Empires and Rusty Treasures Ecclesiastes 2:1, 4-9

When you examine all the empires over history they have all vanished! Whether the Assyrian, Babylonian, Greek, Roman or any other they have all disintegrated! Most of their best dreams are in museums! Solomon was a great leader and powerful in managing his Kingdom! Next to his father King David he was a brilliant leader! He was a civil engineer building dams, roads, bridges, palaces, temples and anything he imagined! Solomon was rich and ambitious but very broken inside! Solomon longed for something he could not build himself! Why do we do what we do? Why do you get up in the morning? Why do you go to school, work and plan for retirement? What motivates us? What is in our heart? Solomon longed to go back to the Garden of Eden! He built groves and gardens but something was missing? If we build our own garden God will be absent! We do our own thing and then ask God to Bless it! If I build my own empire it will be empty in the end! Solomon created a lot of gardens but was empty inside! Let God come into the garden He created for you! God spent time in the Garden of Gethsemane to prepare a place for you! Ecclesiastes 2:10- Heathenism is the religion of choice in the world today! Heathenism is defined as getting more pleasure and avoiding the pain! It is like trying to sin and getting away with it! Even though Solomon lived about 3 thousand years ago people are chasing the same dream today in 2015! The problem is the more pleasure we seek the less we find! Emptiness will creep up on you! All the past empires are a pile of rock today! Living in Colorado we do not need anymore rocks! Each empire tried to rearrange the rocks! Why do empires fail? Simply empires use people to get money! Solomon said he bought slaves and women! Empires are built for pleasure! The empires trying to be built in 2015 are enslaving people and killing people for money! Jesus had a very different idea about money and power! In the first century Christian’s sold their lands to help those who were suffering! They did not claim property as their own! The Apostles sold their possessions to help others! People in the world build an empire so they can be King! Solomon was brought to a place of emptiness! At the point of our limitations we need to respond to the invitation of Jesus! What would Jesus have said to Solomon? Matthew 6:19 Do you store up treasures for yourself on earth? There is a lot of discussion in our culture about capitalism right now! Is it good or evil? Remember the talents? God does not hate capitalism! What God does despise is selfishness! When people of God catch the heart of God great things happen! Again why do we do what we do? We can even do the right things for the wrong reasons! God wants our worship! So does Satan! Like Solomon when we worship ourselves we are at the wrong God and the wrong Altar! Jim Carrey got 20 million dollars for every movie he produced but yet said wealth is not the answer! John 10:9-10 Jesus invitation to you the world cannot give you! If we are motivated by God lasting things happen! Invest your treasures in Heaven in eternal things that will outlast any worldly pursuit! Source; Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Do You Have a Meaningless Life? Ecclesiastes 1:1-9

Solomon was a wise man but sometimes not so wise! Starting life off with 1000 wives would not be a good starter? You would have to remember 3 wedding anniversaries everyday! Could he remember all their names? Name tags would help! Solomon seemed to be a cynical old man at times but he did write a book of wisdom! He tries to explain to us not to make the same mistakes! He took an honest look at his life! He was the richest man in the world! He did not spare himself any pleasure! Solomon wished he had asked himself the hard questions! Do you have time to wrestle with your Faith? Take an inventory of your Faith! Why do I believe? Why do I follow Jesus? Do you ask questions about God? Solomon repeated 27 times, “Is there anything new under the sun?” Life can seem burdensome and meaningless at times! I have two teenagers at home. We have on going conversations like when can I get my drivers license? When can I go off to college? I want to go to a college far away from home? Teenager’s want your money and your absence! Do not be in a hurry to grow up! Our daily routines of dishes, laundry, house cleaning repeat everyday with no end in sight! A lot of life is routine! You may hate your job and is just a paycheck? Sometimes we can lose our passion for life! Like Solomon we are looking for the right things in the wrong places! We are looking for something to give life meaning! In 1st Kings we see Solomon was a great builder! He built palaces and Houses of Worship! Today in 2015 people are not sparing themselves any pleasure! We have hundreds of options! We have all the electronic gadgets to amuse ourselves! We have drugs and alcohol to drown our meaningless in! Solomon arrived at emptiness! Is your tank on empty? When we reach the point of our limitations collapse can come! What can we turn too? Our need for completeness comes from outside of ourselves! Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus said come unto me! Those that are laboring and overburdened! To those that are carrying a heavy load! Jesus promised to those that receive His invitation He will give rest! Yes! Rest and refresh. You will find completion in Christ! How do you know you are doing well? Solomon had everything but was not doing well? Jesus said, “Come to me.” Solomon did not have the revelation of Christ we have today! True worship is to come to Jesus! Jesus did not come to promote Himself but to promote you! The Old Testament Books point to the Cross! People without Christ come to despair! You may have lost a key relationship? Husband or wife? Son or daughter? You may have lost a job or business failure? A sickness or accident may have taken your ability away to provide for your family? Internal failure requires and external rescue! When we learn we cannot make it own our own then we discover the only one who can give us rest! We discover Christ’s yoke is easy and His burden is light! A yoke is designed for two! Let Jesus come along side you and lift you out of your troubles! Rest in Him! Talk with Him! Walk with Him! Think on Him! Discover in Him! Love in Him! Plan in Him! Win in Him! Stand in Him! Trust in Him! Faith in Him and He will never leave nor forsake you! Source; Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado

Free Postal Service!

Even though the Postal Service lost 2 billion dollars last year they will not be discouraged! Now free airmail service to your congress, senate and even the white house! If you have a beef with your government your mail can be delivered directly to these offices by gyrocopter service! One of the secret service agents who watched the gyrocopter on it’s maiden voyage thought it was the presidential helicopter! He thought after a 7 year drought Obama was finally going to talk to congress! The school children in the bleachers in front of the senate building for photos pointed towards the sky in amazement and one little boy said, “It is a bird, It is a plane, no it is superman!” Encouragement to you is that not all your tax money is wasted by our government just most of it! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

A True Sacrifice Promotes Others!

Jesus came in the power and authority of His Father to point men to the Father God! Jesus existed eternally before His advent on this earth in the form of God and was equal with God; yet, He humbled Himself and became a servant while here on earth. He did not come to promote Himself but to give Himself as the only way to the Father! Source; Andrew Wommack

Women on American Currency?

This is the latest push to give an image of equality. Why is there no woman image on American currency? One opinion is that they spend the money so fast you could never find any money to stamp an image on! Another thought is we simply have not had a woman president yet. If Hillary Clinton should become president we need to place her on our currency according to her value! Her image should be placed on our penny! Obama should go on our two dollar bill after he leaves office! I do not like to see our currency devalued but in the name of equality we could all end up in the poor house! Politically incorrect speech but true. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Foghorn Helps Chick With Homework!

Let me show you how to do it son! Do not bother me with logarithms, common and natural, base epsilon and factorial progressions! Son, you complicate life for me and your mother! Keep it simple son! All you need to learn about math is to count eggs. Someone must have dropped you as an egg on the cement and you hatched too early! Why can’t you be a normal rooster like your brother? Son, I do not care about the distance between the planets, their speed and rotation! The only thing you need to watch above your head is the chicken hawks! I’m worried about you boy! Kentucky Fried Chicken could be in your future! I don’t care about the volumes of the ocean’s? Once you are inside a can of chicken broth you can figure the volume of the can! Why can’t you be a normal child? You trouble my mind son! You are an embarrassment to the family tree! How are we going to find you a hen? The whole community out here in the chicken yard thinks your brains got scrambled! Why did I say that? Can we ever find a place for you in life? I don’t care about one horse passing another twice on a one mile track in 3:29 minutes and then finding out how fast the first horse was going? Something is wrong with your head boy! You give me a headache and I need some rest! You give me brain cramps son! Why I am gone to get some rest please do not think about anything while I am gone! Leghorn Foghorn

Have You Wrestled with God Lately? Genesis 32:24-28

Can you win this one? Jacob did! Here is the question we need to ask ourselves? Do you have enough Faith in God that if you wrestle with God you could win? One of my best friends back in high school loved to wrestle! I hated it but he loved it! Since we were good friends I became a wrestling dummy for him to practice on! I was much like a sparing partner for a boxer. Kent Dove went on to win the heavy weight wrestling division state title for Colorado. Wrestling was sweaty, brutal, exhausting and very bruising to your body. Jesus wrestled with God for us in the Garden of Gethsemane! He sweat drops of blood! Most of our religious church guy prayers are pious, quiet, indifferent and selfish a sort of milk toast approach to God. You are probably thinking I have enough problems without taking on God! Jacob’s victory was a Blessing from God to himself and to all that followed him! It resulted in a name change. From a trickster to a Prince! The name Israel means to rule as God! If you were able to rule over this world would you do it as God does? Love the good and hate the evil? Jacob became Israel and a different man after his struggle with God and limped as he walked yet dependent upon God! No more tricks to try to get ahead! Do you struggle with God for the lost souls of this world? If they do not fight for themselves who will fight for them? How about the widows and orphans? Jesus wrestled with His Father and the Cross! Why have you forsaken me? Jesus went through hell for you and me so that we will never be forsaken! Let us wrestle with God to pluck souls out of the burning fire and from the Kingdom of darkness! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

The Wonder of it All !

Men go abroad to wonder at the heights of mountains, at the huge waves of the seas, at the long courses of rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motions of the stars, and they pass by themselves without wondering? Saint Augustine