The written word was formed in human nature and lived among us! We beheld His shining splendor of His Image and character as the only Son of the Father and God confirming the relieving of the misery of sin through forgiveness and the reality of His internal and external character!
Month: May 2017
Purpose of Creation?
Creation’s highest aim and most sublime result is belief in God! The most exalted rank of humanity is the Knowledge of God! Said Nursi (1878-1960) Turkish Theologian. Comment: How sad the atheists and evolutionists will miss this most precious gift while on earth and in eternity! Let no mortal man with his false doctrines of science ever stop you from the pursuit of God! James Sasse
Tribute To America’s Greatest!
These fallen hero’s represent the character of a nation who has a long history of patriotism and honor and a nation who has fought many battles to keep our country free from the threats of terror! Michael N. Castle, Governor of Delaware (1993-2011), U.S. Congressman (1993-2011). Comment: There are two kinds of people in this world! There are givers and takers! The terrorists want to take your life! The givers join our U.S. Military to give their lives to defend you! Jesus said there is no greater love than a man to lay down his life for his brother! So which are you? Taker or giver? What has made America great throughout our history is that we have had a lot more givers than takers! If you think your life is more important than giving it then you don’t value America! Terrorist don’t value life and if you also do not then they will win! Do you value life enough to defend it? If you are a mouse who will never rise up and defend America then please honor those who have and will. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Creator! Genesis 1:1
I know this world is ruled by infinite intelligence! Everything that surrounds us–everything that exists–proves that there are infinite laws behind it. There can be no denying this fact! It is mathematical in its precision! Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931)
Going After Strange Flesh! Jude 7
“Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” Comment: Strange flesh used here by Jude the brother of Jesus means unnatural homosexual behavior. In the last days of this age Sodom and Gomorrah will be revived! It will climax with the Anti-Christ’s one world government during the 7 year Tribulation period that will close out this age! He will be gay also! He will have no natural affection for women! A real war on women! This 7 year Tribulation period will be the most destructive period in human history! We also believe from scriptures that His Church will be Raptured away just prior to this period in history! Now let us go on and see what Jude says in verse 18. “How that they told you that there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.” It is interesting that the word “last”, comes from a Greek word meaning echo! It denotes the last end of a sound made! It will also be the last sound of the age before the trumpets blow! It concludes a time of the end of this age! The word “time”, used here means the last season of an opportunity! There will come a time in all our lives that there will be no more opportunities to get right with God! Do you as a gay want to be in this part of the end times scenario? Jude mentions the eternal fire of judgment! God reigned down fire on these cities! Political correctness and civil judicial approval did not save them! The popular culture will prepare you for Hell. When I stand before my Christ I will have to give an account! God’s love includes judgment and He took our judgment on the Cross! If no judgment then it would not matter what we do! Then bad choices would have no consequences! You can chose Christ today and repent of your sin! The choice is Heaven or Hell? The choice is yours to make! Eternity is a long time if you are in the fire! James and Hamsa Sasse.
Revolution over history have had different motives with different outcomes! The Russian Revolution which brought in socialism and communism took absolute control of the people and their property by the State! The Revolution produced about 20 million casualties! Earlier we had the American Revolution and a few years later the French Revolution. In the American Revolution people migrated from Europe who were suppressed by the Church/State relationship! They wanted religious freedom! The American Church supported the Revolution and separated from England. There were about 8000 casualties in this war. A few years later the French Revolution came along! The French Revolution was a war against the Church/State! The Enlightenment era with Voltaire and other anti-Christian thinkers sprang up all over France! The French Revolution had over one million casualties and concluded with the Napoleon Wars! The Church and the State were never merged again! We also must not forget history in that France was over run by the Muslims in 700 A.D. So the Church and the State came together with the Crusaders to push the Islamists out of France! When any culture is threatened with extinction then the Church and State should join together! Today the battle lines are drawn between globalism and nationalism! Globalism is a quest for a one world government! Nationalism is for State sovereignty. According to our Bible the end of this age will feature a one world government which will last for 7 years known as the Tribulation period! Our last two World Wars were waged in the name of nationalism but they went global. Globalism is an ideology with no borders, socialized medicine, sanctuary cities, illegal immigration, no voter I.D.’s, the UN and the EU. Jesus said to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel. He did not say to go out politically, religiously, militarily to do violence! The Islamists through revolution and their wars over history have spread violence into the earth! By their present wars they have planted refugee’s into the cities of Europe and America! These Islamic plants are reaping havoc around the world! The good news is some of the old empty Christian Cathedrals in Europe are being filled up by Muslim converts! Jesus has given us some signs of the end of the age! However Jesus Himself does not know the time of His second coming! He told us it was in the hands of the Father! Live your life as though he was coming today! Those in Christ will not look to the one world government as a solution except it will usher in Christ’s Millenium! Those in love with the world and not Christ will look to the Anti-Christ as his one world solution! Globalism is a return to the Tower of Babel. Man’s solution is a manifestation of his fallen sin nature! James and Hamsa Sasse.
The Penless Author John 1:14
Christ Himself wrote nothing, but furnished endless material for books and songs of gratitude in praise! Philip Schaff (1819-1893) Comment: Yes the Word became flesh! Christ was written about thousands of years before He ever showed up here on earth! No human could accomplish this! People have and are sacrificing their lives for Him on the mission fields of this world yet have never seen Him! I witnessed this first hand in India during the three years we were there! Families in Yercaud on that remote mountain who had been Christians for generations would show me the graves of missionaries who had taken the Gospel to their ancestors! I was not treated like royalty in India because I was anybody but had followed those who had gone before me! Philip Schaff has gone before us! He was a Swiss Theologian who while living here in America was President of the committee that translated the American Standard Bible which was published a few years after his death in 1901. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Trinity and the Soul Genesis 1:27
But these three, though they be distinct from one another, are, however said to be one, because they exist substantially in the soul. Peter Lombard (1096-1160) Comment: His writings influenced Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, William of Ockham, Gabriel Beil, Martin Luther, John Calvin and Pope Alexander III. His tomb is Paris some 700 years later was destroyed during the French Revolution! Remember the French Revolution tried to de-Christianize France even by creating a special calendar (French Revolution Calendar), removing Christian Holidays and religious figures! The calendar lasted 12 years about as long as Hitler’s rein! An attempt was made to remove all religious influences from the culture! Prominent atheist were behind this effort much like today in America. The French Revolution and the American Revolution were very different with different outcomes! The American Revolution established the free exercise of religion with the trinity of three branches of government with Biblical values woven into our Constitution! The French Revolution was a rebellion to remove all elements of religion from their culture! The French Enlightenment was the darkest hour in French history! The light of any culture is Christ and to try to remove him politically, judicially, militarily and socially reaps disaster for any culture! James and Hamsa Sasse.
God’s Government!
The Kingdom of God is a theocracy and it is the only form of government which will release and save mankind, it is necessary that every soul should rightly and thoroughly be instructed! Orson Pratt (1811-1881) Mormon Theologian and Mathematician. Comment: He designed the “roadometer”, the modern odometer which measured how far a horse drawn wagon would travel. He also had 10 wives and 45 children! He was a busy man! This is probably while Utah and Colorado is known as the wild west? He also lived in poverty! I wonder why? Joseph Smith kicked him out of the church as an elder for some time but he came back! Then Orson left the church for some time because Joseph Smith tried to have an affair with one of his wives! God’s Kingdom is a theocracy and even the Muslim’s would agree with this! However if any member of the Trinity is marginalized then error comes in! If Jesus is dressed in religious garb and taken off the Cross what do you have left? Works! I have spent years in Colorado and visited Utah in the military and the Mormon’s are good people! They are respectful and try to live a clean life! However no matter how good we are we cannot save ourselves! They are the fastest growing denomination in America today because they do it the old fashion way going door to door! A Mormon family will come by our house every month here in the Atlanta area! They gave me literature and I give them a Gospel tract! I attended a funeral at a Mormon church years ago. The Pastor closed the service by saying surely she did enough good works to get to Heaven! Someone else purchased your ticket! Jesus Christ the only Son of God on the Cross of Calvary paid your price for sin! Never try to take God’s job! No human ever can or ever will. James and Hamsa Sasse.
Best Seller Ever!
The sheer diversity of literature in the Bible is one of its secrets of its continuing popularity through the centuries! There is something for all moods and many different cultures! Its message is not buried in religious jargon only accessible to believers or scholars but reflects the issues that people struggle with in daily life! John Drane, Scottish Theologian and author. Comment: First of all the Bible is the number one best seller because it is written with the finger of God! It speaks to all cultures because it is written by the God that created all cultures! God speaks to His people through His Word! James and Hamsa Sasse.