How many times have you changed your address in your life time? No wonder you lost mail. Even the IRS cannot find you! The Tabernacle described in the Old Testament of your Bible was defined as a residence or lodging place. It was described as a permanent stay residence! The Temple was described as a habitation of God’s residence! The Tabernacle was a structure to replicate the worship going on in Heaven between man and God! It was to be duplicated on earth. On earth as it is in Heaven! Great Theologians who lived hundreds of years ago said everything you see on earth was first in Heaven! God did not get brain cramps creating the earth and you! The plan had already been executed in Heaven! What really changed this concept and reality was God coming down to earth as a man yet retaining His Deity! When this happened the Tabernacle and Temple had an address change! It was no longer a structure or building made by hands but now God dwells in human flesh! First Christ and then His followers through the Holy Spirit! So you are His dwelling place whether on earth or in Heaven! This is why Satan wants to kill flesh on earth to remove God’s dwelling place on earth! He does this through Islam and other ideologies opposed to Christ! God has a permanent address living in you! God will deliver His letters to you through His Word the Holy Bible! God has many E-mails waiting for you to read in His Bible! Remember God will never dwell in you without your consent! You were created to worship God! To reject God is to go to the default mode which is Hell and separation from Him! Some have chosen this path but do not be the fool! Eternity is a long time without God! Worship life or worship death! The choice is yours! Chose this day who you will serve! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Tag: christ
Napoleon’s Law and the Jews!
The French Revolution abolished the different treatment of people according to religion or origin under the Monarchy! The 1789 Declaration of Rights of man and the citizens guaranteed freedom of religion and free exercise of worship provided it did not contradict public order. At that time most other European countries implemented measures restricting the rights of people from minority religions. Example was all Jews could only live in ghettos! Napoleon Bonaparte spread the modernist ideas of Revolutionary France: equality of citizens and the rule of law. The net effect of his policies, significantly changed the position of the Jews in Europe and he was widely admired by the Jews! He made Judaism along with Catholics and Protestants the official Religion of France. This all happened between the American Revolution of 1776 and the War of 1812. Sadly later Europe returned to the oppression of the Jews. Today Jewish oppression is growing across Europe and even the United States with the growth of Islam! Islam also oppresses Christians and anyone who resists Islam! Today Israel has a homeland and Jews are fleeing there! With the help of President Obama Islam has grown in power! He has given Iran billions in funds to finance terror and given them a path to nuclear weapons! Russia is supplying the missiles to Iran to launch these weapons! However they will fail. Israel has about 80 nuclear tipped missiles pointed at their enemies! More important God is their defender! Salvation to man has come through the Jews! Every generation that has lived has to decide to support or attack the Jews! History is on their side! God Blesses those who Bless the Jews! Make a decision about the Jews and do not default to Hell. Read your Bible and believe it for your eternity with God depends upon it! When you leave this earth the next time you hear the Bible read before you is at the Judgment Seat of Christ! It could then be too late! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
What is Going On?
Those who know our Bible need not be blind sided by current events! That is if you believe the Bible? Some choose to believe some of the Bible but not all of it? Remember the Jefferson Bible? After World War 1 & 2, America kept her identity! A Christian Nation that lead the world in prosperity and success over all nations! Blessed by God and a people who honored God by a majority who took their family to church every Sunday! The Jews were the leaders of our private business enterprise and Christians here understood their value to our nation! Gradually over time through many forces the American model of success has been eroded away by values that oppose the very foundation that made America great! Why? Why would we trash success? The removal of our identity like no borders, sexual miss-identity, Christian identity, secularism, and government dependence. If you lose your God given identity then you become a ward of the state! Then you will worship the government and the world will be coralled into a one world order! America and National identity is being demoted by our government funded public education system. You can take your children one hour a week to Sunday school but they will get 40 hours a week in the public school system that will oppose everything they learned in church! Who will win out? Don’t panic these are Biblical prophetic things that are coming to pass! Our redeemer Jesus is near! We know from the scriptures that the Anti-Christ will be the world political leader for a short 7 years during the tribulation period of history. He will rule from Jerusalem and be gay and a Jew! Just as our Christ is a Jew so the Anti-Christ. His False Prophet will be the religious ruler of the world and will reign in Rome! What is the fastest growing religion in the world? Islam! If you think you can stash your gold and money away and avoid this you are wrong! The world currencies will become worthless overnight! You can only buy or sell by taking the Mark of the Beast! Why is Donald Trump so trashed and Hillary adored? Donald represents the old order of private enterprise and personal success and opposes the one world coming world order! He believes in America and personal responsibility! Hillary while Secretary of State took millions of dollars in bribes from Nations that hate America! Hillary represents government dependency and control of everything! During the tribulation period it will cost you your life to receive Jesus Christ! Right now in America no but other parts of the world yes! Soon the same price will be paid here in America! Still better than Hell but the price will increase as time closes in Bible prophecy! What kind of eternity do you want to choose? With Christ or a Christless eternity separated from His love forever? The choice is yours! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Human Effort!
After two world wars, the collapse of Fascism, Nazism, Communism and Colonialism and the end of the cold war, humanity has entered a new phase of its history! Hans Kung (Swiss Theologian 1928- ) Comment: Seven good reasons why Jesus is the answer! Islam is the latest human effort to replace Christ! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
What is a Familiar Spirit? 1 Samuel 28:7
Common sense would say a familiar spirit is a spirit you are familiar with! It is connected with Satan and sin! Before you were born again in Christ this is the spirit that ruled you! Saul sought a woman with a familiar spirit. Why? We will answer this soon! The word familiar spirit translated from the Hebrew means a necromancer. This is the occult practice of consulting the dead! It is one who proclaims to give revelation in uncertain times. Today a fortune teller or a palm reader would be an example. The Jews were strictly forbidden from engaging in this practice of consulting mediums! There is also another meaning for this Hebrew word. It can signify a leather bottle that may burst under pressure! Remember the Jeannie in the bottle! Remember Jesus said not to put new wine in old wine skins! A necromancer will beat skin stretched drums with chants and burn incense to draw spirits. The connection between the two meanings could be that a medium was seen as a container for a conjured spirit. Samuel the Priest had died and Saul had no one to consult about God’s plans and purposes for him. The Lord was angry at Saul for his disobedience! King Saul was facing the Philistine armies in war against Israel. God had already prepared David for the next King of Israel. Saul continued to try to contact God through the Prophet’s and the Urim. The Urim is a noun meaning fire. It refers to the fire of God’s judgment and God’s destruction of the wicked. It is used to speak of a form of idol worship! That is people burning other people in fire! Saul got no answers so his servant’s advised him to contact a woman that had a familiar spirit. So he went to the medium of Endor and Saul asked her to bring up Samuel’s spirit! Samuel was really upset for Saul disturbing him from the Bliss of Heaven! Samuel gave Saul the bad news that the Philistines were going to defeat him soundly! Saul was later killed in battle. The New Testament of our Bible also talks about spirits! There are unclean, dumb, foul, infirmity, divining, evil, bondage and world spirits. John warned us not to believe every spirit! In the case of Saul and the woman with the familiar spirit an evil spirit revealed a good spirit Samuel! It is usually God’s spirit that reveals an evil spirit! We must remember that at one time we were evil in sin apart from God! So our sin revealed the goodness of God sending His son Jesus Christ to atone for our sin! It was our wickedness that revealed the goodness of God! Remember this when you think you are so Holy above everyone else! John told us to try the spirits! He went on to say that every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ came in the flesh is from God! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Most Popular Book Read in Hell?
Title: How Did I Get Here? Paperback and hard cover not available because of elevated temperatures! Titanium steel etched pages are available. Most asked question of people in Hell is, “How do I get out of here?” New book coming soon to answer this question! Sampler answer in conclusion portion of book most read in Hell is, “Trusting in yourself instead of Jesus Christ!” Best selling book on planet earth? The Bible! Read it and believe it and it will save you from a lot of sweat! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Church Authority!
Romanists tell us that the Pope is the vicar of Christ; that he is his successor on earth as the universal head and rules of the Church on earth. If this is so, he must be Christ! American Theologian Charles Hodge (1797-1878)
Coming Soon!
I am not trying to sell a product, book, CD or DVD. I am trying to prepare you for up coming Biblical events! This is what Paul did in the early church as the waves of persecution came! His words still apply today! The persecuted church in the Middle East, Africa and Asia understands this! It is more difficult to understand in the West where most pulpit messages are about prosperity, wealth, success, good health and the Donald Trump Heaven! What about the thousands of Christian’s beheaded over the past few years! Millions are refugees! Does the Gospel not apply to them? It is estimated since the first Century 45 million Christian’s have been martyred! Is the Bible just an American Gospel? However some prophetic promises in our Bible do not market well! So they are left alone and just pretend they are not there! Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy! Almost every sin listed in our Bible has been legalized by the state! Whether it be abortion, divorce, gambling, gay marriage or drugs! It will soon be illegal to have your gender posted on a bath room door! What is behind this craziness? Very simple! This is about losing our identity to prepare for the one world government! Illegal immigration and no borders is about losing our identity! Will not be long and the Olympics will be gone! Segregation is about keeping your identity! Heaven and Hell will be segregated! Integration is about losing your identity! The next coming event in America is legislating a law making Christianity illegal! It will probably come through the court’s! Possibly an executive order! Big gains have already been made like removing Crosses, nativity scenes, and any symbols such as our 10 commandments off court house walls! Political correctness also promotes hiding the truth! In the Islamic world it is illegal to be a Christian or a Jew with punishment by death! Satan in order to accomplish the one world government must remove all identity that unifies peace and order! Satan is the image breaker! God knows this! That is what the Rapture of His Church is all about! Prepare yourself now by saying yes to Christ even if asked to deny Him or die! In light of eternity the most important decision you will ever make is choosing the Messiah! The space between light and darkness is decisions! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
The Road Most Traveled!
The reason socialism will fail every time is because governments run out of other people’s money to fund the failure! Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013) Comment: She tried to warn Europe not to go down this path but today they are there! England wants to leave the EU because it carries socialist countries that will cause it to collapse! America with now nearly 19 Trillion in debt is headed down the road most traveled too! Obama threatened our ally England of trade sanctions if they leave the EU? Obama loves our enemies and hates our allies! The bad players Russia, Iran, North Korea and ISSIS all got a promotion when he came into office! We cannot get rid of him soon enough! Also remember that the collapse of America and the socialist nations will lead to the one world government prophesized in the Bible! The anti-Christ a one world political leader and his false prophet or world religious leader! He will most likely be a Muslim! Good news is Christ’s church will be raptured and He will return at the end of the 7 year tribulation period to rule and reign over His enemies! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Cast Your Vote! 1 Samuel 8:4
Samuel made his son’s judge over Israel when he was old. However his son’s took bribes and loved money more than God! Their judgments were perverted! The Jews got fed up and wanted a King! They were going to take their chances with a political leader rather than a Priest! So they got Saul! As elections loom over America we try our best to find someone better than the last guy! Every four years our hopes are dashed! Surely the next guy will be better? Hope and change? No thank you! I would remind our voters there is only one Prophet, Priest and King! His name is Jesus Christ! He has been running for election for 2000 years! There is only one who is both God and man! He is not a democrat, republican or dictator! He rules in love! He sacrificed Himself for you! Usually politicians sacrifice you for their gain! He went voluntarily to the Cross for you! He is returning to redeem this lost world! A vote for Christ will frame your eternity! A vote for the world will separate you from Christ for all eternity! Your eternity can begin today with Christ! The choice is yours! James and Hamsa Sasse.