From Democrat’s Playbook!

My object in life is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism! Karl Marx    Comment: So how do you do this? Promote socialism! Get rid of Bibles! The deep State going after Christian’s through the IRS and other Federal agencies! Legalize sins that contradict the Bible! Homosexuality, gay marriage, lesbianism, gambling and illegal immigrants. Attack those that enforce our laws! ICE and law enforcement. Sanctuary cities! Disrespect our National Flag and military! Remove prayer from schools! Mock the Christian Faith! Take down Crosses and God’s Commandments! Head for the one world government with no borders! Make the world a UN or EU! The political left in America has the Karl Marx playbook and they are making plays! They are not following our Founding Father’s but following the failed ideologies of Communist regimes! When will they ever learn? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Gun Control in America?

“To conquer a nation you first must disarm it’s citizens!” Adolf Hitler 1933. Comment: Our Founding Father’s had the God given wisdom to write our Constitution to arm our citizens to prevent a government takeover of them! The Democratic Party and the left are desperately trying to make laws that would disarm us! Why? Are they getting their advice from Hitler? No government can take complete control of a people if the masses are armed! The cost would be too great for a takeover! I am thankful to be born in America and live under our Constitution! James and Hamsa Sasse.


Democracy is finding proximate solutions to insoluble problems! American Theologian Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) Comment: Our Founding Father’s recognized the limitations of human government! Problems are created by humans and then attempts to solve by humans! This is why our  Constitution has a Spiritual Dimension! Just as the Trinity exists to reconcile man to God so our three branches of government exist to reconcile the governed to the government. Just one of many examples of the Biblical pattern of our Constitution! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Interesting Facts About July 4, 1776

Three men that signed the Declaration of Independence were from Georgia. Three counties in Georgia are named after them. The average age of the 56 signers was 35. The American Revolution was started with guns and religion and has kept us safe thus far! What was the temperature in Philadelphia during the afternoon signing? It was 76 degrees! Franklin had a thermometer which in those days cost 300 dollars! The signers basically signed their death warrant! John Adams signed his name in the largest script because he wanted to let King George know it was him! Thomas Jefferson and John Adams separated for 14 years over politics! They both died on July 4th, 1826. Of the 56 men that signed the document 5 were captured and tortured before they died! Two lost their sons in the war. Another had 2 sons captured. Nine more died of wounds from the war. Carter Braxton of Virginia was a wealthy planter and saw his ships sunk by the British! He sold his home and property to pay debts and died in poverty! At the Battle of Yorktown, British General Cornwallis took over Thomas Nelson’s home for his headquarters. Nelson ordered George Washington to open canon fire on his home! Nelson died bankrupt! John Hart was driven from his wife’s bedside while she was dying! Their 13 children had to flee! His fields and mill was destroyed. For a year he lived in caves and the forest! When he returned his wife had died and his children vanished! Weeks later he died from exhaustion. Fifty two of the 56 signers were Christian and some were Pastor’s! This same Congress formed the American Bible Society. The Continental Congress voted to import 20000 Bibles for the citizens of the New America! Remember Patrick Henry? All his famous speech has been deleted from text books except for one line! Here is the complete speech, “An appeal to arms and the God of Hosts is all that is left! But we shall not fight our Battle alone! There is a just God that presides over the destines of the Nations! The Battle Sir, is not for the strong alone! Is life so dear or peace so sweet to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it Almighty God! What course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” Comment : What has been the biggest effort by the Obama administration over the past 8 years? Take away our guns and our religion! Our Founding Fathers saw him and others like him coming! God Bless our Constitution and the sacrifices made by them! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Where Two Roads Meet!

One road is a pathway of promoting the gay lifestyle and state sanctioned gay marriage. The other road is where there is a denial and effort to downplay any connection between Islam and the reason American’s are dying from terrorist attacks. This has resulted in an Islamic gunslinger visiting a gay bar! Islamic gunslingers attending a Christmas party and Islamic Bombers participating in the Boston Marathon! Obama has promoted his agenda and American’s are paying a price! Who is next? Obama’s solution is to disarm law abiding citizens! As these Islamic immigrant plants grow and strengthen and plan their attacks you who care about America must be vigilant and protect your family! Our United States Constitution gives you the opportunity to bear arms and defend your family! Do not despise the framework our Founding Father’s established to defend America and your family! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Where do our Liberties come From?

The liberal wing of the Democratic party and the liberal State run media here in America today have become a referee between the forces of evil and the forces of good! If the good advances too much over evil then they throw a flag and penalize the righteous! They still want some good around to keep the system from collapsing and from loosing their political power while promoting enough evil to mock the righteous! This is a dangerous balancing act that could spiral out of control into anarchy! Here is a quote from one of our Founding Father’s President Thomas Jefferson; “God who gave us life gave us liberty! Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed the conviction that these liberties are a gift from God? Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just and that His justice cannot sleep forever!”  Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.