Bar Church & Grille

There was a small little church in a tiny little town in southern Alabama! It was a clean little community with no vices! This rich man from the big city was franchising sports bars across America! He was an atheist and did not respect any religion! So he picked their little town for his next bar location! The community was up in arms about this project! But he won the law suit and construction began! After the bar was about 90 percent completed the little church got together and decided to do an all night prayer meeting to stop this project! In the middle of the night a big storm came over their community! A bolt of lightning struck the bar and it burned down! The rich atheist immediately filed another law suit blaming the church for it’s destruction! The church members claimed they had nothing to do with this fire? The day of the trial the judge called down the two lawyers to his bench! He told them I really do not know how this case will turn out? We have a professing atheist who believes in the power of prayer and we have a church who does not believe in the power of prayer? Pastor Robert Jeffress

Key to Understanding Revolutions!

Political correctness was alive and well in Nazi Germany in 1933. Book burning parties were the main events across Germany! The German Student Union were filled with youth who wanted change! On May 6, 1933 twenty thousand books were burned! On May 10, 1933 twenty five thousand books were burned! Millions of books were burned over the next few years! Books were destroyed written by Jews, anarchist, socialists, communists and religious books! Bibles were burned! 1400 Synagogues were set on fire! Children were encouraged to participate in these acts! The 10 Commandments were ripped off walls across Germany! The blind writer Helen Keller published an open letter to the German students! She said, “You may burn books and the books of the best minds of Europe, but these idea’s have been passed on to millions and they will go on!” All revolutions start with the premise that we want to change the past! Hitler wanted to right the wrong of their loss in WW1. He blamed the Jews! The American political left today wants to change the past? America was never great? Get rid of those Bibles! Cast off Christianity! Attack Christian business and shut down churches! Replace the Bible with homosexuality, drugs, lesbianism, single families and welfare! Drugs killed over 73000 thousand of our youth last year! Attack our flag and remove any sign of patriotism! Remove our borders! Protect criminals with sanctuary cities! Despise our military! Why did the American Revolution succeed when most other revolutions failed? Why did we have such a good outcome? The American Revolution promoted the Bible with our Constitution a Christian document! I watched an old Billy Graham Crusade today that went back to the 1970’s! Something very significant caught my attention about his preaching then! He talked a lot about heaven and hell and the consequences of rejecting Jesus Christ! Today when I turn on Television preachers I don’t hear anything about hell? Nothing said! All I hear is about success, prosperity and money! Pastor’s today have been infected by the politically correct culture where the past is taboo! Sin is the wave of the future! To change the past you have to get rid of heaven and hell! We have to get rid of prayer in schools! We have to get rid of the 10 Commandments! We have to get rid of any visible Crosses across America! Get rid of statues of great Americans! You cannot say Merry Christmas! We have to change our past! Get rid of American Colonialism! Jesus said to go out into all the world! Substitute Christian thought with Darwinism and the Godless theory we teach to our children in our public schools! Persecution is rising among the Jews in America! When men try to change the past they create a bigger monster in the present! Who can change our past? Only God! Open your Bible and read John 3:16. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Burned at the Stake! 1415 A.D. Hebrews 11:35

Hebrews 11:35 (Greek Translation) “Women received their dead standing on their feet again and others were tortured not receiving kindness with joy and redemption from sinners that they might obtain a stronger more powerful resurrection.” Comment: Could an early resurrection from martyrdom be stronger than a later one from natural death? Absolutely! Why? Jesus resurrection was the most powerful one because it required the most forgiveness! All the inhabitants of earth from Adam and Eve until now and for all that will ever be born were forgiven by God for their sin! We all put Jesus on the Cross! The greater the resurrection the greater the forgiveness required! Here is a quote from John Hus the Czech Reformer who was burned at the stake in 1415. “O’ Lord Jesus Christ, into thy hands I deliver my soul, which thou has redeemed with thy blood. Father in Heaven, do not hold against them the sin which thy enemies commit against me, and let my eyes see them blissfully with thee, when their souls fly to thy throne after an easy death. Holy Spirit, enlighten their deceived hearts, so that the truth of the Holy Gospel may open their eyes and it’s praise be spread everywhere, forever and ever! Amen.

Life & Death!

He that fears death losses the joys of life! John Huss (1369-1415) John was a Czech Priest, philosopher and Professor at Prague University. He was considered the first church reformer and key predecessor to Protestantism! He was burned at the stake for heresy against the Doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church! At his trial he told his accusers he would recant anything he ever wrote or said if it contradicted the Holy Bible! Otherwise I stand on solid ground! His ashes were thrown into the Rhine River.

Picture Worth More Than Thousand Words! John 1:1

The truth is all images or pictures are formed in the lens of your eye were created by the Word of God! His creative power is in His Word! God spoke the world into existence with His Word! He created to establish and sustain life! Prophesies fulfilled in the Bible are completions of His Word! His Word is hidden in our heart for application to deliver us from sin! What you see on earth was first in Heaven! Yes, both love and war! If you decide to follow Christ the world will oppose you! God is greater than the world because He created the world! Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by Satan! Satan tried to deceive Jesus by twisting the Word of God! Deception cannot live where God’s Word dwells! Political correctness is all about hiding the truth! All deception is accomplished with words! Bibles are being burned in the Middle East right now along with people! Hitler burned thousands of Bibles along with people! Not a pretty picture! If we ignore or reject God’s Word we do at our own peril! The final picture of your life will be determined by your acceptance or rejection of His Word! Believe it or not? You entered time so you could make a choice about His Word! You choose either Heaven or Hell? Life or death? Peace or war? Time is eternal and when it closes on your life you cannot turn back the clock! Eternity is a long time to live with your wrong choices! Time means to honor so you can choose right now with the now you have to secure your life with Christ! Jesus on the Cross is a picture worth more than a thousand words! It is the purpose and reason God came to redeem creation! The picture of the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation is displayed on the Cross at Calvary! God cannot make it any clearer than that! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Pray For Our Leaders 1Timothy2:2 2Peter2:17

Did Paul and Peter pray for their leaders? I assume they did yet they were executed by Caesar! Some of their best works were written from prison! The authorities did not like to keep Martin Luther King Jr. in jail too long because he was working on his next speech! During the civil war Pastor’s and their congregations north of the Mason-Dixon line were praying for the north to win while Pastor’s and congregations south of the line were praying for the south to win! They were both praying for their leaders! A famous German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer was executed by Hitler but I assume he prayed for Hitler. Some of our famous reformation leaders were burned at the stake by their King! I assume they prayed for them! Jesus called his political leader Herod a fox but prayed for him! He called the religious rulers of his day a generation of vipers but prayed for them! Do we pray for ISIS leaders? What would be your prayers to those who were about to behead you! Father forgive them for they know not what they do! Different from prayers of the west? Father give me a big house, big auto, big money and fame and fortune! Jesus taught us how to pray! I love this prayer because it is not a political prayer! I personally have one leader or ruler and Savior and His name is Jesus Christ! I am loyal to one Kingdom and that is the Kingdom of God and His Christ! It is so funny I have a friend in Colorado Springs who was my military boss back in the 1970’s. We are both retired and meet once a month and tell old war stories! I told Kenny we were praying that our house would sell so we could move back to Georgia. Kenny told me he was praying that our house not sell and we stay in Colorado! I told Kenny you are my friend but not my prayer partner! Our prayers should be in agreement with God! We usually pray for an outcome. Do we always get it? God’s will is often different from our will! To deliver us from evil means not to partake in promoting evil! We pray for our leaders but also knowing it is vanity to trust in man! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Just Say, “Caesar is Lord!”

Reply; “Eighty six years I have served Christ, and He never did me any wrong! How can I blaspheme my King who saved me?” Polycarp who was a disciple of the Apostle John was burned at the stake in 156 A.D. in Smyrna Turkey. Remember the message Jesus gave to the church in Smyrna some 60 years earlier? Revelation 2:9– “I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, but thou art rich and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Another Caesar Constantine about 150 years after Polycarp bowed his knee and confessed Jesus Christ as Lord! Christianity then became the official religion of the Roman Empire! Recently thousands of Christians have been martyred across the world before being asked, “Just say Mohammad is Lord!” Who is your Lord? My Bible says, “One day every knee must bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!” For you make that one day today! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is God gay? (continued)

For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. Source; Holy Bible, Book of Romans, Chapter 1, verses 26-27.