Would You. Have Voted For Him?

“My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter!” (1922) “We are people of different faiths, but we are one! Which faith conquers the other is not the question; rather, the question is whether Christianity stands or falls! We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity, in fact our movement is Christian!” (1928) “May God Almighty take our work into His grace, give true form to our work, Bless our insight, and endow us with the trust of the people!” (1933) “The National Government regards Christianity as the foundation of our National morality, and the family as the basis of National life!” (1933) Comment; These are excerpts taken from Adolf Hitler’s speeches as he ran for public office in Germany. So what should have been the red flags to Christian’s in Germany that something was wrong with his theology? He hated the Jews! Jesus Christ was a Jew! All His disciples were Jews! The entire Old and New Testaments were written by Jews! In Hitler’s mind he thought Jesus had intended to destroy the Jews but they crucified Him and He was not able to finish the job! So Hitler believed it was providence that he finish the job! Salvation has come through the Jews! Hitler had a twisted theology and proves what you believe about God determines your destiny and will either bring construction or destruction to the world! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Santa Claus Has a New Home!

Yes! It is an abandoned Global Warming ship named Al Gore the II. It is a 50 ton ship stuck in 40 feet of ice. Santa E-mailed me yesterday with some interesting facts he learned as he read the Captain’s log book. His log indicates there were two reasons why the ship got stuck in the ice at the north pole. First reason was that the ship had Solyndra solar panels on the deck to power the ship. The sun does not shine up there for 3 months so that did not work. Interesting the Captain said in his log that when he looked under one of the solar panels they were made in China? The second reason was the ship has jet turbines to power it but there is a jet fuel shortage because Al Gore burns it all up flying around the world in his private jet giving speeches on global warming! Santa says the ship is abandoned but well stocked with supplies and it is his dream come true! Santa found 100 pair of sun glasses, 40 cases of sun tan lotion, 100 sets of bikinis, 100 inflatable beach balls and 20 cases of mosquito repellant. I told Santa early I need a set of dentures real bad for Christmas. Santa told me he finally got on the ObamaCare web site and ordered 10000 pair of dentures! Santa said the bad news was the shipment contained 10000 pacifiers! I told Santa do not worry when I vote in November that will be my pacifier! Merry Christmas. James. GodWhoisGod.com