Allah! 666! The Beast! Cannot Buy or Sell Without Mark!

Revelation 13:16-17 Commentary: I will recap to you from an earlier posting. The word “Beast” is the Greek Strong’s Number 2342. If you go to the Greek word it says it is of a Hebrew origin. This word is taken from another Hebrew word which is never used in the Old Testament. The Hebrew Strong’s number is 5927. The word is “Alah”. This word is only used in the New Testament in the Book of Revelation to describe the “Beast.” The word is used 37 times in the Book of Revelation! The Book of Revelation was written in the 1st Century 600 years before Islam and Mohammad ever come along! In Islam the number “666” is a sacred number! So are we living in the end times? Who could ever predicted that a major political part here in America would ever embrace and promote Islam? How is the Democratic Party ever going to promote LBGT rights with Islam? Islam will not change but the Democratic Party changes like the wind! Islam will take over the party and get rid of it! We cannot buy or sell is already here! A Christian ministry in the UK was shut down or their bank account closed because of their Biblical standard of opposing LBGT behavior! If you hold Biblical values and are vocal about them you will become a target! They want to shut you up! If you are a ministry I would suggest to you to open several bank accounts! I personally have four accounts! Not much money in them but able to shift money between them in case I am targeted! I am just not a big enough threat yet! What happens if the State comes down under the 501c in the future and says you have to sign a document denying your stand against homosexuality in order to continue your tax exempt status as a ministry? This is why the State controlled ministries are so dangerous to our liberties! Here is a scripture teaser for you! Will the Anti-Christ be a man or a woman? Take a look at Revelation 18:24! “In her was found the blood of the prophets and of God’s Holy people, of all who have been slaughtered on the earth.” I thought the Anti-Christ was a homosexual! A Jew! What if he is a transgender? Today we are in the church of the here and now but one day soon the church of the then and there! Between these times we have major prophetic events to take place here on the earth! They are described in your Bible before the second coming of Christ back to earth! Read them! They are front page news! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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