What do we know about angels? From our Bible we know that there are 3 basic groups of angels. Gabriel (messenger angels), Michael (war angels), Lucifer (praise angel), who became Satan! We know that angels are created beings just like humans! We know we are not to worship angels. We know we were created just a little lower than the angels. We know Lucifer was the disobedient angel that rebelled against God and 1/3 of these angels were cast out of Heaven down to earth! We know angels can dwell in flesh. We know Christ was not a created being but was pre-existent and always was is and forever will be! What has all this to do with Christmas? A lot! Everything! Did you ever notice 1/3 of the earth’s population is Christian! One third of the disobedient angels were cast down out of Heaven to earth! Yet 1/3 of the earth’s population has been redeemed! We know that Satan can never be redeemed! However Satan dwelling in flesh or humans is his effort to destroy them! Remember Jesus has authority over demons and cast them out of people! At the mention of His name demons tremble! Jesus God’s Son incarnated into the earth was God’s plan to defeat Satan! Those that reject Christ continue to live under the control of Satan! The Christmas story is a lot bigger than tinsel, gifts and food! It is all about the defeat of the fallen angel in your life and the deliverance of your soul from the same plight that awaits Satan! The small baby in Bethlehem is God’s plan to deliver us from evil. Merry Christmas! Praise God and Christ for our praise replaces the praise in Heaven lost by Lucifer’s removal from Heaven! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Tag: christians
Columbus & Cannibals! Ezekiel 5:7-11
Sunday November 4, 1492 “He understood that far from them, there were one eyed men, and others, with snouts like dogs, who ate men, and as soon as one was taken they cut their throats and drank their blood and cut off their genitals! The Admiral decided to return to the ship to wait for the two men whom he had sent out and to decide whether to leave and seek those lands.” Comment: We know from our Bible that cannibalism is a curse for sin! Historically cannibal is a name used to describe a set of Caribbean Islands (The Carib Tribe), who waged war on the Spanish Armada. The closest thing to cannibalism today in America is abortion! Christians oppose it here however politically they have not been able to eradicate it and our tax money funds this sacrifice of children! Pray for America! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Columbus the Missionary!
Thursday October 11, 1492. “They are of good size and stature, and handsomely formed. I saw some with scars and wounds upon their bodies, and demanded by signs the same of them; they answered me in the same way, that there came people from the other islands in the neighborhood to make prisoners of them, and they defended themselves. I thought then and still believe that they were from the continent. It appears to me that the people are indenious and would be good servants and I am of the opinion would become good Christians as they appear to have no religion.”
Columbus the Evangelist! Mark 16:15
Extract Portion of Christopher Columbus Journal. (1492) “Your Highnesses, as Catholic Christians, and Princesses who love and promote the Holy Christian Faith, and are enemies of the Doctrine of Mohammad, and all idolaters and heresy, determined to send Christopher Columbus, to the above mentioned countries of India, to see the said Princes, people and territories, and learn their disposition, and the proper method of converting them to our Holy Faith!”
Psychics in America! Isaiah 8:19
Annual Psychic Industry Business Revenues in United States: $2.1 Billion Dollars. Source; Statistics of the American Federation of Certified Psychics and Mediums on the Profession of Psychics, the Business of Divinity Arts, and their clients. 2015-2016. Comment: What got my attention to research this is the flood of psychic adds on major cable news channels lately! This takes millions of dollars to run these ads! The 1-800 adds are on your screen for us to call about our future! It is obvious Americans are not taking the advice of Isaiah the Old Testament Prophet? How many Christians are visiting psychics? I shutter in my boots when I hear a Christian tell me, “Ya, but that is the Old Testament and the New Testament has done away with the Old Testament!” Then why did Jesus quote the Old Testament so much? Did He quote something He did not believe? Let us in brief cover the words used in Isaiah 8:19. A familiar spirit or spirit of divination is the act of trying to conjure up spirits from the dead to predict future events! This is an occult practice and sometimes is referred as sorcery. Wizards are of the same spirit and this word actually means to howl. These acts involve chanting, howling to try to call up dead spirits! Sometimes while living in India I would walk past Hindu Temples and Mosques and would hear this chanting and howling while beating drums and tambourines as these Hindu Priests would try to mesmerize their victims! Remember the witch at Endor that King Saul inquired to about his future? Israel was ready to go into captivity and Isaiah tried to warn them! Isaiah asked the Jews a simple question! Why would you seek the dead instead of the living God? The same question needs to be asked to America today! Why would you worship death instead of life? As Halloween approaches there is not a more appropriate question to be asked! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Do The Righteous Suffer With The Wicked? Isaiah 6:10-13
Absolutely! Even one step further they suffer for the wicked! Jesus on the Cross for us is the best example! How about Moses in Egypt? Isaiah was frustrated! He asked the Lord how long shall I preach to a people who have a fat heart, heavy ears, blind eyes and a heart that does not understand? The Lord answered and said, “Until their cities be wasted without an inhabitant, and their houses without men and the land utterly destroyed.” The Lord removed them to a far place (Babylon). After 70 years the Lord said ten percent would return as a Holy Seed! If you could get an accurate account of how many Christians today faithfully give their tithe to the work of the Church most Pastors would probably say about ten percent! It has been said that if every Christian would tithe their income and not rob God there would be enough funds to Evangelize the world in about 30 days! However most cannot even trust God with 10 percent of their income yet the same people claim they are going to trust God with their eternity? Someone is blowing smoke here? Jesus and John both quoted Isaiah 6:10, explaining that the 1st Century Jews were no different than the Jews living in Isaiah’s day 800 years earlier! Remember as Jesus predicted the Romans destroyed their Temple in 70 A.D. and carted off all the wealth of the Temple and burned Jerusalem and carted off one hundred thousand Jewish slaves to build the Roman Coliseum! Then the Christians were martyred in the Coliseum for the next 300 years! Is the 21st Century Church any different from the Jews in 1st Century Palestine? Are you a 10 percenter? God will never forsake the righteous or their seed begging for bread! I share this message with the beggars in the streets as I give alms to them and a testimony of God’s faithfulness! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Destroying American History No Problem with You?
All the critics say where will it stop? Will Mount Rushmore come down? Looks like Christopher Columbus is next? Well the Christian will say this will not affect me and my family? What about your Bible? Your Bible is a history Book! During Adolf Hitler’s rise to power Bibles were burned in the streets of Germany! Germany moved from the Martin Luther founder of the Reformation Movement to Adolf? The enemies of America want our history erased and changed! The success story of the Judean Christian foundation of America is more than the left can tolerate! They are working hard to turn America into an atheist culture removing all Christian heritage! There are also other things going on here! I have mentioned before the move to the one world government which means you have to destroy all Nationalism! Nationalism is the enemy of the globalists! The world is preparing to install the Anti-Christ one world leader while we as Christians are preparing to meet Christ! These are the two opposing forces at work in the world! All of humanity is working to install one or the other! The Anti-Christ will only reign 7 years with Christ returning to take over! If you are working for the Anti-Christ you will be laid off work soon! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Columbus and Mohammad!
“and your Highness, as Catholic Christians and Princes, devoted to the Holy Christian Faith and the propagation there of—and enemies of the sect of Mohammad and all idolatries and heresies, resolved to send me Christopher Columbus, to the said—” Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) Comment: Why is it poor old Mohammad gets bad press? Was Columbus suffering from Islamophobia? The Islamic armies invaded Spain in 715 A.D. and pushed deep into Europe with destruction of life and limb! The first Crusade to push the Muslim armies out of Europe began in 1096 A.D. and ended with the eighth Crusade ending in 1247 A.D. These Christian armies pushed the Muslims out of Europe and Jerusalem! It took about 500 years to push these invading armies out of Europe with continual war! So history repeats itself except Europe faces a new challenge in that the Islamists are not wearing uniforms this time but through immigration and refugees have them planted in their cities and living among their populations! America has the same problem but to a lesser degree as we have a smaller population of them! Columbus was also a Jew and we will cover more on this topic on later posts! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
How Did The Apostle John Decrease? John 3:30
John was arrested in Ephesus when his enemies threw him into a pot of boiling oil. However John was miraculously delivered from death! The authorities then sentenced him to a slave labor camp in the marble mines of Patmos! On this island on the Aegean Sea John under impossible odds had a vision of Jesus Christ and wrote the Prophetic Book of Revelation! John years later was freed due to his old age and returned to Ephesus in now modern day Turkey. He died an old man sometime after 98 A.D. He was the only Apostle to die peacefully! Comment: If we will decrease Jesus will increase! Most 21st Century Christians think of decreasing as missing a meal now and then or even a whole day! When you find yourself in a pot of boiling oil up to your neck you could easily think I am having a bad day! Especially when the local natives are cutting up vegetables and putting them in your pot! To be sentenced to a slave labor camp on a remote island under Roman guards in a stone quarry might cause you to think you are having another bad day? John probably said all things work together for good for those who are called according to His purpose! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com
Blowing Smoke! Malachi 3:8
The first time the tithe is mentioned in our Bible is in Genesis 14:20. Abram gave a tithe to the Priest Melchizedek! This was before the Law of God was given to us by Moses. I find it difficult sometimes when Christian’s profess that they trust God with their Salvation and eternal life yet they will not trust God with ten percent of their income? This is a contradiction! Jesus commended the widow when she put all she had into the offering plate while others just gave a little off the top! We had some interesting experiences while doing mission work in India! When we would go into the remote villages and preach the Gospel the people would bring us tithes and offerings after the services! This widow brought us a small little chicken on a string about the size of a pigeon! I could not refuse it because it was all she had! I understood this tithe and offering was going to cost her a few meals! Another villager brought us a goat! We named him Charles but he was a real headache for me! I have found that the more money people have the harder it is to give! Why? Simply because they begin to trust in their wealth rather than God! You say you trust God here on earth? Show me! Your tithe belongs to the local church and your offering as God leads you! As a small boy growing up on a farm in Nebraska the annual county fair was the highlight of our life! All the carnival rides, freak shows and other entertainment would be there! Today all the freak shows have moved to Washington D.C.! We would save our quarters all year long getting ready for the fair! They had this one little side show where you put a quarter in the machine and then you turned this little crank wheel and moved your drag line out above the toys beneath it and dropped your bucket to try to catch a prize! I would explain to my little brother Tommy how the last guy that lost his quarter made his mistake and I would have not done it that way! We watched others for two days lose their money to learn from their mistakes! Finally the guy running the concession stand lost his patience with us and shouted at me and said, “Hey boy! Put your money where your mouth is!” That is what God is asking us to do! Not unreasonable! Also other ministries should tithe their income to other ministries! Otherwise they rob God of His tithes! You can read the rest of Chapter three to see the outcome if you disobey God! Simple obey Him and be blessed! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com