Bless or Curse?

First of all the blessing comes from God and the curse comes from Satan! Two opposites from two different sources! In the Old Testament there are twelve different Hebrew words used for our English word ‘curse’. There are five different Greek words used in the New Testament. Which word used depends on context but the same English word is used in every case by the translators. Nothing wrong with that but a need to know! The word curse means to appear worthless or small. To feel insignificant! You feel like circumstances are in your way that stop your progress! That is why some abandon their families! It could be a sworn statement about you in a court of law! It is an effort to undo your blessings! However these are feelings and if we live by them disaster comes! We are to live by faith! Another meaning for the word curse means to bore a hole or puncture! The Cross! Jesus was cursed for our iniquities! It means to be marked for death by extermination! The disciple Thomas would not believe Jesus was raised from the dead unless he could feel his scars in his side! Jesus was bruised for our iniquities! So where did the curse really begin? It began in heaven! War began in heaven and continues down here on earth! Lucifer the fallen angel had the highest position in heaven next to God leading the Praise and worship there! He was the Praise leader! The choir leader! Yet somehow and at some point he felt insignificant? Ever feel that way? He wanted more! I remember my grandfather who was a wealthy man tell me the more I give my kids the more they want! It never ends? Lucifer wanted to be God and at that moment he became Satan! The religions and ideologies of this world want to make you God for your destruction! When you reject Christ your blessings end and your curses begin! Lucifer said I will be God I will be like the most high! He led a rebellion in heaven and got one third of the angels to follow him! They were cast out of heaven to earth and then hell on earth began! So Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden were enjoying the blessings of heaven here on earth and who comes along to make them feel insignificant? Satan! Surely God has not said you will die if you take of this fruit? God is a liar! You can be God if you eat of this fruit! The bait Satan uses to get us to sin is the feeling of insignificance and pride! The Pastor that feels insignificant steals church funds (Judas), or has an affair with a member of the congregation! The drug dealer dropped out of school but now with his weapon controls territory and has an income and feels significant! Any challengers to his authority die! Insignificant people buy lottery tickets! If I have money I will then be important! Men plot to overthrow governments so they can be in charge! Men abuse people and murder people to stay in power! After retirement I felt insignificant! Even though I got a check every month it was as though I lost my purpose? No longer part of an organization with purpose! This is why it is important to develop ministry purpose in your local church! That will continue on after retirement! Part of my purpose is our web site and blog! No one retires in heaven! Neither his Saints on earth! John 3:16; For God so loved the world that he gave… God first loved you! He has purpose for your life! When you find Christ you find your purpose! Jesus has purpose because he serves you! Whether on earth or in heaven! What is he doing right now as he prepares for his second coming? He is seated at the right hand of the Father praying for the Saints here on earth! Praying for you! For me! If you are a believer in Christ you are on his prayer list! Jesus served you on the Cross! Are you serving others or just yourself? The author of purpose and significance is God! The author of insignificance is Satan! Which voice are you going to follow? You will follow someone! Christ or the Anti-Christ! The religions and ideologies of this world oppose Christ! Do you oppose Christ? If so why? There will be no excuses when one day we stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ! What is your excuse? James and Hamsa Sasse.

God Bless President Trump!

Iran has attacked Saudi Arabia oil fields with a loss of 50 percent of their production! Imagine what that would have done to gasoline prices 5 or 10 years ago? Our gasoline prices would have doubled! Trump has worked hard to make us exporters of energy and energy independent! This is paramount to our National Security! Europe will pay a price for backing Iran opposing Trump to get on board to apply pressure to Iran! Their energy prices will rocket! Russia and Iran have people including military in Venezuela right now just waiting to take over their oil fields! Why would the Democrats want to eliminate fossil fuels the largest part of American industry? To make us vulnerable to our enemies is quite crazy? If the Democrats want to go back to the stone age they can take their socialism move to a socialist state such as Cuba, Venezuela or Russia! James and Hamsa Sasse.

God Bless America?

Kate Smith is the latest great American statue to bite the dust! For the political left she was too white and a Christian which is more than they can stand these days! She sang the great patriotic songs that encouraged our nation through World War II. She helped to raise over a billion dollars in war bonds to defeat the Nazi’s and Imperial Japan! Who are the hero’s of the political left? Marx, Engels, Lenin and the socialist who are responsible for over 100 million deaths! Interestingly the Democratic party had a 25 point plan for their discrimination plan in the 1930’s which Hitler adopted! What Hitler did with the plan was scratch out negro wherever it was used in the plan and inserted the word Jew! Why does the left endorse and promote the culture of death even today promoting abortion, homosexuality, lesbianism, sanctuary cities and lawlessness? Why do they promote police brutality? Kill a cop! They are atheists and they oppose the Kingdom of God and promote the Kingdom of Satan! Socialism is theft! Stealing what belongs to others! We do not want to work and earn it ourselves! That would be Godly! So the war rages on against the Kingdom of God and the Easter people Obama and Hillary called of those Christians murdered in Sri Lanka! Political correctness cannot not mention the word Christ! Happy Holidays! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Theology of Political Left?

Their first premise is there is no God! So if there is no God then there is no Devil and it is up to us to make things right! We will do God’s job which means doing the work of Satan! According to the left there are oppressors and the oppressed! Wealthy people are the oppressors and poor people are only poor because they are oppressed by the wealthy! Is it possible the poor are lazy and do not want to work for a living so they steal, rob and kill for a living? Sell drugs with 73000 casualties last year! Lazy and living off welfare and the money in taxes the working people pay! Today according to the left criminals are the oppressed victims! Law enforcement is our enemy and get rid of ICE! Illegals are the oppressed by the oppressors ICE! National borders are oppressive because they keep out the oppressed of the world! Criminal illegals must be protected by sanctuary cities from the oppressors! Law enforcement! Our National Flag is oppressive so disrespect it during our National Anthem! Never mind the NFL football players are paid millions of dollars income from American team owners? They too must be oppressors! My grandfather told me one time when I was young and giving him trouble that I should not bite the hand that feeds me! Colonialism is oppressive! When the Pilgrims landed here in 1602 they were thankful to God that the American Indians helped them through the hard cold New England winters! What they found though was the Indian tribes were waring against each other? Let us look at the Spanish American war! The Southwest part of America was then controlled by the Spanish! So the white colonist were the oppressors by taking it from the Spanish? Who did the Spanish take it from? The American Indian! The Spanish found the territory in an upheaval because the southwest Indian tribes were waring against each other! So socialists would have saved us from all this? Socialism has even a worse history! In socialism if you are successful you must be the oppressor! This idea lead to the Russian Revolution with tens of millions of dead! If you are unsuccessful you must be the oppressed! If you are in poverty we have to look and find the oppressor! The left hates the rich even though some are rich and uses the poor as a political pawn to gain political power! The poor got poorer under Obama! At one time Israel was supported by the left after the holocaust! Now today they are successful as a nation so now they are considered the oppressors and the poor Palestinians must be the oppressed people? President Trump is the new oppressor! However American’s are seeing through the scams of the left! As their incomes grow and unemployment lessens they see the lies of the socialists exposed! Obama is going on another apology tour of America! To try to help the socialist win in the November election! If you are an eligible American to vote remember the lessons of the past and remember Christ can make America great again and we all need a Savior! His name is Jesus Christ! Jesus told us to go out into all the world and preach the Gospel! We all must be colonialists! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Robert E. Lee Psalm 11:3

When President Lincoln tried to resupply Fort Sumter the Federal Fort in Charleston South Carolina harbor, the secessionists responded by bombarding it! Lincoln summoned an Army of 75 thousand men to suppress the rebellion and asked Colonel Robert E. Lee of Virginia to take command of it. What if Lee would have accepted? Lee repeatedly said he believed secession was treason! Georgia receded but only by a handful of votes. Lee was married to George Washington’s great granddaughter Mary Curtis. Lee lived in Arlington Virginia. Lee’s father, Henry “Light Horse Harry” was a famous American Revolutionary War Calvarymen and one of Washington’s favorite solders! Only 6 percent of the South owned slaves! George Washington enlisted thousands of black men into his Continental Army in 1776. He freed all his slaves in his will and ordered they be educated and trained in various skills! If Lee had accepted Lincoln’s offer how would have things changed? Possibly no civil war and Lee could have been elected President of the United States after Lincoln! Source: Historians History 6-24-13 Comment: So why tear down his statues? Like shooting yourself in the foot! The left is determined to destroy America! Why? Why bite the hand that feeds you? History is twisted in our public tax funded education system! Our children are taught to hate America! So what will replace Christian America? Prophetically it will be very ugly! Why disrespect our flag? Our foundation stones are being broken away! The Church in America needs to help rebuild our walls! It needs to recognize they are being torn down! We are in a war and need to get into the fight for survival of America! There are only two Nations standing in the way of the one world government and the Anti-Christ! America and Israel. God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

American Sacrifices! Matthew 24:9

Jesus said many things about the signs of the last days before His return to earth! Verse 9: “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you, and you shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.” Comment: Killing of Americans on their own soil was unheard of until 9-11. Since then Americans have been under a constant assault! This has been complicated by political and physical attacks on our law enforcement and liberal immigration policies and the protection of criminals by sanctuary cities with their resistance to enforce federal law! Liberal judges have released many criminals back into society to do the same crimes again! Our prayers and support to the victims of Las Vegas! My advice to Americans is to stay away from large crowds for they will be targets! Arm yourselves to protect your own families! Your personal responsibility is required if you are honest enough to recognize we as Jesus said are living in the last days of history! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Basket of Deplorables!

How did Hillary know she was referring to NFL players, coaches and owners? Is she a prophet? What is behind this spirit of trashing America? Why would you bite the hand that feeds you? Should we change the name of the NFL? How about the IFL? International Football League! Would this make the left happy? Get rid of Nationalism and go global? This is what this fight is all about! The push for the move to a one world government! If you read and study your Bible you will see this predicted in scriptures! The push is expressed in illegal immigrants rights, no borders, sanctuary cities, single payer health care system, no voter I.D. laws, mockery of National Anthem and more! One of the biggest clues is the promotion of homosexual behavior! My Bible says the Anti-Christ will have no natural affection for women! The one world leader during the 7 year Tribulation period will be a homosexual. Today there are two things simultaneously going on! We have those who are preparing for Christ and His Kingdom and those who are preparing for the Anti-Christ and his Kingdom! These two Kingdoms will clash in the Apocalyptic last war on earth during the 7 year rule of the Anti-Christ! The war will be against Israel. Why Israel? Why would the armies of the earth surround Israel for this last battle with God Himself? Remember the Church is raptured! Why more hate against the Jews? Because Israel produced the Messiah! So which Kingdom are you for? Where is your loyalty? God or Satan? God knows where we stand right now and all of us will stand before Christ at the Judgment Seat of Christ! He will either be your Savior or your Judge! Let it be clear where I stand! “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Violence on the Left!

The political left is desperate! They have lost the ideology debate! They have lost the political debate! Trump won! So what is the left for the left to do? Shut down free speech and debate! Attack those they disagree with! Label us Nazi’s, Fascists or white supreme folks if you happen to be white! Sadly they really believe they are victims! In their quest for a pseudo justice they commit crimes against humanity and their fellow Americans! The very crimes they accuse us of such as Nazi’s and Fascists are the very tactics they use against their fellow Americans? The American left needs a strong dosage of sanity! If they will return to the Faith of their Founding Father’s peace will once again dwell across our land! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Jeremiah, Abortion, Homosexuality and Islam! Jeremiah 6:15

Are these words related? I did a word study of Jeremiah 6:15. In this verse we have the word “abomination.” The Hebrew root word is “Tow’ebah”. So what does it mean? If you stay with the English word you get the idea of something nasty and repulsive to God! However it does not answer the question to what is nasty and repulsive to God? I am going to copy to you out of the Hebrew dictionary! “The feminine noun meaning an abomination. The word is primarily understood in the context of the law. It identifies the practice of child sacrifice, homosexual behavior and the religious practice of the wicked.” Did you get that? What do you not understand about this? Jeremiah is speaking to America today as he was to Israel thousands of years ago! My Bible says that God is the same yesterday, today and forever! God does not change but we must! Elect leaders who hold Biblical values to spare America from judgment! Make it easy for God to Bless us! God Bless America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Ten Sons of Israel 1 Chronicles 2:1

The ten sons of Israel are Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulon, Dan, Joseph, Gad and Asher. When you add the meanings of each name together you get an interesting image! Israel means He will rule as God. Reuben means to see a nation. Simeon means to listen intelligently. Levi means to unite and remain. Judah means to revere and worship as to open one’s hands. Issachar means He will bring a reward. Zebulon means a habitation. Dan means to rule and judge. Joseph means to add and multiply. Gad means a troop or army. Asher means to be straight, right, honest and prosperous. So when you add these images together who do you see? I see a picture of Jesus Christ! How about you? What image do people see in you and me? Are these characteristics inherent in us? I hope so! God Bless! James and Hamsa Sasse.