You Will Either Worship Creator or Creation! Genesis 1:1

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Commentary: It goes on in Genesis to show us God created everything including you! He made them male and female! The cultural gender war is a war on God and his creation! This culture war is also turning against those who have a Biblical foundation of creation! Rebellion against God started in heaven when Lucifer who became Satan was cast out of heaven unto earth with one third of the angels who followed him! So the first thing Satan told Eve in the Garden of Eden is that God is a liar! God did not surely say you will die if you take of this fruit from this tree! The Tree of Life was in the center of the Garden but they chose another tree that brought death to mankind! Then later The Tree of Life Jesus was tempted by Satan! Turn these stones into bread if you are the Son of God! Jesus responded man shall not live by bread alone but every word that procedeth out of the mouth of God! God spoke our world into existence! Jesus calmed the waves on the Sea of Galilee! Peace be still! Worshiping self instead of God is the same thing Satan does! When you do this you become a follower of Satan! Through man made religions! Through Evolution Darwin’s pseudo-science lessons! Worship of science even a false science in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution! An unproven theory! Are things getting better according to Darwin? During the plague of 1918 675000 thousand Americans died from the plague! Today about 100 years later 900000 thousand Americans have died from COVID! So did the science get better? What we know from the 1918 plague for those who got the plague their life expectancy was reduced by 12 years! Time will tell and the jury still out on COVID complications reducing life spans! We do know things are not getting better and this was Jesus prediction of the end times! Heaven or hell is waiting on you determined whether you worship the creator or creation! I will never bank on a theory unproven by time and history shows followers of Darwin such as Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Emperor Hirohito created a hell on earth rejecting the creator of heaven and earth! When the Biblical model of the origin of life is rejected by any culture bad things happen! The Green New Deal is about worshiping planet earth! Save the planet our Darwinist politicians proclaim! Rather than using the energy oil and gas God has gifted us with for America making our lives better and more competitive in the world with cheap energy! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Bat Worship & Plagues!

The worship of bats dates to earliest times and may have its origins in Late Paleolithic cattle herding. The bat was the chief goddess of Seshesh, otherwise known as Hu or Diospolis Parva, the 7th Nome of Upper Egypt. The village of Rampur Ratnakar in Bihar State India is known for bat worship! They believe they protect them from epidemics? Comment: Well the good news might be if you worship these creatures then you will not eat them! What I experienced in India was when these creatures such as snakes, monkeys ,rats and the other creatures and make them a god they becomes very abundant! Then sooner or later these creatures become infected and they bite a human and transmit the plagues to humans! The Jewish food diet programs in the Book of Leviticus are there to prevent pandemics along with strict prohibitions of idol worship! However as much of the world rejects these laws then these pandemics will continue! Jesus said these pestilences will be one of the many signs of his second coming! James and Hamsa Sasse. `

Spirit + Truth = Worship

John 4:24: “God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” Commentary: Jesus says God is a spirit! Can we find God in a bottle? The word “Spirit”, in the Greek means an invisible wind or breath of God. God created this world with his breath. By the words he spoke through his breath. Some people bless God through their breath and some people curse God through their breath! Though our breath is the invisible part of man yet our character is determined by the words that come out of our mouth! Remember at Pentecost the Holy Spirit came as a mighty rushing wind! It was the wind that rolled back the Red Sea! Blessings or cursing come through our breath!  What spirit resides in man is revealed by his words! Since we are created in the Image of God we have breath like God! By our breath we either have the spirit of God or the spirit of Satan! Either a God like spirit or an evil spirit! Satan deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden with his breath! Now let us look at the other side of the equation. Let us look at the word “Truth” in the Greek. Remember what Jesus said in the Book of John? Jesus said my words are truth implying not all words are truth! If you want examples of lies just listen to the political debates! Here is a good definition of truth. Truth means the unveiled reality agreeing with the appearance! The reality pertaining to the appearance! The real deal! Transparency! No hidden agenda! No secrets! No sin! No double talk! No deception! Only truth! The Spirit of God took on flesh in the incarnation of his Son Jesus Christ who is truth! Remember when Jesus was put on the Cross and after he died on the Cross?  Many things happened! The veil in the Temple was split in two! Now transparency between God and man! No masks! The barrier of sin defeated! No hiding from God as in the Garden! God taking our sin upon himself! Dying for our sin! God sacrificing himself for our sin! His blood washing us white as snow! If we are to follow Christ then we sacrifice ourselves for others! People following Satan sacrifice others for themselves! With Satan you become the sacrifice! Then murder, stealing and killing sacrificing others for their gain! God is not that way! He gave himself for you! The right relationship in marriage is both sacrificing themselves for each other and together sacrificing themselves for God as God has sacrificed for them! Our sacrifices cannot save us but only God’s sacrifice! However sacrificing for others is God like! The Kingdom of God is a sacrificial system! So is the Kingdom of Satan but in opposite ways! Want to improve your marriage? Increase your sacrifices for your spouse! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Worship in Heaven! Revelation 4:11

We are given a vision of worship in Heaven in Revelation Chapter four! After all the imagery of colors and the participants in worship around the Father and our Christ a conclusion is given in verse eleven of this glorious event! There is a key Greek word translated into our English word “Created.” This word confirms the creation story in the Book of Genesis! The conclusion of worship here is the acknowledgement to God and his Christ is that the residents of Heaven were created beings! You may think so what? Big deal! The revelation comes when you look at the second Greek word or the root Greek word the first Greek word is taken from! The two Greek words are the Strong’s # 2936 and # 2932. Strong’s #2932 is the key word! This Greek word means to purchase! We were purchased with a great price! His own blood! God is not a cheap skate to get something for nothing! The worshippers in Heaven were saying you purchased us with a great price! Your own blood! This is why the rejection of Jesus Christ is such a serious offense to God! Your redemption cost him everything and to reject this means separation from God in Hell. If we chose to keep our sin then we pay our own price for our sin! Separation from God forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Watch! Witness! Worship!

These three words describes the actions of all the participants of the first Christmas night! Jesus light pushes back the darkness of your life! The Angel’s, the wise men and the shepherds all watched that night in great wonder! God did not accomplish the birth of his Son all by himself! He engaged the help of his creation to get the job done! From the lowest to the highest in cultural rankings he used people who were watching for him! The shepherds were raising a special breed of sheep! They were broad tailed sheep that were only used for sacrifice! Remember Cain and Abel? Cain’s vegetarian sacrifice was not accepted by God however his brother Abel made an animal or blood sacrifice that was acceptable to God! Abel was a shepherd! The Shepherd’s were culturally familiar with every manger in Bethlehem! By contrast the wise men of the East were men of science studying the scriptures and astronomy! They could have been Persians, Iraqis or even Jews! The Arab’s would have been familiar with the Jewish scriptures since the Jews were captives in Babylon for 70 years! We assume there were three wise men from the three gifts however traveling across the Arabian desert would require a caravan of people for supplies and safety! These men were wise because they were watching for God! They were looking for him! Are you looking for God? They had read the scriptures and were looking for that special star! They were educated in the sciences of astronomy and scripture! They were so familiar with the stars they would recognize a new star! Are you so familiar with the scriptures you would recognize Christ’s second coming? So they watched the scriptures and the signs in the heavens! The Angel’s watched that night from Heaven and earth! They were watching those who were watching for God! If you want God’s attention look for him! You may have temporary success in this life and people will watch you for awhile but then they will move on to the next celebrity! They will forget you! When we get God’s attention he will remember you forever! King Herod was not looking for Jesus! However when he discovered he had missed Jesus he took revenge on the small babies of Bethlehem! When the world misses Jesus second coming they will cry and wail and take revenge out on one another! This season is a great opportunity for us to watch, witness and worship Jesus! If you do eternal life with Christ is the gift under his tree that will never perish! Source: Pastor Oscar Cope Message.  James and Hamsa Sasse.

Divining for Money! Matthew 16:26

The Doctrine of Balaam teaches compromise, wanting Christians to forget they are called to be separate and Holy! (Leviticus 20:26; I Peter 1:2); the Doctrine of Balaam makes Christians indistinguishable from the world. (Matthew 5:13. The Doctrine of Balaam is a belief that a “little sin” does not hurt. (Galatians 5:9). , especially if there is some financial gain or personal benefit involved! (I Timothy 6:5). A person following the Doctrine of Balaam is willing to compromise his beliefs for the sake of economics! He acts to enable sinful behavior for personal gain or even participate in them! (Romans 1:32). Source:  Comment: So what is the first step of a Christian to become an unbeliever ? The first step is to work on Sunday for gain forsaking the House of Worship on Sunday! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Sunday Worship! Revelation 1:10

Greek Translation: “I,  John was in the spirit when the breath of God blew on me! It was on the Lord’s day! It was Sunday the day and time of life that belongs to Christ! It is his day therefore I submit to my King and Ruler this day! This day is owned by my God!” Comment: Man’s day is in opposition to the Sabbath! Fifty years ago when I was a teenager about 90 percent of all businesses were closed on Sunday! What about today in America? I hear about more and more Christians telling me they have to work on Sunday? If the businesses stay open on Sunday then the employee’s will have to work on Sunday! Where was John in the 1st century when he received this revelation? He was in the Lord’s House on Sunday! Do not expect to hear from God if you forsake the Sabbath! It is like trying to catch a fish by casting your line on a sand dune in the desert! If you want to meet God you need to be where he hangs out! Now John’s church building could have been his prison! Peter and the Apostles spent time in prison but still honored the Sabbath! Turn your prison into a House of worship! If you do not want to be where God is then you may need to repent! If you resist Christ’s church here on earth you are also resisting him in Heaven! The separation from Christ begins here on earth and continues resisting Heaven! In American culture work has become the agent of resistance to Christ and Sunday worship! Most people move away from Christ gradually taking many little steps! If you want to take a big step forward back to Christ be in church on Sunday! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Socialism & Poverty!

Socialism has no moral justification whatsoever; poor people are not morally superior to rich people, nor are they owed anything because of their lack of success. Charity (Love) is not a socialist concept–it is a religious one, an acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty over property, a sovereignty the Left utterly rejects! Ben Shipiro    Comment: So when there is no recognition of sovereignty what happens? No borders! Sanctuary cities! A push for State ownership of all property! No private property rights! No God! The State becomes your God! No respect of any authority! Why? No sovereignty recognition of God or nation! God does not exist and Nationalism to country is rejected! People lose their incentive to work! No rewards! Everyone is paid the same State pay (Welfare), regardless of whether you work or not! Poverty takes over a nation! Drugs replace God for worship! My Bible says a fool has said in his heart there is no God! The battle lines drawn for this election in November are between Socialists (atheists) and Christians (creationists).  The battle is between evolutionists and creationists! Between those that honor God and those that reject God! How you vote is going to determine your future! If you think I will not bother to vote you are gambling your future and the future of America! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Holy Ground! Exodus 3:5

Take off your shoes Moses! No shoes allowed! Sometimes when you go into a business they post a sign on the front door that says, “Must wear shoes.” After the 9-11 Muslim terror attack on us you have to take your shoes off at the airport! Not in respect for Islam but to try to prevent them from blowing up your flight! Let us look at the word “ground” in the Hebrew. It is the word “Adamah” which is Strongs #127. Do you see a clue here? Do you see the word Adam here? God’s first created human being on planet earth. Adam was formed out of the ground! He was created out of the dust of the dust of the earth! The top soil produces the entire agriculture products for us to exist! In fact all the elements in the human body are found in the soil of the earth! The plants, tree’s and animals take the elements in the soil that we eat to replace the lost elements in our bodies! The name Adam means ruddy or a red brown color. It is the color of fermented wine. The curtains in the Jewish Temple were this color. Remember when you walk across the ground you were made of this stuff! Ashes to ashes! Dust to dust! Your physical body was joined together with God’s Spirit! You are created in the image of God! This is why the 6th Commandment  says you shall not kill. Jesus is the second Adam sent to redeem us! God became flesh but this time to atone for the failure of the first Adam! The ground that Moses walked on produced man !  When we are buried at death back to the ground we go! The grave could not hold Jesus Christ! He defeated death and the grave! No mortal man could do this only God! The ground produced humans but not redemption! Only if the sin within us is defeated can death be defeated! The resurrected Christ promised to raise us from the dead! The angel or pre-incarnated Christ could live in the flames and not perish because he is the judge of all.  Do you want to draw near to God? Then your sin must be covered in the blood of Jesus Christ! Then you can draw near to God and then he will draw near to you! In April of 1912 a ship sank below the waves of the Atlantic ocean! Those men that stayed with the Titanic sang their last hymn on earth with a full orchestra! The name of the song was, “Nearer My God to Thee!” The purpose and journey of our life while on this short life here on earth is to draw near to God! Your Holiness is not based on you but what God did for you! Would you like to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior? James and Hamsa Sasse.