Fast Forward Redemption!

2 Peter 3:13 “Nevertheless we, according to his promise look for a new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.” Comment: The Apostle Peter is looking forward to the day when the old earth and the old heaven is passed away consumed by fire! Global warming consummation! Just like the old heaven and earth were created by God so the new! Right now you may be consumed with the here and now however that will change because God wants to change you for the new place! You could put criminals in the new heaven but would no longer be heaven! God is preparing his people for his place! Even the old heaven was tarnished by sin! War started in heaven! Lucifer and one third of the angels rebelled against God and were cast down to the earth! So then war began on earth! When the old heaven and the old earth are consumed with fire Satan will be cast into the Lake of Fire along with his followers! Only Christ can prepare us for this new place! How? By transforming us into his image while living in the old earth! The old man has to go! The new man has to come! Jesus said we must be born again! A new birth for the old man for the new place! A worm turned into a butterfly! The image of God reborn into your soul by the blood of the lamb! A sacrifice is required! Then to see the world through the eyes of God! I shared with you some time ago about C.S. Lewis who was an atheist and then got born again! He made an important observation about his conversion! He asked himself why should I think about right and wrong? Why should it matter to me? If I do wrong right stares me in the face! If I do right wrong stares me in the face? If I do right why does wrong remind me of my previous sins? Lewis concluded that right and wrong cannot be an issue to me unless there is someone outside of me greater than me bringing this consciousness before me everyday of my life! The God of righteousness will remind us of our image from him of being good and holy! Satan author of sin and death will try to remind us of our past sins to condemn us! Our soul cannot be fixed by ourselves but requires a power outside of ourselves! The God who made us knows how to fix us! To reject God and his Christ is a vain effort to fix ourselves! Christ defeated Satan for you but you will never defeat him by yourself! Self wars against God! Try to rewind your life without Christ you will only see death! Fast forward your life with Christ and you will be a resident in the new heaven and the new earth! Guilt does not come from God! Satan will always try to hold you hostage to your past! God has ransomed your life with the penalty of death on himself for your sin and has released from the prison of guilt and Satan the jailer of guilt! Redemption is from God and guilt and death from Satan! God reminds us of our future and Satan our past! Remind Satan of his future and of your forgiven past by the blood of the Lamb! James and Hamsa Sasse.

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