Creation & Christmas!

Colossians 1:15-16 “Who (Christ), is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature. For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers, all things were created by him:” Comment: It says in Hebrews 1:6, that he is the firstborn of the dead! Christmas is more than a manger scene in your front yard! Jesus created the world, saved the world and is Head of all Creation! If you had a request running an employment agency and your customer requested God you would send Jesus! Jesus is Creator of everything and thus judge of everything! He is owner of his Creation! Jesus came into the world as a baby in Bethlehem to die for our sin as a perfect sacrifice! No sin in him! Six times in the scriptures Jesus is declared the firstborn of God! Jesus pre-existed Creation and author of Creation! He is the first cause of Creation! The Trinity pre-existed everything with no beginning and no end! Our first parents Adam and Eve were not born but created! Jesus was born into the world for our redemption! God created us yet his creation you and me rebelled against him! Satan is the author of all rebellion! He will try to steal God’s Creation from you with his lies and deceptions! Jesus pre-existed his birth and post-existed his death! He conquered death for us! Our first natural birth cannot save us! We need to be born again! Born of the Spirit! A supernatural birth is needed! The virgin Mary had a supernatural birth! Impregnated by the Holy Spirit to produce the pre-existent Christ into the earth! We were born to live but Jesus was born to die! Our sin required the death of a sacrifice! God himself! Then raised from the dead for us! Science confirms Creation in that all humans DNA is 99.9 % similar! The .1 percent difference distinguishes us by hair color eye color , race and gender. The .1% also identifies us from each other! Much like a fingerprint! You are unique with no one exactly like you! You might say thank God? Your DNA is the blueprint for your soul and is sacred! This is why abortion is so horrible! We were created in the Image of God! Jesus showed us the invisible God! The missing link to eternal life is Jesus Creator of all! Jesus was without sin because he was God the perfect sacrifice! Christmas is a special time to wonder and stand in awe to God’s perfect plan! Imperfect man must embrace the perfect Savior for redemption from sin and death! For eternal life with Christ forever! To reject Christ is the only unpardonable sin because he took your judgment for sin for you! If you reject the Christ of Christmas then you take your own judgment separated from God in Hell! Christmas is about life! How could anyone say no to him? Even the demon possessed man living among the tombs chained to himself said yes to Jesus! He chose yes and not to follow Satan the two thousand pigs into the sea! Satan wants you for Christmas but only if you reject the Christ of Christmas! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Creation or Evolution?

Genesis 1:2-3 “And the earth came to pass without form desolate and useless, and void; and darkness with misery and falsehood was upon the face of the deep waters and the Spirit the breath of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light and there was light.” Comment: Science teaches us that in order to have life we must have water air and light! All three elements introduced at Creation! Without these we perish! Without light no heat no plants and no food! These space craft that explore our universe are looking for three things! Water air and light! An adult body is about 65% water! A new born infant is about 78% water! Water without form is useless! The entire flood in the days of Noah was water without form! When you put water in a glass it takes form and is useful! The land under a river gives the water form! A dam gives water form and is useful for irrigation and electrical power! The water pipes in your house give the water form and is useful to you! When God moved upon the face of the waters he gave it form! Purpose! When God breathed upon the waters he gave it oxygen! He gave it life! When the Holy Spirit breathes upon you he gives you life! As a mighty rushing wind! There is a river of life flowing from the Throne of God right now in Heaven! Tree’s grow along the banks of this river giving fruit that is healing for the nations! The next important element at Creation is light! Jesus is the light of the world! Without light we would freeze to death! No food and no heat! God created light because he is light! It is interesting in the Book of Revelation that heaven has no need of the sun and moon for light! God is the light himself that illuminates the heavens! Hell has light but the fire of judgment! Science will always support the scriptures! Everything you see or do not see God created! Give him the glory due his name! Satan got to hell by calling God a liar and taking credit upon himself for what God had done for him! Satan’s voice echo’s across the ages from the Garden of Eden saying; “Surely God has not said?” The Word of God is true and to oppose him is to join the ranks of Satan! To deny the life he has given you to self or another source is blasphemy! When we acknowledge Jesus as our Savior we are giving God credit creator of everything! To endorse God is to win his favor! To deny him is stupid! Do not be a disciple of the atheist  Charles Darwin! To deny God is like a midget taking on a 10 ton elephant! Do not compare yourself to a monkey and insult them! He has his purpose and you have your purpose! Your purpose is to worship God the creator of heaven and earth and creator of you! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Creation! Genesis 1:1

I want to know how God created the world? I am not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. The rest are details! Albert Einstein. (The Expanded Quotable Einstein, Princeton University Press, 2000. Page 202) Comment : Everything God does is based upon love! He did not have to create us and allow us to experience his love! The greatest thing in life is to experience the love of God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Science & Faith!

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind! Albert Einstein (1879-1955), Physicist. Comment: God created the sciences! Science supports creation the Biblical model! Everything we see, hear and touch is the result of a creative God! Science confirms the scriptures and the scriptures proclaim the sciences! Both support each other because they have the same foundation! James and Hamsa Sasse,

Big Bang Theory! Genesis 1:1

Scientist have confirmed that the earth, planets, sun, moon and stars all had the same starting point! They are all the same age! Before this starting point nothing existed in our universe! They have also concluded that time is a product of this starting point! Prior to creation there was no time! Scientist of the 21st Century are saying what theologians have said for thousands of years! One day soon we will run out of time with our physical death! It is also interesting that God uses his time to mark prophetic events in your Bible! Christmas and Easter would be two good examples! The word time means “to honor”. Are you honoring God with the time you have left here on earth? According to science the earth and the heavens are the same age! Easter time is coming soon! Will you honor God with the time he has given you? God first honored you with life, time and the sacrifice of his only Son so you could spend eternity with him! God has no beginning and no end! Even a dog does not bite the hand that feeds him! A dog recognizes the order in the universe and his place in it! Do we? Happy Easter! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Warning on Evolution!

A Heavenly Master governs all the world as Sovereign of the universe! We are astonished at Him by reason of His perfection, we honor Him and fall down before Him because of His unlimited power. From blind physical necessity, which is always and everywhere the same, [no variety adhering to time and place could evolve], and all variety of created objects which represent order and life in the universe could happen only by the willful reasoning of its original Creator, Whom I call the Lord God. Isaac Newton (1643-1727). Physicist, Mathematician, Astronomer and Inventor.

Worship in Heaven! Revelation 4:11

We are given a vision of worship in Heaven in Revelation Chapter four! After all the imagery of colors and the participants in worship around the Father and our Christ a conclusion is given in verse eleven of this glorious event! There is a key Greek word translated into our English word “Created.” This word confirms the creation story in the Book of Genesis! The conclusion of worship here is the acknowledgement to God and his Christ is that the residents of Heaven were created beings! You may think so what? Big deal! The revelation comes when you look at the second Greek word or the root Greek word the first Greek word is taken from! The two Greek words are the Strong’s # 2936 and # 2932. Strong’s #2932 is the key word! This Greek word means to purchase! We were purchased with a great price! His own blood! God is not a cheap skate to get something for nothing! The worshippers in Heaven were saying you purchased us with a great price! Your own blood! This is why the rejection of Jesus Christ is such a serious offense to God! Your redemption cost him everything and to reject this means separation from God in Hell. If we chose to keep our sin then we pay our own price for our sin! Separation from God forever! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Politics and Religion!

“The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventors of the Jews.” Adolf Hitler “There is nothing more abominable and miserable than religion!” Vladimir Lenin  Comment: What can we learn from the lessons of history? History repeats itself even the destructive parts of it! First what is Bolshevism? It is an ideology or doctrine of the violent overthrow of a capitalist government. It was born out of Russia with the Revolution of 1917 by the socialist communist party in Russia! Millions died in this revolution which really carries on today! The founders of socialism were all Jews! They were also atheists! There founders of socialism were names such as Engels, Marx, Lenin and many more! They along with Hitler and Mussolini were all followers of Charles Darwin and his Theory of Evolution! Darwin was also an atheist and his theory was based on the big assumption there is no God! Russia, Germany and Italy formed the Axis power against the Allied Nations of WWII. So why did Hitler and Stalin turn on each other during the early years of WWII? Remember Italy, Germany and Russia were all socialists! Dinesh D’Souza best explains how this can happen by examples! In Islam the Shiites and the Sunni’s! In Christianity the Catholics and the Protestants! Even though their doctrines were close yet war broke out among them! Also with the socialists! Here is how they get tripped up! Marx, Lenin, Stalin Mussolini and Hitler all agreed as per socialism doctrine all social classes must be eliminated! However except their own? So why is socialism a proven failure over history still promoted today especially in the American political left? So why does the American left go after Christians and Orthodox Jews? Because our Bible opposes socialism! Let us focus just on one point of socialism because I will go too long on this posting! Why the promotion of the gay and lesbian agenda by the Democrats? It is to destroy a social class! To remove the distinctiveness of gender! How about no borders and sanctuary cities? To destroy a social class of people! What about abortion! Thirty six percent of all abortions are done on African American women yet they only make up 13 percent of the population! To destroy a social class! Why the attack on Christian’s and their business enterprises? Why drag them into the courts all the time? To destroy a social class of people! Why the war on Trump! If the Christians gain ground socialism will be pushed back! The Republican Party is primarily made up of Christians and Orthodox Jews! The Democratic Party is made up of Atheists, socialists and followers of Charles Darwin and his evolution! One half the Jews in America are atheists and the other half Orthodox Jews! The Orthodox Jews vote Republican and the atheist Jews vote Democrat! As long as half the population remains Christian then the socialists cannot win! Why did President Johnson put in the 501c Tax exemption Christian churches? To silence the leadership of the church and take them out of the fight against socialism! So when will socialism win out? After the Rapture of the church! Then a one world government will be formed headed by the Anti-Christ a Jew and homosexual which will last for 7 years with the greatest destruction registered in world history! It will climax with the return of Christ and his reign over earth for a thousand years! Praise God! James and Hamsa Sasse.

Message to Churches! Revelation 1:5

Greek Translation: And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful one worthy to be believed keeping his promises a witness having knowledge of everything. The first born of the whole creation being before and after all things. The first born for the spiritual dead. He is the Prince or chief ruler of the Kings of the people in the earth as part of man’s dominion in creation. Unto him that first showed his love toward men. And washed us from the sin that kept us from our true purpose of life in his own blood. His blood the life of all flesh.

See! Hear! Write! Revelation 1:11

There are only two kinds of books you will read while living here on earth! The first category of books are those that support the Kingdom of God and his Christ! The second category are those books that oppose the Kingdom of God and his Christ! So the question you should ask yourself is does this book support or deny the kingdom of God and his Christ? You know the old saying you can never judge a book by its cover! The cover of every book ever written is either hiding the truth or a lie! The uncovering of the Book of Revelation uncovers the Truth of Jesus Christ! Either sin or righteousness will author every book that has ever been written! Sin cannot be defeated if it is exalted! Sin can be defeated and is defeated by the Christ that was the substitute sacrifice for your sin! For my sin! If we will confess our sin God is faithful to forgive our sin! To confess your sin to Christ is to uncover your sin before God! If we will do this then our names are written down in another Book! Your name is recorded in the Book of Life in Heaven! This Book will be opened at the Judgment Seat of Christ! If your name is not there it would be better if you had not been born! Remember any man or woman that rejects Christ will write a book to oppose Christ so that others would follow them and reject Christ! Hell loves company! Do not let the Kingdom of Darkness abort your Salvation! Herod like many others tried to abort Jesus! Herod got out his knives and swords the master abortionist and cut the womb of every pregnant woman in Bethlehem! Jesus was preserved by God to be the voluntary sacrifice on the Cross for our sin! All of God’s love for us is recorded in a Book called the Bible! The Book of Revelation reveals Jesus Christ as Savior and Judge of the world! For all of his creation! For his church! Truth boils down to one Book one God and one Savior Jesus Christ! James and Hamsa Sasse.