An Unjust Law? I Timothy 1:8

Greek Translation: “But we know the Divine Law given to us by Moses is Constitutionally good with expressed beauty, harmony and balance and is so if we use it lawfully.” Comment: So the law is lawful if we use it lawfully! Otherwise we can become lawless! The religious rulers got on Jesus because he healed a sick man on the Sabbath! Jesus rebuked them for their lack of compassion! A law is to protect life and property of the citizens of any nation! Your speed limit sign is to protect you from accident, injury or death! How many follow this law? Our Constitution is designed to protect citizens from others and themselves! So what would be an example of an unjust law that would not protect the lives of American citizens? How about abortion? Legalization of illicit drugs? Sanctuary cities harboring criminals? Gay Marriage? Unfavorable trade laws legalized by Congress who took money from other nations as a bribe for their votes! The list goes on! So any law can be used to either harm people or help people depending on the motive or basis of why the law was created! Jesus said the love of money is the root of all evil! Abortion, drugs and every other unjust law has everything to do about the love of money ruling over the hearts of people who do not care how many people die because of these unjust laws! My Bible says no one can keep the law! That is why Jesus went to the Cross to make a way for God to reconcile people to himself! True repentance involves recognizing and repenting of our evil and changing direction in our lives! What separates Jesus from the rest of us is he never sinned against God’s laws simply because he is God! No mortal that ever lived can claim this! Whether you proclaim him or profane him he is still God and judge over the entire earth! Is he your judge or your Savior? The choice is yours to make! Heaven or Hell? It should be an easy choice! James and Hamsa Sasse.

War on Women! Jeremiah 1:5

The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men! It has sown violence and discord at the heart of the most intimate human relationships. It has aggravated the derogation of the father’s role in an increasingly fatherless society! It has portrayed the greatest of gifts -a child- as a competitor, and intrusive and an inconvenience. It has nominally accorded mother unfettered dominion over the dependent lives of their physically dependent sons and daughters and, in granting unconscionable power, it has exposed many women to unjust and selfish demands from their husband’s or other sexual partners! Mother Teresa

Messianic Prophecy! 700 B.C.

Isaiah 50: 6-11 Comment: Isaiah begins in Chapter 50 asking the Jews why should they be surprised that they are in Babylonian captivity? You dug your own grave! The Lord told them they sold themselves into captivity through your own sin! Your mother is put away and you can never pay your creditors! The answer to their yoke of slavery is through a coming deliverer that has the tongue of the learned! This deliverer has given his back to the whip! His beard is plucked out! He has set his face like a flint to his task! He shall not be ashamed! No one will be able to condemn you although you deserve death! Is there anyone who will fear this deliverer? Walk in His light! He will show you the way of righteousness which by yourselves are not able to achieve! If you trust in the work of your own hands you will lie down in sorrow! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is really expressing the highest respect for the law!  Martin Luther King Jr.  Comment: Not all laws are Godly!

New Life Church Sermon Notes. June 23, 2013

Scripture; Matthew 5; 33-35 1. Mean what you say and say what you mean – Honesty, Integrity. 2. Low Trust = Many Laws. We hear out of Washington everyday the following; “We will write another law so this never happens again!” 3. High Trust = Few Laws. 4. Build trust in our families. 5. Lack of trust causes us to withdraw from relationships. In Jesus day no one could trust the Roman government. They deceived the people with unjust taxes, excess spending, bribes, deception, ect. The religious leaders in Jesus day also wrote more laws as trust declined. 6. Jesus gave us a new way of being human. 7. God is an oath maker and a promise keeper – No double talk. 8. Satan is the accuser of the brethren. Five common lies or exaggerations told by Christians; 1. I will pray for you. 2. It is great to see you. 3. I am doing great. 4. I have read all the above and agree with the terms. 5. I love you brother. Three questions arise when we hear one or more of the five statements. 1. Is he or she hyping something? 2. Is he springing something? 3. Is he trying to sell me something? People try to exaggerate and manipulate people. Insecurity causes exaggeration. Would you love me if you saw the real me? Adam and Eve hid from God. Our vulnerabilities project a lifestyle. To manipulate is selfish. Words are used in a deceptive way to try to get a desired outcome. The Bible calls it witchcraft. The witch uses shame, guilt, fear and twists words to get people to believe something that is not true. This is demonic. Powerful but demonic. God is truth and love and not shame. Talk openly to your children about the beauty of God’s creation including sex and the purpose of it. Adolescence who are shamed about sex will have a great difficulty entering into a healthy sexual relationship when they are married. Please see Ephesians 4:14-15. Speak the truth in love. How do we speak the truth in love? Answer the following questions. 1. Have you prayed for them? 2. Do I see good and potential in them? 3. Will I be helpful to them? 4. Am I rested? God made an oath and promises to us. They are as follows; 1. I will be with you always. 2. Nothing can take you from my Father’s hand. 3. I will not leave you as orphans. 4. I will send the Holy Spirit to you. 5. I will give you rest. 6. I will build my church. Comment; What we admire about Pastor Brady Boyd is his transparency! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.