Traffic July 2021

We had a good month not a hot month like some but thankful for every soul that comes to our web site and blog! We had 2900 visitors on web site and 2100 visitors on the blog! Our purpose is to evangelize the lost and encourage those believers already in Christ! To show our precious American history and their heroes and show the destructive results of American culture abandoning Christ and the urgent need to return to the God of our Father’s! Trust Christ through all your troubles and continue to do so for he is the only one you can really believe! The rest is smoke and mirrors and deceptions everywhere! Study his Word and receive the promises he has set before you for he will never leave you nor forsake you! The rest will! James & Hamsa Sasse.

July 4, 1777 Philadelphia

“Yesterday the 4th of July, being the anniversary of the Independence of the United States of America, was celebrated in this city with demonstrations of joy and festivity, about noon all the armed ships and gallies in the river were drawn up before the city, dressed in the gayest manner, with the colours of the United States and streamers displayed, at one o’clock the yards being properly manned, they began celebration of the day by a discharge of thirteen cannon from each of the ships, and one from each of the thirteen gallies, in honor of the thirteen United States.” Source: Virginian Gazette. Commentary: Remember the Revolutionary War did not end until September 3, 1783. We were celebrating the victory in the midst of the conflict! So it is with Christ! We celebrate Christ in the midst of the conflict between good and evil knowing we will prevail with ultimate victory through Christ! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Interesting Facts About July 4, 1776

Three men that signed the Declaration of Independence were from Georgia. Three counties in Georgia are named after them. The average age of the 56 signers was 35. The American Revolution was started with guns and religion and has kept us safe thus far! What was the temperature in Philadelphia during the afternoon signing? It was 76 degrees! Franklin had a thermometer which in those days cost 300 dollars! The signers basically signed their death warrant! John Adams signed his name in the largest script because he wanted to let King George know it was him! Thomas Jefferson and John Adams separated for 14 years over politics! They both died on July 4th, 1826. Of the 56 men that signed the document 5 were captured and tortured before they died! Two lost their sons in the war. Another had 2 sons captured. Nine more died of wounds from the war. Carter Braxton of Virginia was a wealthy planter and saw his ships sunk by the British! He sold his home and property to pay debts and died in poverty! At the Battle of Yorktown, British General Cornwallis took over Thomas Nelson’s home for his headquarters. Nelson ordered George Washington to open canon fire on his home! Nelson died bankrupt! John Hart was driven from his wife’s bedside while she was dying! Their 13 children had to flee! His fields and mill was destroyed. For a year he lived in caves and the forest! When he returned his wife had died and his children vanished! Weeks later he died from exhaustion. Fifty two of the 56 signers were Christian and some were Pastor’s! This same Congress formed the American Bible Society. The Continental Congress voted to import 20000 Bibles for the citizens of the New America! Remember Patrick Henry? All his famous speech has been deleted from text books except for one line! Here is the complete speech, “An appeal to arms and the God of Hosts is all that is left! But we shall not fight our Battle alone! There is a just God that presides over the destines of the Nations! The Battle Sir, is not for the strong alone! Is life so dear or peace so sweet to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it Almighty God! What course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” Comment : What has been the biggest effort by the Obama administration over the past 8 years? Take away our guns and our religion! Our Founding Fathers saw him and others like him coming! God Bless our Constitution and the sacrifices made by them! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Desperation Conference July 9-11, 2014

Thousands of students from all over the world will descend on Colorado Springs for this conference! About a dozen church leaders from around the globe will be ministering to our youth and pass on their wisdom and experiences to the next generation succeeding them! You may sign up for this youth explosion conference by going on-line at; DESPERATIONONLINE.COM You may also contact us by E-mail; Info@DESPERATIONONLINE.COM Thankyou. Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado Phone; 719-278-3334.

Military Humor!

Rick Jason starred as Lieutenant Hamlin and Vick Morrow as Sargeant Saunders in a military world war II television series back in the 1960’s called ‘Combat.” As a lot of shows back then they contained high moral content. The U.S. Combat units were engaged with 1000 German infantry who were located on a mountain with heavy weapons. Lt. Hamlin’s squad was located at the base of this mountain dug in watching allied aircraft and artillery pound the German positions. A new recruit found Lt. Hamlin in the trenches and said, ” Sir if we get lucky the Germans will vacate this mountain tonight!” Lt. Hamlin repied,” private tonight we are going to make some of our own luck for we are going to crawl up this mountain beginning at 2000 hours and take this mountain for America.” Some of these old movies can be seen on Youtube. They portray something very important for in the midst of death and destruction great moral character is demonstrated! Just like we see at the “Cross!” As we approach the 4th of July celebration remember our military members of past, present and future who have and will pay the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom! Remember that great people are always targets! The Cross-Hairs of the Cross are our best example. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Syria Moves Some Of It’s Chemical Weapons!

United States Secretary of Defense Panetta was quoted yesterday that there are lingering questions about who moved these weapons and to where? If you go back to our July Blog you will see I posted a detailed article on Isaiah’s Prophecy over Damascus in Chapter 17. Isaiah said in Chapter 17 that there would be a time when Damascus would be no more! The world’s oldest city no more? How? When? We are moving closer to this event! Your Bible is Front Page News! Read It ! James Sasse.