Salute to American Veterans! November 11, 2017

The truth is, all might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they ought! Samuel Adams (1722-1803), Founding Father of the United States, Governor of Massachusetts, Church Deacon and architect of the principles of American Republicanism.

Just Give Me The Money!

Think it not hard if you get not your will, nor your delights in this life; God will have you rejoice in nothing but Himself! Samuel Rutherford (1600-1661) Scottish Theologian. In his political book, “The Law and the Prince”, he presents the theory of limited government and Constitutionalism. Charles Spurgeon described Rutherford’s letters as the nearest thing to inspiration in all the writings of mere men!

Senior Lives Matter! 2 Samuel 17:27-29

Who was Barzillai? It is a name you might expect coming out of a Tarzan movie? It is a Hebrew name meaning steel or iron. Barzillai was the iron man of Gilead located in southern Israel. He was one of three men who helped King David flee his son Absalom who was trying to take the throne by force! David and his men were in the wilderness and needed provisions to survive! Barzillai was 80 years old when he rendered assistance to King David! He did so at great risks for if Absalom had won he would have executed Barzillai! D.L. Moody once said our Faith can only be exercised in the darkness! If you are a Christian waiting around for a Utopia to come so you can safely proclaim Jesus name it will never happen! Remember in scripture that after the thousand year rein with Christ Satan will be loosed for a season on the earth! Why? Maybe the Saints got a little to fat and lazy and their Faith went to sleep? Barzillai was a man of invincible charm! He had a son named Chimham. Barzillai was a highland chief who was wealthy, loyal, courteous, passionate and respected the King! He used his wealth to help others not to fill his own pockets! King David rewarded Barzillai by inviting him to live with him in the Palace at Jerusalem! He declined telling David he was an old man and he wanted to live his life where he was born and to be buried beside his father and mother. He was even loyal to his deceased parents! Where can you find such loyalty in the earth? However he did refer the invitation to others including his son. When it comes to doing good we must do all we can while we can as you can for God! King David on his death bed told his son Solomon the new King to be good to the descendants of Brazillai! Remember God has invited you to His Palace! Jesus said he has gone to prepare a place for you! He will take you home to be with Him forever! If you have already accepted His invitation then refer the invite to others! Thankyou. Pastor Oscar Cope, Mount Vernon Baptist Church, Fairburn, Georgia

Have a Rewards Card?

2 Samuel 22:21 The Lord rewarded me……….. Rewarded means to restore or repay! You are appointed benefits conveyed to you under God’s sovereignty! God rewards good and punishes evil! Jesus said in my house are many mansions! The word house here in the Greek conveys a meaning of a dwelling place in regards to a family! The word mansion in the Greek conveys the idea of a continual dwelling place! You don’t get thrown out if you cannot pay the rent or the mortgage payment! The payment for your stay was paid on the Cross! The Land Lord or the mortgage company will love you until you miss one payment! A continual dwelling means forever! A mortgage company will reward you only after 30 years of regular payments! Your debt has already been paid! This dwelling place includes Christ and His family! No others! You can never use up these reward points because they number more than the sands of the sea! In my house are many mansions! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

What is a Familiar Spirit? 1 Samuel 28:7

Common sense would say a familiar spirit is a spirit you are familiar with! It is connected with Satan and sin! Before you were born again in Christ this is the spirit that ruled you! Saul sought a woman with a familiar spirit. Why? We will answer this soon! The word familiar spirit translated from the Hebrew means a necromancer. This is the occult practice of consulting the dead! It is one who proclaims to give revelation in uncertain times. Today a fortune teller or a palm reader would be an example. The Jews were strictly forbidden from engaging in this practice of consulting mediums! There is also another meaning for this Hebrew word. It can signify a leather bottle that may burst under pressure! Remember the Jeannie in the bottle! Remember Jesus said not to put new wine in old wine skins! A necromancer will beat skin stretched drums with chants and burn incense to draw spirits. The connection between the two meanings could be that a medium was seen as a container for a conjured spirit. Samuel the Priest had died and Saul had no one to consult about God’s plans and purposes for him. The Lord was angry at Saul for his disobedience! King Saul was facing the Philistine armies in war against Israel. God had already prepared David for the next King of Israel. Saul continued to try to contact God through the Prophet’s and the Urim. The Urim is a noun meaning fire. It refers to the fire of God’s judgment and God’s destruction of the wicked. It is used to speak of a form of idol worship! That is people burning other people in fire! Saul got no answers so his servant’s advised him to contact a woman that had a familiar spirit. So he went to the medium of Endor and Saul asked her to bring up Samuel’s spirit! Samuel was really upset for Saul disturbing him from the Bliss of Heaven! Samuel gave Saul the bad news that the Philistines were going to defeat him soundly! Saul was later killed in battle. The New Testament of our Bible also talks about spirits! There are unclean, dumb, foul, infirmity, divining, evil, bondage and world spirits. John warned us not to believe every spirit! In the case of Saul and the woman with the familiar spirit an evil spirit revealed a good spirit Samuel! It is usually God’s spirit that reveals an evil spirit! We must remember that at one time we were evil in sin apart from God! So our sin revealed the goodness of God sending His son Jesus Christ to atone for our sin! It was our wickedness that revealed the goodness of God! Remember this when you think you are so Holy above everyone else! John told us to try the spirits! He went on to say that every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ came in the flesh is from God! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Evil Spirit from the Lord? 1 Samuel 19:9

This verse in the Old Testament of your Bible may at first seem contradictory! God is good, righteous and Holy! When I was young my dad told me the way he would keep me out of hell was to beat the hell out of me! You may not want to use this scripture in Samuel to teach your 5th grade Sunday school class! However I believe even children could understand this verse if properly taught! Here is what we want to remember abut God! God uses evil to punish evil! That is why He has reserved a place called Hell for the wicked! Pastor’s don’t preach much on Hell anymore? Does not market well. God fights fire with fire just as a firefighter starts backfires to stop a forest fire! Just as a politician will never waste a crisis so God will never waste evil. Whether it be Saul or Judas the results are the same! This leads us to an important question? If the Spirit of God does not dwell in us then what Spirit? Once you are “Born Again” and accept Christ as Savior then Jesus promised to send His Holy Spirit into you! Choices matter and Heaven and Hell rest in the balance! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Coronation at Bethlehem! 1 Samuel 16:13

Samuel the Priest anointed David at Bethlehem to replace King Saul. The estimated date is around 1030 B.C. About 1000 years later another King was born in Bethlehem! The Jews recognized that the Messiah, the Christ would come through David’s lineage. One of the key titles given to Jesus during His earthly ministry was “Son of David.” David was more than a King he was a warrior! Jesus was more than an earthly King! He is King over heaven and earth! He pre-existed Creation! He is Prince of peace but He is also a warrior! He will lead the armies of Heaven when He returns for His Millennium Rule here on earth! Those that do not submit to His rule will be ruled with a rod of iron! The war here on earth is a war between good and evil! Between light and darkness! Between Christianity and Islam! The coronation of Jesus at Calvary made a way for us to repent of our sin! Man has declared war on God! Peace will come when man accepts the King! Left to our own capacity sin will rule us! Submit to the King and let His peace reign in you! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Worship The Right Way! 1 Samuel 13:

Saul was the first King of Israel. He was appointed and anointed by Samuel the Priest of Israel. Saul won a lot of military victories but lost the Spiritual victory! If you lose this victory you lose everything! Saul worshiped the wrong way! He tried to do the Priest’s job! Do not try to worship without the Priest! Jesus is our High Priest but we also have an earthly Priest! Jesus had an earthly Priest and his name was John the Baptist! He prepared the way for Jesus! Your earthly Pastor or Priest prepares the way for you to meet Jesus! Through Jesus you worship the Father! Please do not let your earthly Priest live on locust and wild honey! Your tithe supports your Pastor! You honor your High Priest by honoring your earthly Priest! Give your tithe do not be a fake worshiper! Judas stole the tithe! Saul was in great danger surrounded by the Philistine armies! Samuel was separated from him so he offered the sacrifice for worship! Caiaphas the High Priest of Jerusalem felt threatened by Jesus so he unknowingly offered the true sacrifice for the redemption of man! God Himself! The earthly Priest arranged for the redemption of man! Why we worship and how we worship and who we worship is very important! We worship God alone but understand God became man to establish His Kingdom here on earth! God uses men and women to build His Church! He chooses earthly men and women to lead His Church towards Heaven on earth! Enlist in His Army and follow your leader here on earth! Find a Church this Sunday and worship Him! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Cast Your Vote! 1 Samuel 8:4

Samuel made his son’s judge over Israel when he was old. However his son’s took bribes and loved money more than God! Their judgments were perverted! The Jews got fed up and wanted a King! They were going to take their chances with a political leader rather than a Priest! So they got Saul! As elections loom over America we try our best to find someone better than the last guy! Every four years our hopes are dashed! Surely the next guy will be better? Hope and change? No thank you! I would remind our voters there is only one Prophet, Priest and King! His name is Jesus Christ! He has been running for election for 2000 years! There is only one who is both God and man! He is not a democrat, republican or dictator! He rules in love! He sacrificed Himself for you! Usually politicians sacrifice you for their gain! He went voluntarily to the Cross for you! He is returning to redeem this lost world! A vote for Christ will frame your eternity! A vote for the world will separate you from Christ for all eternity! Your eternity can begin today with Christ! The choice is yours! James and Hamsa Sasse.