Hebrew Translation “And it shall come to pass in the last days in a point in time and place that the Mountain of the Lord’s family household, race and descendants shall be established certain and fixed that the Head or Chief Leader shall be exalted above the hills and all the non-Jewish gentiles shall flow into it” Comment: History will always confirm the scriptures! Future events that will become history also will confirm your Bible! Last year 2016 Israel had about 3 million visitors! Isaiah wrote this prophecy about 2700 years ago! Israel has also gotten unwanted visitors like the Babylonians, Assyrians, Romans and others but was because of their forsaking their God! Abraham Lincoln was planning to go to Israel before his assassination! I think all Christians deep down inside yearn to go their on day! Israel will get a lot more visitors in the future according to the Book of Revelation! During the apocalyptic events of the 7 year Tribulation period all the armies of the entire gentile world will invade her! God will destroy these invaders and Christ will rule for a thousand years from Jerusalem with the believers from Heaven and earth! If you miss Israel in your first life here on earth you will have a second chance but this time you will live there not just visit Israel! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Tag: jerusalem
Looking Forward! Matthew 25:31-34
When the Son of man shall come in His Image and Character with Splendor And Brilliance with His Holy Angles then He shall sit upon the Throne of His Glory! And before Him shall be gathered all the races of mankind and He shall cast out the wicked and abominable as the Spiritual Leader of the flock. He will divide the sheep from the goats! He shall set the Sheep on the right hand giving them equal honor as to Himself! He will set the goats on His left hand! Then shall the King of the people say unto them on His right hand, Come, my Father shall dwell upon you and you will be heir of the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world! Comment: So where is His Throne of Glory located on earth with His return? Jerusalem! The same place where He was Crucified! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Columbus and Mohammad!
“and your Highness, as Catholic Christians and Princes, devoted to the Holy Christian Faith and the propagation there of—and enemies of the sect of Mohammad and all idolatries and heresies, resolved to send me Christopher Columbus, to the said—” Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) Comment: Why is it poor old Mohammad gets bad press? Was Columbus suffering from Islamophobia? The Islamic armies invaded Spain in 715 A.D. and pushed deep into Europe with destruction of life and limb! The first Crusade to push the Muslim armies out of Europe began in 1096 A.D. and ended with the eighth Crusade ending in 1247 A.D. These Christian armies pushed the Muslims out of Europe and Jerusalem! It took about 500 years to push these invading armies out of Europe with continual war! So history repeats itself except Europe faces a new challenge in that the Islamists are not wearing uniforms this time but through immigration and refugees have them planted in their cities and living among their populations! America has the same problem but to a lesser degree as we have a smaller population of them! Columbus was also a Jew and we will cover more on this topic on later posts! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Public Worship! Hebrews 10:25
The message here is to the Gentile-Jewish Christians! It is believed by Biblical scholars that the Book of Hebrews was written prior to the destruction of the Jewish Temple and Jerusalem in 70 A.D. What was Paul trying to tell us? Why should we not forsake public worship? First let us look at Heaven! Do the believers in Heaven forsake assembling together? Is one believer on the golf course and one working a Sunday job? Believers by the billions are surrounding the Throne of God worshiping! Our High Priest is in Heaven! Remember the part of our Lord’s prayer that says, “On earth as it is in Heaven!” Jesus said where two or three are gathered in my name so will i be there!” Satan’s followers are gathered together warring against the Saints and have a congregation in Hell. Paul went on to say we are to exhort and encourage each other! What did Paul mean by the day approaching? Some scholars believe Paul was warning the church of the coming destruction of the Jewish Temple and the city of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Jesus predicted this! Some scholars think Paul was talking about Jesus second coming! Paul could have been talking about both events! Paul was also warning people who claimed to be Christian yet have forsaken public worship! We are to practice Holiness here on earth! This life is dress rehearsal for Heaven! If we are doing something different than we would do in Heaven while on earth we have missed the Ark! Remember Jesus taught and worshiped in the Jewish Temple! So did Paul. Paul knew that the Christians would be scattered throughout the realm after the 70 A.D. apocalypse! He wanted the flock to regroup and continue worship after the pattern set before them in Heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Is Life Fair? Habakkuk 1:5
Habakkuk was puzzled? He wrestled with God! He could not connect the dots? Why would a more wicked nation punish Israel? Why do the righteous suffer with the wicked? Babylon was giving their gods credit for the Jewish captivity when Habakkuk knew better! The best example i could give Habakkuk about the righteous suffering with the wicked happened about 600 years later in history! Jesus God’s only Son went to the Cross on Calvary outside the city gates of Jerusalem to suffer for the sin of the whole world including you and me! He was perfect without sin yet paid the price for our sin? Paul echoed the same exact words Habakkuk did in Acts 13:41. Paul tried to warn the Jews of the danger to their soul and to Israel to reject the Messiah! Remember the Book of Acts was written between 80-90 A.D. This was 10 to 20 years after the Jewish Roman War and the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 A.D. Also remember Jesus predicted the destruction of the temple! It is in the 13th chapter of the Book of Acts that Paul decides to leave the Jews and go to the Gentiles with the Gospel message! It is interesting that the punishment for sin is built in to sin itself! Sexual immorality leads to deadly diseases like AIDS! How about death itself? No human escapes! Jesus promised to raise us from the dead! However remember everyone gets raised from the dead! Some to everlasting life and some to everlasting punishment! No one could ever promise to raise anyone from the dead unless they themselves could be raised from the dead and also to be able to raise others from the dead! Jesus did that while on earth! Only God our creator has this kind of power! But greater is His love for us as He demonstrated to us in all that He did! The wages of sin is death but God paid our wages and has given us life! Why would anyone reject His love? This is even more puzzling than Habakkuk’s question? James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Jeremiah and America!
Jeremiah’s ministry extended from 627-586 B.C. Jerusalem was taken into captivity in 586 B.C. by Babylon! His message was one of judgment upon Judah for it’s shameful sins! He also encouraged the people to submit to Babylon to prevent further bloodshed! He was not popular among the political rulers and his life was in constant jeopardy! He was known as the weeping prophet! Jeremiah also had a hopeful message! The return from captivity, the New Covenant and the Messiah coming to Jerusalem! Jeremiah was a type of Christ! He was accused of political treason, tried, persecuted and imprisoned for their prophetic words! Jeremiah and Christ both wept over and predicted the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem! Both were rejected by their own people! Do we have any prophets in America who have been persecuted for their words of warning to the American people? Many of our religious leaders have been attacked by Obama and our government over the past 8 years! Obama ordered IRS tax audits on Franklin Graham and others as a weapon to go after them! However there is one that went to prison! He was the president of a Bible College! He created two movies on Obama and Hillary Clinton and exposed their anti-Christian agenda! Obama wanted to put him in prison for at least 20 years by federal prosecutors but a kind judge gave him 9 months! This man did not care about his 501c tax exemption! He cared about America! Obama gave him a lemon and he made lemon juice out of it! He made over 40 million dollars on his movies and helped to defeat Obama and the Hillary agenda! His name is Dinesh D’Souza. A smart and bold man! We need more of these men or women in the Body of Christ to take America back! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Stolen Treasure! 2 Kings 24:13
All the treasure of the House of the Lord that King Solomon had spent a lifetime amassing was carried off by Persian King Nebuchadnezzer of Babylon! All the gold, silver and vessels of the Temple and the King’s House were cut in pieces and carried off! What lesson can we learn from this? Hundred of years later Jesus predicted the Temple of Jerusalem would be destroyed again! About 40 years after His death and resurrection during the Roman/Jewish War (66-70A.D.), the Jewish Temple was destroyed and the treasure was carried off back to Rome along with one hundred thousand Jewish slaves! The Jewish slaves and treasure was used to build the Roman Coliseum! Then the early Christian’s were martyred in the same Coliseum! History has shown us that when Jew’s are persecuted so are the Christians! Same holds true today in 2016! The Apostle Paul talked about treasure in earthen vessels! The treasure inside each human was given to us by God! It is a gift and no human can steal it! What we do with this treasure is very important! If we claim it as our own then we are stealing treasure from God! The treasure within you is priceless and has eternal purpose! It will last forever! Our purpose in Christ is found on earth and prepares us for Heaven! Remember after death we come back to earth again with Christ for the one thousand year rule of earth following the seven year tribulation period! If you have been faithful here on the earth with the real treasure then expect greater responsibility later in His Kingdom there and when you return with Him again to earth! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Gays and Abortion! 2 Kings 23:7-10
King Josiah of Judah was a reformer! Previous Kings or political leaders established evil as the acceptable behavior! Jerusalem and the surrounding country was polluted with high places of idol worship and wicked lifestyles! Josiah took action and destroyed the high places and the wicked priests! Verse seven says he broke down the houses of the wicked sodomites that were located by the House of the Lord! Homosexual prostitutes set up their operations next to the House of Worship! Today in America they are in the House of the Lord! They are ordained priests in the church! It goes on in verse 10 that Josiah destroyed the Temples of Moloch! Moloch was a god that required child sacrifice for worship! The Altar of Abortion sacrifices millions of children in America! The children are murdered with our tax money! The decline of America that Obama wants is coming to pass! It will be replaced with a one world government as our Bible predicts! There will be no borders for sovereign states! Then as the anti-christ and the false prophet control the world they will require worship from you! Your choice will be worship or death! Who will the false prophet or world religious leader be? Who will be the anti-christ be? We know from scripture that the anti-christ will rule from Jerusalem and the false prophet from Rome! We know the anti-christ will be a Jew and will be a homosexual! I believe the false prophet will be a Muslim! A Jew and a Muslim will rule the world for 7 years! Then Christ returns to earth to rule the earth for a thousand years! The church will be taken up to Heaven just preceding the tribulation period of seven years! Our Christ, the anti-christ and the false prophet! The good and the bad and the ugly! If Hillary takes the White House the end times prophecy will accelerate! We could easily merge into the one world system as she continues to sell out America for cash! Under her rule Islam will grow rapidly since she owes the Muslims millions of dollars worth of favors! Abortion will increase and more children sacrificed! This election is about the destiny of America! God is no respecter of persons! The righteous are saved and the wicked condemned to Hell! God does not change but we have to! When time closes for all of us in this life our decisions determine our destiny! Choose life and Christ and not death! God Bless! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Is Israel Important to You? Zechariah 14:12
As a Christian is Israel important to you or is it a bump in your theological road in your travel? Is it just a wayside inn or a tourist trap? Jesus at His second coming will rule the world from Jerusalem! That fact alone should get your attention? Zechariah’s prophetic ministry began 520 years before the birth of Christ! He addresses both the first and second coming of Christ! Zechariah’s name means, “The Lord Remembers.” An elephant may forget but never God! Zechariah was of the priestly line. How did Zechariah know about nuclear war 2500 years ago? He says in verse 12, “Those that fight against Jerusalem will have their flesh consume away while they stand on their feet! Their eyes will consume away in their sockets! Their tongue will consume away in their mouth!” The Bible goes on to say in verse 13 that those who fight Israel will turn on each other in war! They will nuke each other! Do you vote for and support political leaders who oppose Israel? Do you vote for and support political leaders who strengthen the hands of their enemies? These are important questions for you and God already knows where you stand but the danger is you may be blind to your sin! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
What is Going On?
Those who know our Bible need not be blind sided by current events! That is if you believe the Bible? Some choose to believe some of the Bible but not all of it? Remember the Jefferson Bible? After World War 1 & 2, America kept her identity! A Christian Nation that lead the world in prosperity and success over all nations! Blessed by God and a people who honored God by a majority who took their family to church every Sunday! The Jews were the leaders of our private business enterprise and Christians here understood their value to our nation! Gradually over time through many forces the American model of success has been eroded away by values that oppose the very foundation that made America great! Why? Why would we trash success? The removal of our identity like no borders, sexual miss-identity, Christian identity, secularism, and government dependence. If you lose your God given identity then you become a ward of the state! Then you will worship the government and the world will be coralled into a one world order! America and National identity is being demoted by our government funded public education system. You can take your children one hour a week to Sunday school but they will get 40 hours a week in the public school system that will oppose everything they learned in church! Who will win out? Don’t panic these are Biblical prophetic things that are coming to pass! Our redeemer Jesus is near! We know from the scriptures that the Anti-Christ will be the world political leader for a short 7 years during the tribulation period of history. He will rule from Jerusalem and be gay and a Jew! Just as our Christ is a Jew so the Anti-Christ. His False Prophet will be the religious ruler of the world and will reign in Rome! What is the fastest growing religion in the world? Islam! If you think you can stash your gold and money away and avoid this you are wrong! The world currencies will become worthless overnight! You can only buy or sell by taking the Mark of the Beast! Why is Donald Trump so trashed and Hillary adored? Donald represents the old order of private enterprise and personal success and opposes the one world coming world order! He believes in America and personal responsibility! Hillary while Secretary of State took millions of dollars in bribes from Nations that hate America! Hillary represents government dependency and control of everything! During the tribulation period it will cost you your life to receive Jesus Christ! Right now in America no but other parts of the world yes! Soon the same price will be paid here in America! Still better than Hell but the price will increase as time closes in Bible prophecy! What kind of eternity do you want to choose? With Christ or a Christless eternity separated from His love forever? The choice is yours! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com