No Hope Without Christ! Matthew 12:45

Greek Translation: “Then goeth he, and takes with himself seven spirits that are strange, foreign, teaching with different doctrines unequally yoked together more wicked with malice and mischief, more demonic than himself, and they enter in and live permanently there: and the lowest and furtherest and final state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be unto this wicked generation.” Comment: Remember Jesus cast seven evil spirits out of Mary Magdalene in the Book of Luke? Then she became Jesus disciple! Jesus cast devils out of people and they became his disciples! In 21st century America what would be seven evil spirits you could identify today living in our culture? The spirits would be strange or foreign to the believers in Christ teaching opposition to our scriptures as found in our Holy Bible! These spirits would be unequally yoked together wicked with malice and mischief! Judge Kavannah touched one of these evil spirits called abortion! He had a snake by the tail. How about Darwinism which opposes creation? Opposes a belief in God’s existence! Gay marriage, lesbianism, transgenders, socialism, fascism and how about Islam? There are more than seven evil spirits but those are the top ones! One of the real conflictions in America is that these spirits are not resisted from the pulpit’s of America! Why? There are some exceptions but most Pastor’s play the political correct game! Why? Because these evil spirits are linked to a political party! The Democrats! Since the churches across America took the bait for the 501c deduction they fear losing there tax exemption? Is the love of money worth sacrificing our culture? You cannot defeat Demons pretending they do not exist? My suggestion to American Christian’s is to bind these foul spirits in prayer everyday! Make this part of your prayer life! Encourage your Pastor to speak out on these issues and confront these issues with the scriptures! Raise up a standard against them! Our mid-term elections are coming up in November! Support candidates who hold Christian values! If you do not vote you have given your vote to the enemy of Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Putin, Gays & Immigration!

Europeans are dying out! Do you not understand that? Same sex marriages do not produce children. Do you want to survive by drawing migrants? But society cannot adapt so many migrants! Vladimir Putin  Comment: Even Putin see’s the light but not the Democrat’s on the left? What about the 57 million dead American’s through abortion? A missing generation of children! If the Democrat’s continue their genocidal policies no wonder they want open borders, sanctuary cities and  illegal immigration! They need bodies to replace the dead! The dead from their policies! Even our enemies see their error! Tragically many who live here in America cannot? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Ted Cruz Cheats in Iowa!

The Ben Carson campaign has confirmed the Ted Cruz campaign spread rumors across Iowa just before voting on Monday night that Ben Carson has dropped out of the race so why not vote for Ted! They have recovered tweets and other data confirming the accusations! This dirty work represents the insider Washington tricks and deception that we are trying to get away from! I am asking American’s to reward Ben Carson as he is the honest Abe Lincoln of our generation! Support him and you will be rewarded by a true servant who is honest before God and the people! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Teaching on Book of Romans

Dear Andrew, We enjoy the teachings you do on the Bible! We do have an internal witness from God inside us when we do something wrong. However, we need an external witness to confirm the internal witness! When I did something wrong it was confirmed when my father used the razor strap on us growing up! When my school principal took me over his knee and whipped me for doing wrong I got the external witness! What is missing in American culture today is the external witness because of missing father’s in the home, missing authority figures who would go to jail for the things my generation authority figures did then! The cultural media has also replaced the family authority today! Jesus told the woman at the well that she had 5 husbands and the current guy she was living with was not her husband! Jesus told Herod he was a fox and the religious rulers that they were a generation of vipers! Jesus gave external confirmation! I do not believe the church should make any attempts to diminish the little external confirmation we have left in American culture! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

American Christian Foundations

Intelligence, Patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him, who has never yet forsaken this favored land, are still competent to adjust, in the best way, all our present difficulty. Source; First Inagural Address, Abraham Lincoln, March 4, 1861. Comment; How different today in America where adjustment means throwing out Christianity, Patriotism and Intelligence! Then what is left of our foundation to sustain us? Yes the adjustment was over 600,000 casualties as brother fought brother in our most costly civil war! But the Grand Union prevailed and righteousness won and God favored our land. President Lincoln made the ultimate sacrifice along with so many millions more to preserve this great land! As abortion casualties approach 40 million with a missing generation it is so strange as the silence continues by so many Christians in America? If you never find anything worth dying for you will never find anything worth living for! God thought we were worth dying for when He sent His Son Christ to the Cross for us! We are living amoung the living dead in american culture. Child sacrifice through abortion, divorce and rejection of marriage must stop if America is to continue as a great nation! James, Sasse. June 12, 2012.

Pastor Terry Jones

Was Pastor Terry Jones right? He was right about Islam! His expression about it was wrong! His actions exposed Islam for what it is! The news media asked Pastor Jones, “What would Jesus do?” The more important question should have been, “What did Jesus do?” Jesus was not a whimp! He called evil evil and good good. Today the world we live in calls evil good and good evil! When Jesus called the wicked religious leaders of his day a generation of vipers they nailed Him to a Cross! I am not Jesus and neither is Pastor Jones! Jesus loved his enemies by going to a Cross for their wickedness! Jesus went to that Cross for me, you, Pastor Jones, all Muslims and all enemies of the Cross which includes all people ever born or will ever be born on planet earth! I am not offering you a Christian but Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God who shed His precious Blood on a Cross 2000 years ago for your Sin and my Sin! Thankyou. James Sasse.