Graham Banned From U.K.?

Genesis 3:15 ” The seed of the woman (Christ), shall crush the head of the Serpent (Satan).” Romans 1:31  II Timothy 3:3 “In the last days men will be without natural affection for women and the family.” Commentary: So what was given the reason for banning Franklin Graham from England? His hatred for the LGBT community! Just as the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were sanctuary cities for gays so is the U.K becoming! Strange as fiction yet if you read your Bible we are in the last days! So the war on women is building! Abortion is a war on women! Divorce is a war on women! So is the promotion of the LBGT life style! For Satan knows in order to stop any future Christians he must stop the production of children! His religious and political wars are waged against Christ and his offspring! Islam is a war on women! Hinduism is a war on women! Gay marriage is a war on women! Why did not the Muslim community in England stand with Graham rather than side with the LBGT? They are on the same team! God’s love is to tell the LBGT community they are in sin and waging a war against Christ! England at one time sent out more missionaries than any other nation! Billy Graham had his largest crusade in England with one hundred and forty thousand people! The simple message of Billy and Franklin Graham is repent of your sin before it is too late! We are in the last days before the rapture and the return of Christ! Jesus second coming will be as judge and not the sacrifice for our sin! The judgment will come to those who have rejected his love! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Saved by What?

We have so much in scripture about the life of Jesus! His miracles! His forgiveness of men and women who had no hope without him! We could write endless books about the life of Jesus! The commentaries and literature about Jesus fill libraries around the world! However we must not forget one important thing! We are not saved by Jesus life we are saved by his death! The Kingdom of God is a sacrificial system! Is your life centered around sacrifice? For your family, church and nation? Are others more important than you? It is not about you it is about him! Because what he did for you is the only sacrifice  that can save you! He was obedient even to death on a Cross! Pastor Jack Graham.

Substitute Pastor!

You know the kind of respect you gave to your substitute teachers in school! The ministry is not much different! An experienced retired Pastor substituted for Pastor’s who were on vacation or sick or found themselves in situations where they could not shepherd their flock for a short period of time. This Pastor covered a denominational district of about 25 churches so he sometimes found himself very busy! So he got the call Saturday night that he would have to pastor this church Sunday in a rural district of south Texas! He thought he did a good job because as the cue of people lined up after the service to greet the pastor the compliments were encouraging! However this one member told the pastor his sermon was boring and he fell asleep during the service! Pastor apologized and told him he would do better next time! This man got back at the end of the line instead of leaving and told the pastor his English was poor and his Bible knowledge was lacking! The Pastor again apologized and told him he would study his Bible more in the future! Then a church elder interrupted the pastor in the cue and told him not to pay any attention to this guy for all his criticism because he only repeats what the congregation members say! Pastor Jack Graham

Abortion & Liberty?

Lindsey Graham Senator from South Carolina made a very important point to Judge Kavanaugh during the confirmation hearings! He asked the Judge if the word abortion can be found anywhere in our Constitution? He replied no! Lindsey then asked Judge Kavanaugh what word in our Constitution qualifies you in regard to any case before the court to render a decision? To even hear the case? The Judge said the word liberty! Senator Graham asked the Judge if he can pull any subject out of thin air and call it liberty? Comment: About 50 percent of the population of America disagree with abortion and gay marriage! Why? Because our moral code our Bible says it is a sin against God and man! Did the framers of our Constitution define liberty as the legalization of evil? Can we take a wrong and legalize it as a liberty? What standard do we use for liberty! Man’s propensity to sin cannot be used as the gold standard for morality and liberty! The Supreme Court has reversed decisions decided by earlier courts! Precedence can only be used if the first decision was right! Hopefully when abortion comes before the court again Judge Kavanaugh will consider these issues! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Key to Understanding Revolutions!

Political correctness was alive and well in Nazi Germany in 1933. Book burning parties were the main events across Germany! The German Student Union were filled with youth who wanted change! On May 6, 1933 twenty thousand books were burned! On May 10, 1933 twenty five thousand books were burned! Millions of books were burned over the next few years! Books were destroyed written by Jews, anarchist, socialists, communists and religious books! Bibles were burned! 1400 Synagogues were set on fire! Children were encouraged to participate in these acts! The 10 Commandments were ripped off walls across Germany! The blind writer Helen Keller published an open letter to the German students! She said, “You may burn books and the books of the best minds of Europe, but these idea’s have been passed on to millions and they will go on!” All revolutions start with the premise that we want to change the past! Hitler wanted to right the wrong of their loss in WW1. He blamed the Jews! The American political left today wants to change the past? America was never great? Get rid of those Bibles! Cast off Christianity! Attack Christian business and shut down churches! Replace the Bible with homosexuality, drugs, lesbianism, single families and welfare! Drugs killed over 73000 thousand of our youth last year! Attack our flag and remove any sign of patriotism! Remove our borders! Protect criminals with sanctuary cities! Despise our military! Why did the American Revolution succeed when most other revolutions failed? Why did we have such a good outcome? The American Revolution promoted the Bible with our Constitution a Christian document! I watched an old Billy Graham Crusade today that went back to the 1970’s! Something very significant caught my attention about his preaching then! He talked a lot about heaven and hell and the consequences of rejecting Jesus Christ! Today when I turn on Television preachers I don’t hear anything about hell? Nothing said! All I hear is about success, prosperity and money! Pastor’s today have been infected by the politically correct culture where the past is taboo! Sin is the wave of the future! To change the past you have to get rid of heaven and hell! We have to get rid of prayer in schools! We have to get rid of the 10 Commandments! We have to get rid of any visible Crosses across America! Get rid of statues of great Americans! You cannot say Merry Christmas! We have to change our past! Get rid of American Colonialism! Jesus said to go out into all the world! Substitute Christian thought with Darwinism and the Godless theory we teach to our children in our public schools! Persecution is rising among the Jews in America! When men try to change the past they create a bigger monster in the present! Who can change our past? Only God! Open your Bible and read John 3:16. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Your Best Friend Should Not Be You!

John 12:25 Greek Translation “He that has his best friend as his physical body shall be killed and destroyed eternally: and he that hateth his physical body in this world shall preserve it from danger unto life of the spirit and the soul apart from the physical body inheriting God’s life with eternal value and time.” Comment: Did you notice most of the advertising industry is based around your physical body? It is all about weight loss, hair loss, teeth loss, skin loss, ect. The cosmetic industry is a multi-billion dollar industry! Yet we will all physically die! Does that mean we do not care for our physical body? It means as Jesus said before the Cross do not let you physical body be your best friend! It will forsake you! It will be a corpse sooner or later with no value! We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit! God does not want us to pollute our bodies with sin and corruption! Love God and not your physical body! Jesus was saying death is the incubator for life! The eternal part of us is the spirit and the soul. We need to nourish this as the most valuable! Develop your soul as on a treadmill. Exercise your spirit and your soul! Practice Holiness! Use the time you have as a gift from God to lead other’s to Christ! Read and study your Bible daily! Pray daily! Spent time and money to reach the lost! Use your God given resources to support your local church! For those that make it to Heaven you will not be alone! Neither will those in Hell. Would you like to meet other’s in Heaven you had a part in reaching here on earth? Billy Graham is doing that right now and forever! There was a poem written in 1855 and later became a song titled, “What A Friend We Have In Jesus!” Who is your best friend? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Drugs (Sorceries) Revelation 9:21

About 35 thousand American’s die every year from drug overdoses! Actually the CDC says the numbers are greater than this because many overdoses are not reported! The English word sorceries comes from the Greek word pharmakeia from which we get our word pharmacy. In the Book of Revelation Chapter nine God is pouring out His judgment on the earth during the seven year tribulation period during the Anti- Christ one world government rule before Christ’s second coming! The Church has already been raptured from the earth! Even during these judgments when 1/3 of the earth’s population is destroyed they still would not repent of their drug use! Have you noticed the cultural shift here in America? The secular population is saying this drug use problem is a medical problem not a moral problem? Like medical marijuana! In fact all moral problems in America are viewed as medical problems including our mass shooters! So the last days game is on that immorality does not exist because God does not exist and the Bible has no application anymore! We all do what is right in our own eyes! So science has a fix for our immorality! So medicine is our new god! So no responsibility for sin? Since all the sinners just have a medical problem they need the State to step in since it is no fault of their own with welfare payments to those youth on drugs! Since the youth and their families cannot live on welfare payments alone they sell drugs to supplement your income! So what happens to Christian’s who have a Biblical standard of morality? Since we have a moral standard from a God that does not exist and a Bible that is irrelevant we must have a psychosis or medical problem that science can fix! The State must intervene and reprogram these people! There is a parallel going on in the Church in America today! Some of the big name Pastor’s who are on National media do not talk about sin anymore? Hell is never mentioned? It is all about getting rich and being successful and is all about self! Their pride is fed every Sunday! Remember Billy Graham? Repent for you are a sinner headed for Hell! He hammered this message over and over again! This message seems unpopular today as the standard of morality also fades from the pulpit! Altar calls have become extinct? Why have one if I am not a sinner and Hell does not exist? Christ wasted His time and life on the Cross? Chapter nine of the Book of Revelation closes out saying yet they would not repent of their murders, drug use, fornication and thefts! At the end times the State and the Church will merge as one! The Anti-Christ will join with the False Prophet who will be the one world religious leader! We are getting closer! James and Hamsa Sasse.