God Bless President Trump!

Iran has attacked Saudi Arabia oil fields with a loss of 50 percent of their production! Imagine what that would have done to gasoline prices 5 or 10 years ago? Our gasoline prices would have doubled! Trump has worked hard to make us exporters of energy and energy independent! This is paramount to our National Security! Europe will pay a price for backing Iran opposing Trump to get on board to apply pressure to Iran! Their energy prices will rocket! Russia and Iran have people including military in Venezuela right now just waiting to take over their oil fields! Why would the Democrats want to eliminate fossil fuels the largest part of American industry? To make us vulnerable to our enemies is quite crazy? If the Democrats want to go back to the stone age they can take their socialism move to a socialist state such as Cuba, Venezuela or Russia! James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

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