How Did The Apostle John Decrease? John 3:30

John was arrested in Ephesus when his enemies threw him into a pot of boiling oil. However John was miraculously delivered from death! The authorities then sentenced him to a slave labor camp in the marble mines of Patmos! On this island on the Aegean Sea John under impossible odds had a vision of Jesus Christ and wrote the Prophetic Book of Revelation! John years later was freed due to his old age and returned to Ephesus in now modern day Turkey. He died an old man sometime after 98 A.D. He was the only Apostle to die peacefully! Comment: If we will decrease Jesus will increase! Most 21st Century Christians think of decreasing as missing a meal now and then or even a whole day! When you find yourself in a pot of boiling oil up to your neck you could easily think I am having a bad day! Especially when the local natives are cutting up vegetables and putting them in your pot! To be sentenced to a slave labor camp on a remote island under Roman guards in a stone quarry might cause you to think you are having another bad day? John probably said all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Holy Month Final Score! 2017

The month of Ramadan is finally over so what is the score card for Islam’s Holiest month? Terrorist Attacks: 174. Kills: 1545. It could have been a Holy month for some of the victims who have gone to Heaven! Islam can only threaten Christians with Heaven! The world events we see everyday are prophetic according to our Bible! The False Prophet or one world religious ruler who co-reigns with the Anti-Christ during the 7 year Tribulation period will be a Muslim! Remember we have the Rapture of the Church just prior to the Tribulation period! So if the Christians are raptured who will be the new targets of the one world regime? They will be the new Christians and Jews who get saved during this period! Running neck and neck with the promotion of Islam is the promotion of gays! Remember the Anti-Christ will be a Jew and a homosexual! Our Bible says he will have no natural affection for women! How can the Jews and the gays and the Muslims have a marriage together to run the world for 7years? Jesus is a Jew and His rival is a Jew! The Quran verse against gays cited by Mohammad was taken from our Bible! The Quran was written when our Bible had been around for about 700 years! What Mohammad did was insert some Biblical scriptures between his ranting revelations and that is why the Quran contradicts itself! The verse he borrowed is about Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah. Remember what Paul said in Romans 9:29 ? “And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma and been made like Gomorrah.” Islam and the gay Sodomy system will eventually merge as one! They are already merging! Same sex intercourse is already legalized in 20 Muslim majority countries! They are; Albania, Azerbajan, Bahrain, Bosnia, Herzogovina, Burkina Faso, Chad, Djibouti, Guinea-Bissau, Lebanon, Tunisia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgzstan, Mali, Niger, Tajikistan, Turkey, West Bank (Palestine), Indonesia (Except Acehan and South Sumatra), and Northern Cyprus. Many of these countries have now legalized same sex marriage! So now do you understand why a Colorado baker who will not bake a cake for gay marriage gets death threats everyday? Do you see why most Pastors are mute never to talk about how the Bible opposes homosexual lifestyles? The lack of resistance by the Church will help accelerate these end time events! I believe the Islamists will be the military arm of the one world government to enforce violence against those that support Biblical values! If there is one thing you do not want to miss it is the Rapture! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Are You a Saint? Philippians 1:1

Thankyou for the promotion! Are the only Saints in New Orleans? The football team there got put on probation and had to pay huge fines for violations of the National Football League Rules! My friend asked me if I thought he would make it to Heaven? Just wondering is not good! I told him that if he did make it he would be on probation for some time! Notice Paul addressed the congregation as “Saints in Jesus Christ!” Apart from Christ there are no Saints! In Him you are one! So by definition what is a Saint? Is it a marble statue in a church or park? No temptation there! According to the Greek a Saint is one who is set apart or consecrated from a common root! If you and I were branches on the same apple tree we would share a common root! We would draw the same nourishment from the same root for life! If we were cut off from that root we would die! As long as we were attached to the same root we would share the same life! So the life that I have is connected to Christ alone! Apart from Him I can do nothing! If I cut myself off from the Tree of Life I will spiritually die! The church cannot save me, the saints cannot save me, the clergy cannot save me and I am disqualified if I trust anyone else other than Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Are You a Servant? Philippians 1:1

I am glad you asked! You say I feel like one with job, family and ministry! The true slave loves to be a slave! No complaints! A true slave would work for free and many did in the Roman Empire and early America! The Romans had slaves of all races! They were non-discriminatory in their slave employments! So what would be the attitude of a true slave? First, they would be completely consumed in the will of another! They would be completely bound in the relationship of another! Like marriage! They would be bound by the law! They are bound to do that which is needful to another! Their Master! They would make their needs know to their Master in prayer! The needs of others to their Master? Jesus was bound to the Cross in service to God and man! The only Master that could destroy you is the one who makes his Master himself! That is what Satan did! He quit serving and forced others to serve him through sin! Who your Master is important because it is a matter of life and death! James and Hamsa Sasse.

God of Mammon! Luke 16:13

The Greek word translates as a comprehensive word used for all kinds of possessions, earnings and gains and is designated for a material value. Jesus said we cannot serve God and Mammon! We cannot have two masters for we will hate the one and love the other! Idol’s are easy to make but hard to abandon! Once entrenched in our soul extraction is very difficult! We are born into a material world! We are material ourselves! Wealth is not evil of itself but Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil. We can have a misplaced trust in something that will perish! Jesus was trying to get us to focus on eternal values such as your spirit and soul that will never perish but spend eternity in either Heaven or Hell depending on what you with Jesus Christ! You will either worship Jesus or Mammon! Chose Jesus! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Are You a Deacon? Philippians 1:1

I could be or may be but first tell me what one is? According to the Greek the word translates as one who runs through the dust! One who runs errands! One who waits on tables! A voluntary servant. So if you are a good deacon you should have dusty shoes! Just call me Dusty! Jesus got his feet dusty! He walked across the dusty trails of Palestine in the 1st Century! Walking after reluctant disciples, maniacs, adulterous women, blind and deaf people, the rich and the poor! He walked after Rulers and servants! He walked miles to raise the dead! He waited on tables at the wedding and turned water into wine! He struggled up a dusty trail as he carried your Cross to Calvary! He got his feet dusty for you! Jesus took the dust we were created out of and raised us from the dead! Before you turn to dust raise someone out of it! Time is short for all of us so volunteer to be a deacon for Jesus and His Church! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Where is the Kingdom? Luke 17:20-21

The religious folks the Pharisees asked Jesus when the Kingdom should come? I wish Jesus had said, “Da! You big idiots! I am God and I am with you right now!” However Jesus was polite not like me and told them the Kingdom of God does not come by observation! That is you cannot observe Him with your eyes! No man can look on God and live! Remember Fanny Crosby the Queen of Gospel Music? She was blind! Then Jesus dropped the bomb shell on them! He told them the Kingdom of God was within them! The religious folk over history have always presumed that since God lived outside of us we must worship Him outside of ourselves! Build monuments to Him! Statues and figures of wood and stone! Build Temples so the poor homeless guy has a place to dwell. Fill it with gold and silver! The bigger the Temple the more impressed God should be! Right? If we can just do enough works for Him! Jesus made things so simple yet missed by most? Who can worship God better than God living inside of you? He knows just how to do it! The songs that speak to us and the sermons that change us are powered by the God that lives inside of us! It is not about us but about Him! Sin is the only thing that keeps God out! Confess your sin to Him and let the Blood of Jesus cleanse you and then the door will be opened for Him to come and dwell in you! There is nothing greater than God living in you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Would You. Have Voted For Him?

“My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter!” (1922) “We are people of different faiths, but we are one! Which faith conquers the other is not the question; rather, the question is whether Christianity stands or falls! We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity, in fact our movement is Christian!” (1928) “May God Almighty take our work into His grace, give true form to our work, Bless our insight, and endow us with the trust of the people!” (1933) “The National Government regards Christianity as the foundation of our National morality, and the family as the basis of National life!” (1933) Comment; These are excerpts taken from Adolf Hitler’s speeches as he ran for public office in Germany. So what should have been the red flags to Christian’s in Germany that something was wrong with his theology? He hated the Jews! Jesus Christ was a Jew! All His disciples were Jews! The entire Old and New Testaments were written by Jews! In Hitler’s mind he thought Jesus had intended to destroy the Jews but they crucified Him and He was not able to finish the job! So Hitler believed it was providence that he finish the job! Salvation has come through the Jews! Hitler had a twisted theology and proves what you believe about God determines your destiny and will either bring construction or destruction to the world! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Philippians 2:6 Greek Translation

He continued to be who He was before and after the flesh and His outward appearance, idea’s and reality was the true God! He did not value highly to be equivalent with God but continued to be who He was before the flesh! Comment: It is interesting that most human’s value the flesh more than the Spirit and the Soul? The flesh is not eternal and Jesus did not let the flesh distract Him from who He is! Neither should you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Artificial Intelligence?

Does it really exist? Research scientist’s have found large deposits in Washington D.C.! There are layers of it in the rock formations there built up for over 200 years! According to research there were also found layers in Moscow, London, Brussels and other liberal strata formations! DNA tests have confirmed that this exists among the liberal left populations of the world! Communists, socialists and democrats hold the highest percentages of this material in their populations! Psychological studies have shown us that these people do not want to work for a living so they must live off those that work for a living! Will update you on anymore new research on this subject! James