Fast Forward Redemption!

2 Peter 3:13 “Nevertheless we, according to his promise look for a new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” Comment: The Apostle Peter is looking forward to the day when the old earth and the old heaven is passed away consumed by fire! Global warming consummation! Just like the old heaven and earth were created by God so the new! Right now you may be consumed with the here and now however that will change because God wants to change you for the new place! You could put criminals in the new heaven but would no longer be heaven! God is preparing his people for his place! Even the old heaven was tarnished by sin! War started in heaven! Lucifer and one third of the angels rebelled against God and were cast down to the earth! So then war began on earth! When the old heaven and the old earth are consumed with fire Satan will be cast into the Lake of Fire along with his followers! Only Christ can prepare us for this new place! How? By transforming us into his image while living in the old earth! The old man has to go! The new man has to come! Jesus said we must be born again! A new birth for the old man for the new place! A worm turned into a butterfly! The image of God reborn into your soul by the blood of the lamb! A sacrifice is required! Then to see the world through the eyes of God! I shared with you some time ago about C.S. Lewis who was an atheist and then got born again! He made an important observation about his conversion! He asked himself why should I think about right and wrong? Why should it matter to me? If I do wrong right stares me in the face! If I do right wrong stares me in the face? If I do right why does wrong remind me of my previous sins? Lewis concluded that right and wrong cannot be an issue to me unless there is someone outside of me greater than me bringing this consciousness before me everyday of my life! The God of righteousness will remind us of our image from him of being good and holy! Satan author of sin and death will try to remind us of our past sins to condemn us! Our soul cannot be fixed by ourselves but requires a power outside of ourselves! The God who made us knows how to fix us! To reject God and his Christ is a vain effort to fix ourselves! Christ defeated Satan for you but you will never defeat him by yourself! Self wars against God! Try to rewind your life without Christ you will only see death! Fast forward your life with Christ and you will be a resident in the new heaven and the new earth! Guilt does not come from God! Satan will always try to hold you hostage to your past! God has ransomed your life with the penalty of death on himself for your sin and has released from the prison of guilt and Satan the jailer of guilt! Redemption is from God and guilt and death from Satan! God reminds us of our future and Satan our past! Remind Satan of his future and of your forgiven past by the blood of the Lamb! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Magnetic North Pole Shifting Fast! Isaiah 13:13

Scientist are baffled! Why! They will have to make adjustments for our navigation systems or they will be in error! The pole is moving from Canada towards Siberia! Will Santa Claus have to move? If Santa thought the North pole winters were bad wait until he gets to Siberia! A polar shift is predicted and prophetic and it is in your Bibles! Both the Old and the New Testaments! The core of the earth is hot molten iron ore that gives us our magnetic field around the earth from the North and South poles! The movement of this magnetic field means the molten core of the earth is separating from the crust or outer layer of the earth! But what happens if the earth’s crust separates to the point that the earth’s crust shifts position significantly in relation to the magnetic field? If the crust would crack and break up then the hot lava would flow to the surface and set everything on fire! Like when the judgment seals are broken in the Book of Revelation! The sun would not be in it’s course in relation to the earth and then no one would be able to tell the time or what day and month it is! Is this what Jesus meant when he said no one would know the day or hour of my return? Do not cancel your life insurance policy yet! Some scientists and theologians believe that the earth’s tilt on it’s axis of 23 degrees happened at the Flood in the Day’s of Noah! Before the flood the north south vertical axis was perpendicular to the equator or horizontal axis! During the pre-flood the earth was watered from a midst from the earth and not the sky! At this time the earth temperatures would have been even across all longitudes! There would have been no seasons with storms, floods, earthquakes, ect. It would have been a paradise! After the flood then the earth was watered from the sky and then we got the rainbow as a promise from God! Jesus said that near his second coming it will be as in the days of Noah! Is the earth going to shift back to perpendicular between the North/South East/West axis? If the scientist would read the Bible they would understand these things! No surprises if you read and believe your Bible! The real case of global warming is when God destroys the earth with fire! That fire is under your feet in the core of the earth! If you have rejected Jesus Christ as your Savior then well go ahead and cancel your life insurance policy! It will do you no good! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Fast Forward Evolution!

Is discord going to show itself while we are still fighting, is the Jew once again worth less than another? Oh, it is sad, very sad, that once more, for the umpteenth time, the old truth is confirmed: “What one Christian does is his own responsibility, what one Jew does is thrown back at all the Jews.” Anne Frank Comment: What a wise little teenage girl! She was way beyond her years! It is such a paradox that Hitler was blaming the Jews for Germany’s problems yet he was following a Jew named Charles Darwin? Darwin was an atheist and Hitler was planning out his genocide not only on the Jews but every race except the German race! Hitler through his propaganda minister spread the fake news to the Christians of Germany that Jesus was not a Jew! Hitler blamed the Russian Revolution on the Jews and it is true that Marx, Engels, Lenin and other founders were atheistic Jews! Hitler believed he could fast forward or speed up evolution by millions of years by getting rid of the undesirables which included everyone but the Germans! Do you see how racial selective evolution will lead you? One false doctrine lead to 60 million dead across Europe during WWII. Darwin is also responsible for the deaths of over 57 million babies here in the United States! Abortion! Yet I cannot condemn all Jews because of a few atheistic Jews promoted a ideology that has lead to the deaths of hundreds of millions of people! My savior is a Jew! The Anti-Christ will be a Jew! So this bright little Jewish girl sorted things out! What a difference had Hitler followed a Jew by the name of Jesus Christ! He could have become the greatest Evangelist for good the world had ever seen! Who we follow determines our outcome! Everyone will follow someone! Our Bible teaches Creation and that all people are created in the Image of God! We are all created equal before God! This is confirmed in our United States Constitution! Our Constitution is a Biblical document! When a false teaching enters the minds of men bad things happen! When men believe their is no God then they take things into their own hands! If men believe in a false God they again take matters into their own hands for a desired outcome! What new doctrine or old sin will men pursue in the 21st Century? Islam, socialism, racism, fascism, communism, Nazism and the Anti-Christ that lives in all these ideologies! Or will Christ come into the hearts of men causing them to live in peace with God and man? We know right now 1/3 of the earth is Christian. There are three major religions in the world. Their were 3 Crosses at Calvary but only one counted for the redemption of man! Even though a minority the Jews have played a major part in the redemption of man! Think about this! If the religious Jews would have accepted Jesus in the 1st century then their would not have been a crucified Christ! No redemption for man! God provided a Jewish Savior and the religious Jews made the sacrifice! If you fast forward evolution you come up with death! If you fast forward Christ he is waiting for you in Heaven and has prepared a place for you! You live for him because he died for you! So the choice is yours! The Christ or the Anti-Christ? James and Hamsa Sasse.

Women on American Currency?

This is the latest push to give an image of equality. Why is there no woman image on American currency? One opinion is that they spend the money so fast you could never find any money to stamp an image on! Another thought is we simply have not had a woman president yet. If Hillary Clinton should become president we need to place her on our currency according to her value! Her image should be placed on our penny! Obama should go on our two dollar bill after he leaves office! I do not like to see our currency devalued but in the name of equality we could all end up in the poor house! Politically incorrect speech but true. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Being Awesome In Obscurity! Matthew Chapter 6.

Why do we do what we do? Motives! Great people of God always have seasons of obscurity! Jesus in the desert, John the Baptist, Apostle John and many more examples in the Old Testament. American culture counters the idea of obscurity with social networks, web sites, instant media flashes, ect. God has to prepare out hearts and will not let us go public until we are right with Him and our fellow man. Motive is the spiritual mirror of the heart. The truth of scripture divides the motives of the heart. No one can hide wrong motives from God. The religious leaders of Jesus day gave money to be honored by men. Jesus said to give in secret. Then God will reward you openly! You will notice Jesus mentions reward three times. You will notice in Matthew Chapter 5, verse 16 that Jesus says to let your light so shine. Is Jesus contradicting Himself or is He talking about two different things? Shine or do in secret? It is all about motive. Neither do we boast or hide. We are a peculiar people. When people ask about your Godly behavior share your story about how God has changed you! Jesus mentioned a reward five times when you do the following three things in secret! They are; Give, pray and fast. Jesus says when we do these things which means we do them regularly! All three of these things are costly! Giving costs us money. To pray costs us time. To some time is money. To fast costs us energy. Most people say they trust in God and few Christians will do these three things regularly. To do these things means we embrace weakness. Most Christian’s will want to tell others they are doing these three things. Why? Motive! The Pharisee’s were the religious super stars of Jesus day. They fasted, prayed and gave money openly for men to see with no effect or approval from God! There will be seasons of obscurity sent from God to you so that you get right with who you are and do not give up your identity to please men! In Luke Chapter 4, verse 14 we read He returned with Power of the Spirit! God will not give you a public platform until you are ready! When Jesus came up out of the water during Baptism His Father in Heaven said; ” This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased!” What is the reward Jesus is talking about if we do these three things? Some Christians especially in America think it is money, big houses, fancy cars, gold, land, stocks, bonds, ect. Some will even borrow great amounts of money to show the world they are Blessed of God? The reward Jesus is talking about is this; ” His Presence. ” His love for you! An eternity spent with Him both now and forever! Source; Sermon notes from Pastor Brady Boyd at New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado. July 14, 2013. Thankyou. James and Hamsa Sasse.

Mistaken Identity!

My Pastor Steve from Macon Georgia is a very talented man and oversee’s a congregation of about 1200 people. As a college student at Lee College he took a summer job in the local town at a funeral home. He thought the experience of ministering to the grieving would help him prepare for the ministry. That summer the funeral director made steve supervisor over 6 people because steve was so talented. This particular day they had two funerals scheduled. Both were scheduled to begin at 2:00 PM in churches located in opposite ends of the city. One deceased was a man and the other a woman. Well, Steve got the caskets mixed up and sent them to the wrong locations! To make matters worse they were both open viewing! When the lids were both lifted at 2:00 PM shreaks and screams began! Steve thought it was just emotions from the crowd for the dearly beloved. Then he heard one lady say he looks like her old boyfriend? Another said he was going to sue the funeral home? After some bad words were said to steve he realized his mistake! He quickly loaded the casket and headed for the other church! He got stopped on the way and got a speeding ticket. When he got to the other church there was not a warm reception for him there either! Monday morning was a difficult morning for steve as the funeral directory called him into his office. He explained to Steve that anything less than termination would not be accepted by the community. Steve got another job in fast food just up the road in the next town. We love and appreciate Pastor Steve Sawyer and the years he ministered to our family in Macon Georgia! James and Hamsa Sasse.