Lusts & God’s Commandments!

Jude 1:18 Greek Translation: “How that they told you there should be mockers in the conclusion of time where God’s plan of Salvation comes to a close with the final judgment. The time of redemption opportunity is closed off forever. Those who walk after their own ungodly lusts violate God’s Laws with wickedness and rebellion towards God and man failing to worship God in right living before him.” James & Hamsa Sasse.

Repentance or Rejection?

Exodus 32:33 “And the Lord said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book.” Commentary: So what will get your name blotted out of the book of life? Sin! Sin will remove your name out of his book and replace your name with sin! Wait a minute? I thought we are all sinners? All have sinned and come short of the glory of God! We have two classes of sinners! Forgiven and unforgiven sinners! Forgiven sinners in heaven and unforgiven sinners in hell. To reject Christ leaves you in the unforgiven state! To accept his blood sacrifice for your sin moves you into the forgiven state! Whether he see’s your name in his book is determined by what you do with his name? Curse him or praise him! Mock him or embrace him? Show off to your friends by mocking him and playing the fool or receiving him as Savior will determine where you spend your forever! Your forever and heaven can start today or you can continue your hell forever here on earth! The choice is yours to make! Wise men still follow Jesus! James & Hamsa Sasse.

The Trinity!

I John 5:7 “For there are three that [bear record] in [Heaven], the [Father], the [Word], and the Holy [Ghost]: and the three are one.” Commentary: Let us look at these five Greek words above in brackets! To “bear record” means to be a witness with good character causing praise and worship! The term “heaven” is an all inclusive word including the celestial bodies including earth and the residency of God! The “Father” used here means the Father of Jesus Christ! Did you ever notice how our culture is trying to get rid of gender terms? God created male and female so what does Satan do but bring gender confusion! Destroy our identity with God! This is a war on God! Rebellion! The term “word” means the expression of intelligence through speech! In the beginning was the Word! {John 1:1} Jesus spoke the Word of God! It is written! The Word became flesh and dwelt among men! The incarnation! The words of Satan oppose the Word of God! God did not say? God is a liar! The word “ghost” means the breath of God! God with his breath spoke the world’s into existence! At creation he gave us his breath! With his breath we speak words! God’s breath is wind! God sent his wind to dry up the Red Sea so Moses could pass over with the Jews out of Egypt! God sent a wind to dry the earth at Noah’s flood! At pentecost God sent a mighty rushing wind over the disciples gathered together in prayer waiting for the promise of the Holy Spirit! The disciples uttered praise from this event with the breath of God in other languages! It was as though the earth had just one language again before the Tower of Babel! We serve one God in one nation expressing our love for him by demonstrating love for our fellow man! Did you know Satan has a trinity! Satan, the anti-Christ and the False Prophet! Their mission is to destroy men but the mission of God is to save men! Who are you following? The one that hates you or the one that loves you? James & Hamsa Sasse.

Trust Fund : Web Site

We are establishing a web site Trust Fund to establish this web site to continue on 25 years after our passing on to continue to reach souls for Jesus Christ here on earth after our going home to the mansion Christ has prepared for us! Appreciate any suggestions in this matter from our supporters! We have contacted our family attorney for the legal aspects of this promotion of Christ here on earth! God Bless! James and Hamsa Sasse

Good Friday! Great Sunday!

I Peter 2:24 “Who his own self [bare] our sins in his own [body] on the tree, that we [being dead] to sins, should [live] unto [righteousness] : by whose stripes we are [healed].” Commentary: Interesting Greek words bracketed above used in the light of Good Friday! The word ‘bare’ Strong’s 399 means to take up or offer up. However it is much richer in meaning when you go to the root Greek word taken from the Greek word used here! It is Strong’s number 303. It means to reverse! Did you ever drive a car without a reverse? I have! No fun! You cannot park it with anything in front of you! One mistake and you are stuck! Did you know God reversed your sin for you! By yourself you could not back up out of your sin! You were headed for hell with no reverse! You could not move towards heaven! It was beyond your own power! He reversed your sin in his own ‘body’. The word ‘body’ Strong’s #4983 means both the spiritual and the physical body! He reversed your condition of death! When Jesus was placed on the tree, the Cross for you he reversed your destiny of death and destruction to life with joy! Forgiveness! Dying to your sins and living for Christ! No longer living for sin but living for him! We stopped taking the poison! Now we can ‘live’ for him. Strong’s # 2198 ‘live’ means an all inclusive life naturally, spiritually and eternally! To live unto ‘righteousness’! Strong’s # 1343 means to be right with God conforming to the claims of a higher authority! You adopt God’s standard as opposed to lawlessness! Satan wants to claim your body and spirit for himself yet Christ has redeemed you at a great cost to himself! Satan sacrifices you for himself and God has sacrificed himself for you! Then by his ‘stripes’ you were healed! Meaning you have been restored both spiritually and physically as if you have never sinned! Your condition was reversed back to the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve sinned against God! Jesus was raised from the dead and raised others from the dead to show us he has power over death and has promised to one day raise us from the dead! Have a great Sunday! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Mars Findings!

Scientists for decades theorized that the moisture on Mars was evaporated through the atmosphere. However the Mars Rover has discovered something very different! Mars has no tectonic plates like our earth so the planet cannot recycle water into the atmosphere through volcanism like here on earth! So the drying of the crust on Mars is permanent and the rocks under the surface retain the water. God created our earth as well as Mars but gave our earth very unique characteristics to support life! Also the volcanic actions on earth affect the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere! They are like your thermostat in your house! The fruit cakes call it global warming! James & Hamsa Sasse.

What Country Number Two Traffic?

Might be a surprise to you but at number two traffic just behind the United States this month is Iran! When the truth of the Gospel is presented to any culture they respond! Last year Israel came in first place country traffic for one month! Languages are so important to reaching cultures that is why we have our Gospel Tract in 140 languages! To go out into all the world and preach the Gospel involves languages! James & Hamsa Sasse.

Tamil Language Gospel Tract!

This language tract is available in written, audio or video tracts! For more information please contact Also you may contact Pastor Maharaja Daniel at the India Jesus Loves You Church in Yercaud India. My E-mail is: