Just a reminder to pray and invite someone to Good Friday and Easter Services. This is a period of time when people are sensitive and open to the Gospel. We are together going to walk through the First Book of Corinthians. Paul discipled a small group of Christians in the city of Corinth. Paul lived and preached among heathen, prostitutes, rich, poor, athletes and every cultural mix you could imagine. Paul said you may be tempted but you can win over it! Do you believe you can overcome? How are we tempted? When the following things happen a red flag should go up in your mind! The two things are secrets and short cuts! Examples of short cuts are; let us live together why get married?, let us get rich fast and play the lottery, let us get high on drugs and drown our problems, ect. The good things of God require a process! Temptation also involves secrets. Stop and pause when secrets are part of your life. God works in the light. Satan works in the dark. One hundred percent of the time this is true. The people of Corinth were full of pride and impressed with themselves. They went from a wild west town to a gold rush metropolis! The Roman Empire put them on the map. The city was on a major east-west trade route. Retired Roman military offers lived there so it was secure. Famous athletes lived there due to the Olympic style games there. They had the latest in medical and technology advances. However as always human behavior is not advanced! Do not be impressed about yourself. History is a warning to us. History repeats itself and man has never learned from history. My little daughter complained to me about having to study history in school! She asked me why I should study things that have already happened? Paul reminds us of Moses and the rebellious Jews who wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. Jesus fasted 40 days or one day for every year of their rebellion. 1 Corinthians 10:6-10. All temptation is common to man. Temptation has been around for thousands of years! The enemy uses the same plays over and over again on us. From the Garden of Eden until now Satan uses the same play book! Just like a good NFL football team they just practice the same plays over and over again and win using the same plays. The major league tactics Satan uses are money, power and sex! This is Satan’s Trinity! Pride is at the foundation of these. The same plays work for every generation to bring men to ruin! 1 Timothy 6:9. A rush to get rich leads to a trap. Money is not evil but the love of money is evil. Love God! It is a matter of right priorities and worship. Do not worship mammon. Do not make money your God! Work for Christ only! You can have money but do not worship it. Money should not have you. Reject the idols of money. Keep your heart sincere and pure! The most important question you can ask God is; “Lord, why am I doing this?” This may be a dangerous question to some but needs to be asked. Why do I do what I do? Our motives can be clouded so wait for God to answer you. Verse 13. God is Faithful! We will not be tempted beyond what we can bear. God is aware of our humanity and that we are dust. Follow God as hard as you used to follow the world. The problem is we are too hard on ourselves. I would have made a good Pharisee were it not for the Grace of God! Psalm 103: 13-14. Just call me Dusty. God is kind and compassionate on us and remembers we are dust. Sometimes we place too high a standard on us and our family. We Lord over our children and do not allow them to fail. Please let your children how the freedom and room to fail at home. My parents told me you need to make all your mistakes at home and I did! Pride drives parents to hold their children to unachievable goals. Children under these conditions will rebel outside the home with serious consequences! All kids fail one way or another. Go easy on yourself. Remember you started as a pile of red dirt and you end as a pile of dirt with cotton candy in between! Let your kids learn to walk. Relax. Cool out. Enjoy the journey! Keep high standards but love yourself so we can love you! When we are tempted there is a way out. Look at the journey of Jesus. He gets baptized and the voice of God from Heaven says this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Then Jesus went to the desert for temptation. Jesus applied God’s Word to Satan to defeat temptation. It is written! Luke 4:13-14. After temptation Satan departed Jesus for a season. Temptation is not constant. The enemy knows our flesh. There are four critical times when we are prone to temptation. They are when we are tired, hungry, lonely and traumatized. When we are tired we are rushed and emotional and more likely to make mistakes. This is the prime motivator for many fatal accidents. Internet marketing studies have determined that your most vulnerable time for you to buy something you do not need is between 9-10 PM. Jesus withdrew himself to a remote place to pray. They say never go to a grocery store to shop with hunger. You will buy junk food and quick snacks. After 40 days of fasting Satan asked Jesus to turn stones into bread. Lonely people try to kill their pain and make mistakes. We are safer with people around us. Even the Lone Ranger had Tonto! Satan does not play fair! You could get traumatized by one of your kids calling you late at night from jail, a bad medical report or your stock broker calling you and telling you that you lost 10 million dollars today! Remember you are most vulnerable when traumatized under these or other conditions. James 4:7. Submit yourselves to God! Resist the Devil and he will flee from you! Exploring God is good. Submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We are not perfect but God is! Me and my house will serve the Lord! Key point—Put up any kind of resistance! Do not resist God but Satan. If you resist God you surrender to Satan and he does not take any prisoners! Christus Victos! As we enter into the Easter celebration remember Jesus victory on the Cross over death, the grave, the tomb and a victory for you! The weak made strong! Do you have emotional, physical or financial trauma in your life? Stop! Declare Christus Victos! Settle right now today who you will follow. Put Christ over you and He will put Satan under your feet! Whether on the mountain or in the valley who will you follow? The world, yourself, others or Christ? You have victory in Christ but defeat in anything or anyone else! Hebrews 4:15-16. Let us close in prayer as we prepare to take communion. Source; Sermon notes taken from message given by Pastor Brady Boyd at New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Message given Sunday March 23, 2014.
Tag: church
Run The Race To Win ! 1 Corinthians 9:24
Here is a quote from Theodore Roosevelt given to us by Pastor Brady Boyd at New Life Church on Sunday March 9, 2014. Quote; “It is not the critic that counts; not the man who points out how the strong man may stumble, or where the doer’s of good deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do good deeds; who knows great enthusiasm, great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid soul’s who neither know victory nor defeat!” Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Ukraine Priests Take Stand On Firing Line!
Yes, Ukrainian Priests are joining the revolt against Russian rule and are fighting for independence! Did you know that of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence 27 of them were trained Pastors! There was also a great revival going on in the Colonies at that time. Did you also know that the first shots fired in the American revolution were fired by Pastors and church members! Let me quote American History for you: On April 19, 1775, British troops, some 800 strong, were dispatched to Concord, Massachusetts, to arrest Sam Adams and John Hancock and to seize a cache of weapons stored in Concord. When Dr. Joseph Warren sent Paul Revere to warn Pastor Jonas Clark (in whose house Adams and Hancock were staying) that the Crown’s troops were on their way to arrest the two men and seize the guns at Concord, he alerted the Church members of about 60-70 men from the Church of Lexington. The Church members stood on Lexington Green waiting for the Red Coats. Upon spotting the citizen soldiers a British officer demanded they lay down their arms. They refused and the British opened fire! The colonist returned fire and eight were killed and there begins the shot heard round the world! Unquote. History is filled with Christians fighting for freedom! Pastor Martin Luther King was probably the greatest freedom fighter in my generation! If you study our Declaration of Independence you will see it is full of Bible Theology and has a Biblical foundation! Our prayers for the Ukrainian people and their struggle for Independence from tyranny and Dependence upon God! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Desperation Conference July 9-11, 2014
Thousands of students from all over the world will descend on Colorado Springs for this conference! About a dozen church leaders from around the globe will be ministering to our youth and pass on their wisdom and experiences to the next generation succeeding them! You may sign up for this youth explosion conference by going on-line at; DESPERATIONONLINE.COM You may also contact us by E-mail; Info@DESPERATIONONLINE.COM Thankyou. Pastor Brady Boyd, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado Phone; 719-278-3334.
Back Off! Exodus 3:5
Take off your shoes for you are standing on Holy Ground! What man made thing is separating you from God? Source; Jon Egan, Executive Pastor of Worship, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Comment; The word “Ground”, is translated from the Hebrew to mean the clay or earth God used in the creation of man. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
World Christian Population At 33 percent! Zechariah 13:7-9
Does one third of the world’s population being Christian today have any significance? Zechariah wrote this prophecy 500 years before there were any Christians around! Then 2500 years before Christians populated the earth at one third the total population. First the Shepherd is slain (Christ) and the flock is scattered (disciples). Then two parts or two thirds shall be cut off and die. The third part shall be left. Then I will bring the third part through the fire and refine them as silver and tried as gold. They shall call on my name and I will hear them! I will say it is my people and they shall say, “The Lord is my God!” Comment; This one third factor appears in other scriptures in the Bible and especially in the Book of Revelation. Remember that God is a Trinity! In Revelation after the rapture of His Church one third of the earth’s population is gone! Then following this during the tribulation period one third of the earth is destroyed. Why? I will let you do the math. Also Lucifer and one third of the angels rebelled against God and were cast out of Heaven. This is just an appetizer to encourage you to not only read but study the Word of God! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Coffee House Meeting With 3 Gays!
Dear Pastor Brady Boyd, We enjoyed your article in Charisma. Hopefully you will not get a lot of hate mail from our congregation? Great people take great risks! Jesus said in Matthew 10:34, Luke 12:51 and Revelation 6:4, that I have not come to bring peace on the earth but division! Jesus came to bring peace between God and man! The division on the earth whether through religions, politics, families, church, wars, is about Christ! The theme of these last days by the world is to think that the way to peace is to get rid of Christ and these Christians. All sin whether homosexual or any other sin separates man from God. To repent means to accept God’s atonement in and through Christ and stop the sin against God and man! I know you know these things but do not expect the world to be your friend for they will betray you! In Christ’s Love. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com