic government controlling every aspect of your life! It is like Communism revisited hoping against all odds it will not fail like in Russia with hundreds of millions of casualties! The Democrats in power want a socialist revolution! Overthrow of our government! They want open borders! No protection for the citizens! If enough illegal immigrants come in by the millions they can overwhelm our financial system and cause a collapse! Sanctuary cities where criminals are free to roam and live off the state! No respect of Military and police officers and attacks on them are encouraged! Get rid of ICE? They are for the complete breakdown of law and order so the Revolution can happen! One party believes in Nationalism where the other a new world order with a one world government controlling all people! So this is where we are today in America! Faith in God mocked and persecuted and the Godless promoting a Satanic agenda! Christ made America great and a return to Him will lead America back to her roots and again to be the Greatest Nation on earth! If the people will make God great again then America will be great again! James and Hamsa Sasse.

One Week After Easter! April 14, 1912

Pastor John Harper was an accomplished Pastor out of Scotland with hundreds of congregation members in his home church! He had been invited by Moody Church in Chicago to participate with this ministry! He was excited and his young daughter and sister accompanied them on a brand new ship on it’s maiden voyage to New York! His wife had been deceased years earlier. The Titanic was promoted as the safest ship to ever sail. On the late night of April 14th the Titanic struck that rock of ice and began taking on water! As the tragedy unfolded Pastor Harper helped load the women and children into the life boats! He gave up his life vest to another who did not have one! A crew member warned him that without the life vest you are going down with the ship! Pastor Harper replied that he was going up and not down! Pastor Harper kept shouting to the crowds, “Do you know Jesus as your Savior?” He continued to shout, “No one can save you tonight but God!” Survivors said that Pastor Harper kept preaching the Gospel to the end especially after Acts 16:31. Are you saved was his continual cry to the people entering the cold icy waters of the North Atlantic! Pastor Harper found himself in the cold frigid waters clinging to a deck chair floating in the water! As people floated by him he would ask them if they were saved? Do you know Christ! Declare His name from your lips and enter into eternal life! You only have one chance tonight! Do not let the love of this world keep you from Christ! Christ loves you but not this world! Trust Christ not your own efforts! Whether here tonight or later we will all perish from this earth! There is only one name under Heaven in where you can be saved! Pastor Harper with over 1500 people perished that night and entered eternity either saved or lost! Are you saved! When we run out of time we run out of choices! The word time means, “To Honor.” Why not honor Him today with the rest of your life here on earth? Pastor John Harpers life can be seen by reading a book called, “The Titanic’s Last Hero”, published by Moody Adams. Do not let Easter slip away from you under the dark waters of death! Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia.

Santa Claus Has a New Home!

Yes! It is an abandoned Global Warming ship named Al Gore the II. It is a 50 ton ship stuck in 40 feet of ice. Santa E-mailed me yesterday with some interesting facts he learned as he read the Captain’s log book. His log indicates there were two reasons why the ship got stuck in the ice at the north pole. First reason was that the ship had Solyndra solar panels on the deck to power the ship. The sun does not shine up there for 3 months so that did not work. Interesting the Captain said in his log that when he looked under one of the solar panels they were made in China? The second reason was the ship has jet turbines to power it but there is a jet fuel shortage because Al Gore burns it all up flying around the world in his private jet giving speeches on global warming! Santa says the ship is abandoned but well stocked with supplies and it is his dream come true! Santa found 100 pair of sun glasses, 40 cases of sun tan lotion, 100 sets of bikinis, 100 inflatable beach balls and 20 cases of mosquito repellant. I told Santa early I need a set of dentures real bad for Christmas. Santa told me he finally got on the ObamaCare web site and ordered 10000 pair of dentures! Santa said the bad news was the shipment contained 10000 pacifiers! I told Santa do not worry when I vote in November that will be my pacifier! Merry Christmas. James.

Put it in Writing!

Grandpa and Grandma were getting up in age and were forgetting alot of things! Their doctor told them to write everything down so they would not forget. They were both seated on the sofa when Grandma asked Grandpa to get her some ice cream and strawberry’s from the kitchen. Grandpa got up off the sofa to get these but Grandma asked Grandpa to first write it down! Grandpa said no because the kitchen was located in the next room. In a few minutes Grandpa came back and handed Grandma two fried eggs and two slices of bacon! Grandma got mad and told Grandpa he forgot the toast! Source; Pastor Joel Olsteen.