The Hindu Priest! Matthew 6:33

If God can speak through a donkey he can speak through anyone! My wife Hamsa was a young widow living in India with her two small boys in 1965. I was a sophomore in high school in 1965. Her future looked bleak there with not much hope of a future! One day a Hindu Priest came to her door and told her he had a prophetic word for her future! She was reluctant to listen for she was a Christian not an idol worshiper! The prophecy was this:” In two years you will go to America! You will meet a God sent man to you and marry and you will have two more children, two girls that will complete your family! Your God, your Christ tells me this and reveals these things to you!” In 1967 Hamsa was on an airliner traveling from India to America! She put a fleece out before the Lord and said whoever this man is the first thing he will do when we meet is invite me to church! Many men invited her to the movies, dinner, dances and other social functions in those subsequent years. I had just completed college in Denver in 1972 and honestly went to college to avoid the Vietnam war! My prayer was for the Lord to send the right person into my life! Read Matthew 6:33. Both of us were asking God to find us a spouse! In 1972 I invited Hamsa to church the first time I ever met her! A God arranged marriage is a lasting marriage that will stand the test of time! Let God arrange your life not only in marriage but ever aspect of your life! Put him in your driver’s seat and he will guide you safely home! By the way I joined the military in 1975. James & Hamsa Sasse.

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