In The Beginning! Genesis 1:1

This word has the honor of being the first word written in the Bible! Often the word denotes the point in time or space when something is started, except when it specifies the point when time and space themselves were started as expressed in Isaiah 46:10. It is interesting that the last word in the Bible is “Amen.” Amen is a declaration which means to be faithful, constant, firm and reliable. Remember in the Book of Revelation Jesus said, “I am the beginning and the end!” The word beginning here meaning the first and the word last meaning the finality. The word last also denotes a union as in the Trinity! Are you in union with Christ? If you are then it means you get in on everything from the beginning to the end! It means you ride the waves of victory over the storms of life! Walk on the water with Him or sink! You can try to build your own boat but the best designed ships are at the bottom of the ocean! The God that created the sea can carry you as Peter learned! Do not try to begin or end your life without Christ! If you try you will fail! For in the end everyone and everything else will forsake you! Why forsake the one who really loves you? James and Hamsa Sasse.

State Of The Ruin The Union Speech!

What can we expect? More of the same! Excuses, Excuses, Excuses! Blame, Blame, Blame. No responsibility taken for anything. Lies, deception and unfaithfulness to American’s. Betrayal! Foreign Policy and Domestic Policy detrimental to American’s. He also wants to be a hero to the Muslim World? We as American’s will pay a big price for this one! The great divider is busy! How can I end on a positive note? Trust God! Every foundation that we have learned to trust here in America is coming down! If we trust any foundation other than Christ in these last days fear and terror will move into your soul! James Sasse.

The Last of America and The One World Government!

Biblical prophetic events are closing in fast! It is difficult for me to understand why Obama got re-elected? He has a record of 4 years of economic failure! Another 4 years with him will lead to a welfare state as poverty will grow across America. With welfare failures such as Cuba, Greece, former Soviet Union and others why would we follow their path? An economic collapse of America and a shaky Europe that would also fall will bring in a new world order or a One World Government! From our Bible we know this new world order will be lead by the Anti-Christ! Great destruction will come through his leadership! We also know the rapture of Christ’s Church will preclude this one world system. With the isolation of Israel by Obama Israel must stand alone as Bible prophecy predicts and God alone comes to her rescue through signs and wonders! These are trying times yet exciting times to live in for the Christian today! If I had a choice about what era of history I could live in I would choose today! We look forward to Christ as He rescues His people from the impending destructions that are here and coming over all the earth to those who have rejected Him! Look up for your redemption draweth nigh! God Bless! James Sasse.

American Christian Foundations

Intelligence, Patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him, who has never yet forsaken this favored land, are still competent to adjust, in the best way, all our present difficulty. Source; First Inagural Address, Abraham Lincoln, March 4, 1861. Comment; How different today in America where adjustment means throwing out Christianity, Patriotism and Intelligence! Then what is left of our foundation to sustain us? Yes the adjustment was over 600,000 casualties as brother fought brother in our most costly civil war! But the Grand Union prevailed and righteousness won and God favored our land. President Lincoln made the ultimate sacrifice along with so many millions more to preserve this great land! As abortion casualties approach 40 million with a missing generation it is so strange as the silence continues by so many Christians in America? If you never find anything worth dying for you will never find anything worth living for! God thought we were worth dying for when He sent His Son Christ to the Cross for us! We are living amoung the living dead in american culture. Child sacrifice through abortion, divorce and rejection of marriage must stop if America is to continue as a great nation! James, Sasse. June 12, 2012.