Jesus while He was here on earth positively laid claim to Deity is clear from the fact that the Jews reproached Him with two accusations: first. that He place God on par with Himself—and this they called blasphemy, secondly, that He made Himself God—and in this they thought they recognized the false prophet, although both idea’s merged together in John 10:30-39. Remember our Lord Jesus Christ being the Son of God did not and could not claim to be the Father but He did claim to be God! Even a human cannot claim to be his father but can claim to be a human being. A claim to the sameness of nature of personality in like manner is consistent and intelligible in the case of Divine Sonship of the Son of God but the sameness of personality would be contradictory! But there is a similarity of persons that it would be true that those who saw the Son have seen the Father! Also remember that the Trinity is one Spirit and character and not many personalities! Christ’s distinction had everything to do with His mission here on earth as Redeemer of mankind! Christ is not half man and half God! He is wholly man and wholly God! Jesus prayed because He is a man! God does not pray! God answers prayers through His Son Jesus Christ! If God were to pray who would He pray to? Himself? What is Jesus doing in Heaven right now? He is interceding for the Saints in prayer to the Father! Jesus still has a human nature in Heaven and so will we! We will not be floating on a cloud as a bodiless Spirit! You mean I get stuck with my ugly face for eternity? Do not jump over the cliff yet! Our human bodies are created by God! Male and female! Sin has marred us! God has a fix for our sin through Jesus where death no longer rules us! Your God given identity will not change! Jesus is a man in Heaven as He was on earth! Mary the mother of Jesus is still a female right now in Heaven! You will be much greater in Heaven because sin will no longer influence your decisions! You will live more like you are in Heaven while on earth because Jesus has redeemed you through His Blood! You will carry the same gender in Heaven and this is why gender reassignment is such a mockery to God and His creation! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Tag: earth
Are You a Remnant? Romans 9:29
Paul was quoting the Old Testament here in Isaiah 1:9. Jesus quoted the Old Testament a lot! In Romans here Paul uses the word Sabaoth! This word means the armies of Heaven! Remember the war angel Michael? They are still employed by God! Isaiah uses the word remnant while Paul uses the word seed. The Hebrew word for our English word remnant means a people who survived an onslaught of an enemy! They are simply survivors! A seed is also a survivor in the sense that it was not consumed but lived to produce more fruit! So what in the world are we surviving from? I am glad you asked! God’s Judgment due to our sin! Love cannot exist without judgment! If God winked at sin and looked the other way there would be no need for Salvation! The earth would just be consumed in wickedness! We are all who are in Christ Jesus survivors from judgment! Whether it be Noah and his family or Joseph in Egypt or Lot and his family! There are only survivors in Heaven! It is interesting that the word Lord used in Romans refers to God using His authority for good! Lucifer the fallen angel had authority in Heaven but he used it for evil and was cast out of Heaven! How do you use the authority you have? For good or evil? Israel is a survivor today as it exists as a State under threats from all around her! In the last battle on earth Armageddon Israel will be surrounded by Gentile armies as they try to destroy her! God will dispatch His armies and consume them! No survivors! Do you want to be a survivor or remnant? Then you need a Savior! He is a Jew and His name is Jesus Christ! Remember according to the Covenant if God cannot be faithful to Israel He cannot be faithful to you! The Covenant promises include the Jews and the Gentiles! What you do with Jesus Christ determines whether you become a survivor or a Sodom and Gomorrah! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Earthquakes and Air! Matthew 8:24
“And behold there arose a great tempest in the sea, inasmuch that the ship was covered with the waves; but He was asleep.” The Greek word “seismos”, used for tempest can either mean an earthquake or a gale of wind. Are these events related? Could this have been a tsunami? Regardless Jesus used the air or His breath to command the storm to cease! Let us go back to some other voices from the past! From the lifetime of Greek Philosopher Anaxagoras in the 5th Century B.C. to the 14th Century A.D. believed that earthquakes were attributed to air(vapors) in the cavities of the earth! The Greek Philosopher Democritus (460-371 B.C,) blamed water in the ground for earthquakes! He did not know anything about fracking! Also remember the earth in history was completely flooded in water for months! Noah’s flood! What would that do to the earth’s crust soaking and submerged for months? Perhaps this is why the Greek word became associated with earthquakes, air and water? We know earthquakes can cause floods, fires, volcanos and elevate the earth’s temperature! Jesus predicted an increase of earthquakes before His second coming! Could this increase cause global warming? An earthquake of 8.6 in magnitude releases the same amount of energy as ten thousand atomic bombs the size used in WWII. Remember the earthquake when Jesus died on the Cross? The graves were opened and many other things happened! When Jesus stopped breathing (air) the quake occurred! Let us look at Revelation 16:17-18. Chapter 16 covers the seven vial judgments released upon the earth! Notice the seventh angel poured out his vial out into the air! Then God spoke it is done or finished and then the largest earthquake ever recorded in history took place! Jesus said in Luke 21:11, “there shall be earthquakes in diverse places and great signs from Heaven.” Remember Paul and Silas in prison? Acts 16:25-26. Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to God! Your praises and prayers involve breath or air! Suddenly an earthquake came and freed them from prison! God can use a supernatural event to save you or destroy you! Without breath we die! God breathed into man the breath of life! Creation involved air as God spoke it into existence! When a baby is born it is slapped on the bottom to get it to breath! When opposing winds collide they form cyclones or a tornado! Opposing words between nations can cause a war! Words are important because they can either pollute the air or fragrance it! Remember when the Holy Spirit came as Jesus had promised? The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples as a mighty rushing wind! We can repeat Jesus words with our breath or we can speak our own words in destruction! Use the breath God gave you to praise Him! Your life and others will be changed! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Christian Burial 1 Chronicles 16:1
Verse 1 (Ark) Comment: It is interesting the same Hebrew root word for Ark is also the same word for coffin! It is a sacred box which is kept in the Holy of Holy’s below the Mercy Seat. It originally contained the stone tablets (Ten Commandments), the pot of manna and Aron’s rod that budded! The original intent of the word was to gather together! Remember Joseph’s coffin that was carried out of Egypt during the Exodus! We have the Ark of the Covenant! The Saint’s are gathered together in His Church on earth and will be gathered together in Heaven! Christian burial is not cremation! Fire represents judgment! Jesus was not cremated! The heathen cremate their dead! Let us look at Matthew 27:52 When Jesus died on the Cross many things happened! One thing was that the graves were opened and many bodies of the Saints which slept arose from the dead! John 5:28 says, “Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in which all in the graves shall hear His voice!” Remember at the resurrection the dead in Christ will be raised first! Jesus had a coffin or tomb and that tomb was sacred! Why? Because he returned to the grave to be raised from the dead after three days in the heart of the earth! I believe cremation is an attempt by man to escape the grave! One of the big problems with cremation is that you get no closure of the deceased! You have a memorial service with no body? Like being married to a woman that has a spirit but no body! I try to pattern my life after Jesus in living and dying! The money you save in cremation is not worth it! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
How Old is the Earth? Genesis 1:1-5
The earth does have a birth certificate! Genesis chapter one says the earth was created on the first day of creation! From this we can calculate the age of the earth! From Adam forward to Noah to Abraham to Moses to David to Christ we come up with about 6000 years! The old earth theory began in the late 1600’s. The idea of the earth being millions of years old was based on earth rock layers interpreted by geology. However many problems exist here. Naturalistic uniformity refuses to consider any catastrophic events such as Noah’s flood! The global flood described in Genesis 6-8 would wipe away the concept of millions of years! A flood would explain massive amounts of fossil layers! A massive world flood would rip up many of the previous rock layers and redeposit them elsewhere destroying the previous fragile contents! This would destroy the evidence of an alleged age! So the rock layers can represent the evidence of millions of years or a global flood but not both! Radiometric dating came along in the early 20th century. In 1913 Arthur Homes estimated the age of the earth at 1.6 billion years! Since then it has been raised to 4.5 billion years. However there is growing evidence that radiometric dating methods are completely unrealistic! All uniformitarian dating methods require assumptions for extrapolating present day processes back into the past! There are some questions that should be asked about radiometric dating? Initial amount? Was the parent amount added? Has the rate of decay changed? Was the parent amount removed? Was the daughter amount added? Was the parent amount removed? If the assumptions are truly accurate then uniformitarian dates should agree with radiometric dates across the board for the same event! However, radiometric dates often disagree with one another and with the dates obtained from other uniform methods for the age of the earth, such as the influx of salt from the ocean, the rate of decay of the earth’s magnetic field and the growth rate of human population! Here are some classic examples of radiometric dating! Mount Saint Helen’s in the State of Washington. The rock was formed in 1986. According to K-Ar radiometric dating the rock is up to 2.8 million years old? How about Mount Etna basalt in Sicily? The rock was formed in 1972. According to radiometric dating the rock is between 210000 to 490000 years old? This is not rocket science! This is junk science! The age of the earth comes down to trust! It is a world view issue! Will you trust what the all knowing God says on the subject or will you trust imperfect man’s assumptions and imaginations about the past that are regularly changing! Source: Answers in Genesis! Comment: Here is a clue about the age of the earth! All the planets in our solar system including the earth are all the same age! This fits Genesis! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Public Worship! Hebrews 10:25
The message here is to the Gentile-Jewish Christians! It is believed by Biblical scholars that the Book of Hebrews was written prior to the destruction of the Jewish Temple and Jerusalem in 70 A.D. What was Paul trying to tell us? Why should we not forsake public worship? First let us look at Heaven! Do the believers in Heaven forsake assembling together? Is one believer on the golf course and one working a Sunday job? Believers by the billions are surrounding the Throne of God worshiping! Our High Priest is in Heaven! Remember the part of our Lord’s prayer that says, “On earth as it is in Heaven!” Jesus said where two or three are gathered in my name so will i be there!” Satan’s followers are gathered together warring against the Saints and have a congregation in Hell. Paul went on to say we are to exhort and encourage each other! What did Paul mean by the day approaching? Some scholars believe Paul was warning the church of the coming destruction of the Jewish Temple and the city of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Jesus predicted this! Some scholars think Paul was talking about Jesus second coming! Paul could have been talking about both events! Paul was also warning people who claimed to be Christian yet have forsaken public worship! We are to practice Holiness here on earth! This life is dress rehearsal for Heaven! If we are doing something different than we would do in Heaven while on earth we have missed the Ark! Remember Jesus taught and worshiped in the Jewish Temple! So did Paul. Paul knew that the Christians would be scattered throughout the realm after the 70 A.D. apocalypse! He wanted the flock to regroup and continue worship after the pattern set before them in Heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Are You Common? Genesis 3:1
Nothing is more common on earth than to deceive and be deceived! Johann G. Seume, German Theologian, (1763-1810)
Science and Faith Genesis 1:1
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” Comment: There are a lot of things in this scripture in your Bible. We are just going to make one observation for now. God must have created the heaven and the earth at the same time! So what does science say? Science is in agreement that the earth, sun, moon and planets and stars are all the same age! Science confirms scripture! Arguments come from science about the age of the earth? They agree whatever age it is all the same age! We also know from science that the earth and solar system is dying! Science and politicians try to blame it on man! So what will God do? My Bible says He will create a new heaven and a new earth! No carbon taxes or EPA! No putting coal miners out of work! No shutting down power plants! God has a simple plan but He can do what we cannot do! We need to just trust Him and live in freedom from the bondage of sin and death! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Science and Faith
The flat earth theory is really a legend! Educated people in the Middle Ages knew the earth was round! Columbus knew the earth was round! Educated people at the time of Christ knew the earth was round! The ancient Greeks 500 years before Christ knew the earth was round! Aristotle knew the earth was round! How? Simply watch an eclipse! You can see the shadow of the earth on the moon! Dinesh D”Souza