Look For Two Beasts ! Revelation Chapter 13

This is not a tour of your local zoo! This is not your spouse or your boss we are talking about. This is a virtual tour of two upcoming world leaders described in the Book of Revelation. One leader the anti-christ will be the political leader of the entire world. The second beast will be the false prophet and the world’s religious ruler. He will force the world to worship the first beast the anti-christ. We know from the Bible that the anti-christ will be a Jew and gay. We also know many more things about him from the Bible we will not cover in this article. The question is what world religion will this world religious ruler represent? Since Christians will be raptured before these two beasts are in place we know about 1/3 of the world population will be gone in the rapture. I do not believe a Pope from Rome will be this second beast! Even if this Pope were apostate he has no followers since the Christians are gone! Who will he lead? I believe the false prophet will represent Islam! He will rule from Rome as the Christians have vacated. This would be the perfect mockery of Christendom to have Islam set up headquarters in Rome. With the anti-Christ setting up headquarters in Israel we have a blasphemy unmatched in world history! This will be an unusual marriage between a Jew and a Muslim to rule the world yet this alliance will deceive the whole world into believing peace has finally come. We as Christians need to look to Christ and not the anti-christ! However, we should not be surprised as Bible prophecy writes history! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

United Nations Human Rights Council

President Bush and previous administrations refused to allow the United States to join this organization. The funding for this council comes from Muslim nations and has a pro-Islam agenda and a anti-Israel agenda. President Obama joined the United States to this council when he came into office. Two of the biggest supporters for this organization are Saudi Arabia and Egypt. This organization promotes Muslim Law to all nations through the United Nations. Let me give an example. Right now in London there are 80 Shia Law courts! Once Shia Law courts begin to be set up in the United States you will have two competing systems of justice! If the Supreme Court would rule these courts are constitutional we here in America would lose many freedoms such as free speech and religious freedom of worship! Christian Broadcasts on Television, radio, internet and pulpit preaching could cease by Law! Our membership renewal comes up next month in October! Just before our elections in November let us make a political statement to our representatives in Washington that we the people of America do not want membership in this organization! We need to close the door on the human rights council which has an agenda to take away our human rights! As we think of our Americans who were sacrificed on 9-11 and thousands of our military to protect our freedoms we need to close the door on Islam from infiltration into our great nation, “The United States of America” God Bless America! Thankyou. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

White House Shooter

Really sad to hear about Mr. Ortega and his troubled mind to think that President Obama is the Anti-Christ? Also that Mr. Ortega was Christ himself? This man has some mental issues and needs help! We are sorry for his family that has to go through this now. Someone should have noticed that he needed help? Our prayers are that Mr. Ortega finds Jesus Christ as his Saviour and Lord! Once he finds the real Christ he will understand he is not Christ but needs Christ! Thankyou. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Beat Obama with a CAIN!

The lastest fight song for the Christian conservatives as they look to replace our President with someone who holds Biblical values! Anti-abortion President is needed and also a candidate who believes small buisness can rebuild American! Also Obama has a big government plan that will not and has not worked! Our government has to be down-sized and live on its budget. We are headed to problems like the euro-zone is facing because of debt! Herman Cain is the most conservative minded man with buisness experience and success in buisness! Our prayers are with him as we try to give America back to the people! Thankyou. James Sasse.

Vatican Calls for New World Economic Order!

The Pope calls for creation of a public authority with universal jurisdiction beginning with the United Nations! Welcome to our one world government supported by one billion Catholics! The Apostate Church is now moving into position to align with the Anti-Christ and his prophet! The sovereinty of nations is just about over! How will they identify who belongs to this system and who does not? Many Christians do not read the Book of Revelation? This Book is front page news! Suggest you read! I am not going to fill in the blanks for you! If you read and believe your Bible you will know the answers! Thankyou. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Wall Street Protests / Anti-Semitic

Comments by wall street protestor’s such as; Jews control wall street, Israel is a criminal pariah state and Jews need to be run out of this country are a warning that history is repeating itself again! While protestor’s are seen spewing hate against Jewish American’s where is the outrage from our political leaders? It is troubling to me when I heard our president say, “Martin Luther King would have supported the wall street demonstrations!” I lived on planet earth during the 1960’s! Never did Dr. King support violence or anti-semitics in his own life or in his work to restore civil rights! What concerns me most is the silence of the church? History is repeating itself again! As the world moves into greater socio-economic chaos every nation on planet earth has a history of blaming the Jews for their troubles! I believe the silence of the church as persecution rises against the Jews is due to their Theology! I am speaking about Replacement Theology. Many Christian’s in their minds cannot separate Israel from the Church! In fact the lines get so blurred that eventually they say the Church has replaced Israel! Then as in Nazi Germany the Church can look the other way when atrocities come against the Jews. Christ was a Jew and came first for the Jews! Even in the Book of Revelation after the Church is raptured in Chapter 3 we see God’s covenant promises being met to the Jews in the following chapters. Keep the Church and Israel as seperate subjects in your Biblical understanding! An attack on the Jews is an attack on Christ’s Church and an attack on God Himself! Thankyou. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

Wall Street-Wailing Wall

As the western wall of our world economy continues to crumble and our political leaders seem unable to stop it we need to tweeter our prayers to Heaven through Christ! As a Christian I do not want to stop God’s prophetic plan as outlined in the Book of Revelation! My Bible says the world will wail when they all see Christ returning to earth! Why? Because they trusted in their own works and not in Christ’s work done for us! Christ lives in me now and I rejoice everyday in Him! When the world economies crash and all political systems fail where will be your trust? Do not be betrayed by the world systems! Where is your trust today? In your money, health, retirement, 401K’s, social security, medicare, democrats, republicans, president,congress, senate or wall street? Trust the eternal one who conquered death, hell and the grave for you! Heaven will never go broke! But we the broken ones need to come to Him! Christ deposited his life into yours on a cross over 2000 years ago! Make a deposit of your mind, soul and body into His Life! Thankyou. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com

3 strikes and your out!

Strike one is the housing crash! Srike two will be the stock market crash! Strike three will be government default on debt! I hope the experts are wrong but this is their predictions. Dollar would then crash and then what? One world government with anti-christ as the leader? Rapure of the Church before the seven year tribulation period? Armies patroling streets because no police force? Rioting and looting as gangs go from house to house taking, looting and killing? How bad can it get? A government default would end all social security and federal retirement programs! How can we prepare for these events? Take our camper and C-rations and head for the hills? Our Trust in God and His provision for us must come above all else! Christ is Faithful to protect us from all evils! His promises to us are sure! We have a sure foundation that was established before the creation of the world! Before you or I came into this world He was and will be forever! Read your your Bibles and prepare to meet His Love over your life! In Christ’s Love! James

Muslim / Verses / Anti-Muslim Terrorists!

My Bible says in Romans, Chapter 12, Verse 21, Be not overcome of evil but overcome evil with good! Using my Hebrew/Greek study Bible let me say it another way; Be not subdued or conquered by what is worthless eternally but conquer or subdue what is worthless eternally with what is profitable eternally! Love again always demands a choice! This young man in Norway took away the rights of people to make their own choice! We will never conquer evil with evil! We conquer evil by doing the opposite of evil! God is Love! He chose the Cross for you and me and for this young confused man in Norway! My prayer is he chooses Christ as the thief on the cross did! Also the victims families would choose Christ if they have not! In Christ’s Love. James Sasse. GodWhoisGod.com