Better Foundation! Isaiah 28:16

We should be careful of the books we read, as of the company we keep! The dead very often are more powerful than the living! Tyron Edwards (1809-1894) Comment: This is especially true of ideologies that contradict the Bible! Whether it be Marks, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Darwin or any other atheist who would lead you away from Christ! Also any religion that opposes Christ such as Islam! The left wing of the Democratic party here in America and the liberal news media are full of atheists! Also many teachers in our public schools and Universities! Let them not influence you away from Christ but influence them towards Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Is Christianity a White Man’s Religion?

My second question is are Arabs Caucasians? Findings; Arabs are Arabid. Arabid is a sub race of the Mediterranean Caucasian race. Arabs and Caucasians have the same origins as Europeans. Note that the Caucasians came out of the Middle East (Near Caucus, East Arab Levant, North of Iran). Comment: First of all the entire human race is related to each other! Also remember Ishmael is the offspring of Abraham! All of this shows us that the creation narrative of the Bible is accurate! My point here is sometimes when I witness to African American Muslims they will tell me Christianity is a white man’s religion? I politely explain to them that Mohammad was a white guy who had black slaves and nine wives! He also founded a religion where murder is justified if anyone disagrees with their theology about God? Then I ask them why would you want to follow this guy? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Where is the Kingdom? Luke 17:20-21

The religious folks the Pharisees asked Jesus when the Kingdom should come? I wish Jesus had said, “Da! You big idiots! I am God and I am with you right now!” However Jesus was polite not like me and told them the Kingdom of God does not come by observation! That is you cannot observe Him with your eyes! No man can look on God and live! Remember Fanny Crosby the Queen of Gospel Music? She was blind! Then Jesus dropped the bomb shell on them! He told them the Kingdom of God was within them! The religious folk over history have always presumed that since God lived outside of us we must worship Him outside of ourselves! Build monuments to Him! Statues and figures of wood and stone! Build Temples so the poor homeless guy has a place to dwell. Fill it with gold and silver! The bigger the Temple the more impressed God should be! Right? If we can just do enough works for Him! Jesus made things so simple yet missed by most? Who can worship God better than God living inside of you? He knows just how to do it! The songs that speak to us and the sermons that change us are powered by the God that lives inside of us! It is not about us but about Him! Sin is the only thing that keeps God out! Confess your sin to Him and let the Blood of Jesus cleanse you and then the door will be opened for Him to come and dwell in you! There is nothing greater than God living in you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Trinity and the Soul Genesis 1:27

But these three, though they be distinct from one another, are, however said to be one, because they exist substantially in the soul. Peter Lombard (1096-1160) Comment: His writings influenced Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, William of Ockham, Gabriel Beil, Martin Luther, John Calvin and Pope Alexander III. His tomb is Paris some 700 years later was destroyed during the French Revolution! Remember the French Revolution tried to de-Christianize France even by creating a special calendar (French Revolution Calendar), removing Christian Holidays and religious figures! The calendar lasted 12 years about as long as Hitler’s rein! An attempt was made to remove all religious influences from the culture! Prominent atheist were behind this effort much like today in America. The French Revolution and the American Revolution were very different with different outcomes! The American Revolution established the free exercise of religion with the trinity of three branches of government with Biblical values woven into our Constitution! The French Revolution was a rebellion to remove all elements of religion from their culture! The French Enlightenment was the darkest hour in French history! The light of any culture is Christ and to try to remove him politically, judicially, militarily and socially reaps disaster for any culture! James and Hamsa Sasse.

The Barbarian Barabbas!

Except for Jesus everyone is a barbarian! You cannot make yourself Holy but Jesus can! Crucify Him was also your cry from your mother’s womb! You and I sent Jesus to the Cross! Religion crucified Jesus and religion today persecutes Jews and Christians! Repentant sinners have come to recognize there is no power within men to change their wicked ways only Christ has the power with love to change the heart! Atheists and world religions have one objective! That is to frame an ideology where men do not have to change their moral behavior! If you believe there is no God then you do not have to change your behavior! You have no one to answer to! If you kill and murder in the name of religion you try to use God to justify your sin! Christ has come to save you from yourself and others! Like Barabbas you should have gone to the gallows but were set free as Christ paid your penalty! Christ without sin took your sin on the Cross! The passion took away and covered your sin in His blood! Compassion means to suffer with! Christ took on the suffering of the world! Only God could do this for you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Farewell Address 1796

Of all the dispositions and habits which lend to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports!  George Washington  Comment: Like many republicans of the founding era, Washington thought religion was indispensable to cultivating the civil virtues essential to maintain social and political order in a regime of self-government. The Bible was his most quoted literary text in all of his writings! The founding Father’s did their best to lay a foundation so that God would never say farewell to America! They incorporated Biblical absolutes in the U.S Constitution to try to protect the new republic from the challenges for future generations and provide liberty and justice for all. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Psychology of Religion!

David Wood has an upcoming video on YouTube that will explore the psychology of Mohammad and why he included elements of Christianity and Judaism in his proclaimed visions of God! Then why did he command his followers to kill Christians and Jews? When David completes this study i will post a summary on our blog. I want to give you an example of the psychology of religion! When the Muslims invaded North India centuries ago they slaughtered millions of Hindus! In order to survive the Hindus adopted elements of Islam in their religion! Today that new religion Sikhism has both elements of Hinduism and Islam! Dinesh D’Souza has discovered something interesting while debating atheists in universities across America! He has found atheists are not really atheists but are mad at God! So they will psychologically create an alternative view and teach this to their students in colleges and universities across America to get a following and get even with God! Lenin was also mad at God! So was Darwin and his evolutionary push back! These are fascinating studies and i consider David Wood an expert on Islam from his years of intensive study on this religion. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Pope for President! Isaiah 5:20

The following are polling questions that will help us determine who is in the lead in this race? This form was developed to help you critically think about your choice? If you were voting for the Pope how would you vote? Which Pope makes money and which Pope steals money? Which Pope hates Catholics? Which Pope would not name the religion that beheads people as a sporting event? Which Pope would herd young boy’s into your daughter’s bathroom? Which Pope would take non-Catholic donations from foreign governments? Which Pope would dare say Merry Christmas? Which Pope would allow gays and lesbians to graze in their congregations and not say anything was wrong? Which Pope would sanction their marriages with state approval? Which Pope would sacrifice children on the altar of choice? We hope these questions will promote healthy choices for our next leader! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Did You Catch That?

In a Hillary Clinton campaign speech she made a remark about abortion. She said that those who do not agree with her on abortion need to change their religion! Who was she talking about? Do you get it? She was talking about Christians! Remember Obama said that the problem with America is her guns and their religion! Who was he talking about? Thirty million Christians did not vote last election! So you got a man who does not like you or your religion and until we can get rid of Christians we cannot have our leftist view of America! Obama has made progress in turning America into a 3rd world country! Hillary will continue the game! Under her Islam will continue to make gains into our culture! Remember Hillary took millions of dollars from Muslim governments while she was Secretary of State and put the money into the Clinton Foundation! She owes them big favors! If elected President she could make good to our enemies and even collect more money to get rid of us! The left thinks Christians and Jews are a big obstacle to progressive idea’s! They cannot completely get their wicked agenda through with Christians in the way! Cultures in history have tried to get rid of Jews and Christians with terrible consequences! Christian America if you value your Faith then go out and vote! If not let wickedness win! Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.